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I stood at a front door and a boy my age opened it. I saw inside his house; he had a tarantula and a bunch of crickets. The crickets belonged to his sister. The crickets hopped outside and began to scatter away. He followed to collect them, but it seemed impossible to me that he'd be able too. When he touched a cricket it would freeze and tuck its legs in. He did this to all the crickets, then picked them up and set them on two fallen leaves. I wasn't sure how long the crickets would stay paralyzed, so there was suspense.

He brought one leaf of crickets inside. When he came back out the other cricket leaf had fallen through a floorboard and onto the area below his porch. I helped him search nearby, but we found nothing. Now I really thought it'd be impossible to get them, but he assured me that we could and told me about data describing the pattern which crickets scatter in. It looked like a weird triangle graph. He said something about them scattering symmetrically and how we can calculate their positions based on how much time had passed since the leaf fell.

Then music about picking up crickets began to play, and I watched him find and collect the crickets as if it were a YouTube video. He held one out to me (as if I were holding a camera) then he pulled his arm back and ate the cricket.


I was at a Cub Foods with Andy. We were approaching the entrance. I didn't want to go in, but I wanted a free cookie. I said I'd wait outside and hoped that Andy would bring one out for me. Andy said if I wanted one I'd have to go in, so I went in.

An old salesman showed us fresh produce including some apples and butternut squash. I made a comment on the apples. The salesman lit up and was excited about my apple knowledge, but I felt like a phony because I think he thought I knew more than I really did. I was nervous the whole time that the employees (there were only two, the old man and his wife) would think that we were stealing.

Andy bought a flannel jacket and something else. I was holding the jacket while he checked out and the cash register woman didn't seem to notice. His total was 20-something dollars and it didn't include the cost of the jacket.

Dreampt I was taking my Spanish final exam and I didn't know anything. I was late in arriving because of the shopping trip with Andy in the previous dream. I answered half the questions, but I just did not know the other half and had to guess. One of the questions was something like: if you had some # of liters of milk, and boxes which held some # of gallons, how many boxes would you need to hold the milk. (I answered “3”, but one of my classmates afterwards told me it was “2”). Some of the questions were about Jojo. The last question was about Yasuho hitting something with her car and I was supposed to know what that was, as if Jojolion were required reading material for the course.

My classmates who'd arrived on time for the exam were leaving, but I had a little more time since I came in late. I really shouldn't have been allowed the extra time, but the professor was being kind. Finally he came over and said time's up. He took my test and then he made a comment which made me know for certain I did poorly, but he was only trying to be reassuring, saying something like, “oh I think everyone did pretty bad.”

My stepbrother was playing a racing game about people on roller skates in neon tunnels, but it was also a bit similar to guitar hero. He was playing against two other people, a boy and a girl who knew each other, and I watched. They were all competitive in an understated type way. The girl won, but they had a good game and it was close.

There was a festival going on. I was there with Kate and Zoey. There was a man giving away free frozen yogurt. We walked in his direction. There was a job-fair type stand where a woman was offering free juul samples. She was trying to sell vape stuff for her company.

The guy who was giving out the frozen yogurt had a big cup of it with different flavor scoops all set on top of each other. If we wanted a scoop, we had to grab it from the cup. He offered the cup urgently, so we didn't have time to choose. We just had to grab the first one we could. Zoey got an orange color scoop. I don't remember the color of Kate's or mine, but they were a pretty combination and went well with my fingernails, so we took a picture with my hands holding the three-color scoops.


I was at a library looking for a book with a thin blue spine. I kept pulling out books with thin blue spines, but they weren't the title I was looking for. One of the books I pulled out had the title “Herandu” like the Weather Report song. There was a black woman by me looking for a book too. We were silent together in the science fiction section.


Dreampt I was in New York with Mom, Charlie, and Julia. We had gone to see a play and were trying to take the subway home. It was really busy. We got on a train, but I wasn't sure if it was the right one. The train took us through the Japanese countryside. [Also went to the Japanese countryside on January 16, 2021]


Dreampt I was on a ship. There was an elevator and the ground had standing water. I waded through to the elevator and hoped no fish would approach me. I was going to go up some floors to a bar, but I was alone and not fully clothed. I also didn't know the names of any alcoholic beverages. After contemplating what to do for a while I finally decided I'd go to the bar.

The bar was multicolored and tropical. It felt liminal like purgatory or a waiting room. I showed the bartender my ID and ordered something off a list. Then I saw something, a paper or a plaque, with years listed and the names of drinks written next to those years. The names of the drinks sounded kind of horror-y when I read them on the plaque, but they were the same names as the drinks being offered by the bar currently and I didn't think anything weird of them earlier when I was ordering. There were little images next to the years, too, which displayed kind of disturbing, feeling-of-horror things.

I was worried that they were planning on doing something to me/my drink and then 2019 would be added to the list along with an image of me in my particular horror. A little nervous and confused, I went to find a seat away from the bar. There was a big, dark leather booth with tall backs to the seats. I went over to it and then felt that it was the same one I saw in one of the images on the plaque, and I sort of flashed back to these Mac and Dennis-type people sitting there and arguing about Rambo. I felt even more like something bad was going to happen to me.

In another part of the dream the ship was being renovated and the renovators were tearing apart a lamb or something as part of the process. Because they only needed “certain parts” they tore the animal and only took the parts which had a pink trim and sturdiness to it.

In another part of the dream (not sure if this happened after or before I decided to go to the bar) I went to a rustic wooden lodge building and sat at a high-top table in the lobby. I started drawing. Two girls came up and sat by me. They ignored my completely but also seemed to be upset and repulsed by my presence. I began to feel hurt and awkward and self-aware. This led me to start smiling and laughing nervously to myself. They still weren't acknowledging me, but we were all painfully aware of each other.

The girl to my right picked up a drawing I'd done. It was of a dog. She shifted around another drawing of a dog I had on the table and looked at the two side by side. She made a confused face. I said, “aren't they cute?” She didn't respond, but I felt slightly acknowledged at least.

Jack was fucking around in my room. He was trying to “get” someone because they upset him or something. He picked up a long pink charging cable and put it between his teeth. I said something about how cutting the live wire was only going to hurt him. He didn't listen and cut the wire, which made a loud “pop” noise. I looked at Jack and he was in pain from the shock. He wasn't in major pain, but I could tell it hurt. Then I saw that Lola was touching the chord when it was cut, and she also got hurt. A chunk of her lip was missing and her right eye looked blunt-trauma bloody. I wasn't sure if I should bring her to the emergency vet or not, since it was after hours and would be expensive. I wasn't sure if her injuries even required vet care either.


Dreampt I was walking with Zoey and she found a 4-leaf clover. I held it for her and wrapped a 3-leaf clover around it, like a taco, to protect it.


I lit off a firework in my room. It was the type that goes off in “stages.” It damaged the ceiling and I realized how stupid I was. I was too scared to pick it up, and I didn't know where else I would put it even if I did pick it up. Mom and Grandma Sandy came up to the room. Mom pushed out the window screen and threw it on the roof. The way it landed on the roof made it aim right through the branches of a tree, and I wondered if it'd end up hitting the tree once it went off again.

I was at the kitchen table near Charlie's seat and Grandma Dona told me to pursue the things I like within the things I pursue. She said, for example, she liked to play the piano, but didn't like playing certain songs, so she didn't play those songs.


Dreampt I was in the parking lot of somewhere with Katarina and two other girls. One of the girls had a vibe like she was a slightly older peer of ours and therefore had authority. Katarina and I were waiting for the girls to be done with something. After 3 hours I snapped and we left without them. I was everyone's ride, but they were taking such a disrespectful amount of time. When driving out of the parking lot (which was like the parking lot in front of Rutherford) I saw many people all dressed in bright colors; maybe they were a school band or something. Finally, Kat and I got out of there.

Then we were walking around a building with long continuous hallways, maybe a strip-mall of some type. We went to a Cold Stone Creamery that was a kiosk, not a shop. A lady working there gave us a huge spiel in an attempt to get us to buy merch. I acted super naive as if I didn't know how to order ice cream. Eventually I ordered a small cup of ice cream with no toppings or a spoon. It felt like the Cold Stone employees were trying to rip me off.

Kat and I then went to a hotel; we went to the elevators. As we got there a young couple was getting into one. I jumped into the elevator right before it shut, leaving Kat behind, but I did not do this with malicious intent.

The couple was going to floor 4. I was going to floor 7. The door opened on a floor before 4 and the woman of the couple got out, but it was a mistake! The door shut before she could get back in. I asked her man if he was going to go back for her and he said yes. I wondered whether I should go back down for Kat, or if I should go up to our floor and expect her to meet me there. The man started acting goofy which got me in a goofy mood, so we both started acting like fools. I was having fun, so I decided to get off on floor 7 and hope that Kat took the stairs.


Outside of a cafe, the 3 girls Julia's going bowling with today (Oct. 23 IRL) were completely ignoring Julia and acting so rude right in front of her. I cursed them out and called them evil. [Similar to July 19, 2021]

I was on a sailboat with an older man and some other people including Amy; Amy was piloting the sailboat. We'd departed from a larger boat. When we left the weather was nice, but as we went away it got stormy and dark, and cold. I wanted to turn around very badly and go back to the big boat. We turned around, but we'd gotten decently far away, even though it didn't feel like much time had passed. On the way back we passed a sunken sailboat and I asked Amy something about it, but I don't remember what I asked or what she answered.


Mom, Julia, Charlie, and I were somewhere far away travelling and it was our day to fly home. Our plane had to go to space and connect to a pod, then all the passengers would get into the pod and then we'd go back to ground, to the MSP airport I guess. It was Mom's job to connect the plane to the pod. We hadn't gotten on the plane yet. I was packing and taking the most time. I was in the meditation corner of my room shoving stuff into my backpack.

Eventually we got to the airport. At the airport, Charlie was explaining the whole outer-space thing to me. Then I wandered around outside without pants or underwear on while we waited for our plane. It was night. I kept going into a clothing store and then walking out without buying anything or even looking at anything. I would walk in, then walk out and go to a different store, then always I'd find myself back in the first store, then leave again. No one noticed that I wasn't wearing pants or at least no one said anything, but I thought they must've noticed. I had just left the shop and was walking. It was windy so I was pulling my shirt down so it wouldn't blow up and make it more obvious that I wasn't wearing pants. I saw and heard Mom calling my name down the street. I saw a different guy calling my name and ran to him because he was closer to me than Mom was. He told me we missed our flight because they couldn't find me. I felt so heart-crushingly bad. I didn't know why I wandered off in the first place and I'd totally forgotten about the plane ride. The guy told me that we were going to fly to Kiev and help do something that involved deep sea diving, then after that we'd be able to go on a plane and go home.
