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Dreampt Zoey's mom worked at a Target which was part of Mahtomedi High School. Zoey was helping her mom after school and I was going to meet up with her. I was trying to find my way through the school, which was difficult. There were lots of students in the halls because school had just gotten out.

The building was weird and had a forked shape like this |__|__| The lines branching off were the hallways and where the classrooms were. The dashed strip they were branching off from was outside and looked like the area outside a trailer with a cement patio and steps leading down off the side. Kind of like an airplane loading area a little bit. The sky was a nice light blue and it was sunny. It felt like a Friday.

I finally found my way over to the Target. Ms. T. saw me and she also went in. She said something flattering about me to Zoey's mom then left. Zoey's mom then talked about something very passionately and energetically. It was a one-way conversation. Then I found Zoey, who was working on a poster for something, some event that was happening at the Target. She said after she's done “we will go together to Boar's Head.” I was excited because I suppose I was already 21 in the dream.


Dreampt that Katarina and I were going to go on a vacation to Bermuda. We even bought the plane tickets, but the flight was going to leave at 8:something pm and neither of us had packed.


I was anxious about my upper ear piercing getting infected, so I took it out, but then I was even more anxious. I went back to the piercing lady and she said, “go put it back in,” but I thought it might've closed up. I wanted to put it back in, but I was scared to do it myself. The piercing lady was busy. She was helping someone ahead of me. It was late at night. I thought she could get to me before the night was through, but she couldn't. I asked if she was closing shop and she said no, she was setting up for her after-hours gig where she tells stories/entertains.

I was at a huge party with Luke, Spencer, et al. It was at a house with lots of rooms. Everything was very wonky. I opened a door and went into a room. The floor was hilly and a beige color. It was soft and sand colored, sort of squishy, and it was fluctuating. All over the floor, everywhere, there was cocaine or ketamine or meth. The guy who dropped it all there—or just some guy—said that it was some drug with a weird name. It was all over the floor of the entire house.


Dreampt I was getting seated on a plane. I went to the back and in my row was Luann de Lesseps. She was holding a baby. Sitting next to her was Andy Cohen. Luann got up and gave me the baby to hold. I sat down where she was sitting, and she disappeared. I looked up and saw Anderson Cooper standing in the aisle. He looked annoyed. I turned to Andy and he looked angry too. Even though it was my seat, I felt like Anderson was waiting for me to move so he could sit by Andy.

Dreampt there was a small dessert concession stand in this open, cement-floored museum lobby. I wanted to get something but didn't want anything with dairy. I surveyed the options and decided I wanted frozen yogurt, but I made no attempts to actually get it.
