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Dreampt that Dad was telling me something about aliens or mind reading or the government when suddenly he disappeared. It was distressing because I thought he'd just come back, but he didn't. The government took him or something and he was absolutely gone. Something paranormal took him, I mean he just disappeared! I felt very panicked once I noticed he wasn't returning. I was looking for help or just anyone to talk to and tell what happened.

A personification of death, but as a teenager in a band T-shirt, was outside my window holding a sign. I called him over and explained: “my dad and I were talking. We were talking about the paranormal, aliens, ideas being implanted in minds, and so on. After my dad said something, he disappeared into thin air. I thought he'd come back, but he didn't. When he didn't come back, I realized it was serious. Whatever he was saying must've been the truth, and someone or something didn't want him to have that knowledge.” I told this to the teenage grim reaper, and he said he'd help me “after” he did something else. Presumably something with the signs, but I don't remember.

I was in my public speaking class. I thought to myself, “why did I get up and come to a class that I dropped?” It was a presentation day, and the professor was putting stuff up on the board for someone to present with when he accidentally showed all the students' personal information and his own social security number. The kids in the class were o.O-ing.

Then the teacher came over to me. I thought he was going to yell at me for being in a class I'm not enrolled in, but he didn't confront me about that. He was worried about himself and getting in trouble, because it was illegal to share that info with the class.


I was sitting in a building and there was a dimly lit lounge in the room next to me. Lil Wayne was performing for the patrons who sat in booths. He put on a beautiful, heartfelt show and I remember thinking, “he's a genius.” He was doing more of a spoken-word thing instead of rapping.

I was sitting on the floor with Katarina during the performance. I saw Zoey, Luke, and Ben so I went over and talked to them. I asked Zoey if she was a Scorpio and she said no, she's a Pisces. Then she said that after this year they're getting rid of the Scorpio sign.

I went back to where I was sitting to grab my stuff or to get anything I forgot. There were people there, so they had to get up for a second while I looked. I found my DS with Animal Crossing running in it. I also found Kat's DS. But the Animal Crossing game running in my DS was old. It was some City Folk game that I remembered playing a lot. I was frantic to find my budapest game.

Then I started playing the City Folk game, which had both a bus stop and the stairs across the train tracks. I wondered what they put beyond the stairs, because the city where the bus goes probably had Nook's shop and all that, so I went up the stairs and there were all these stores. Like street rows of strip malls. Then it was like I was there myself in person. I went into a K-Mart.


Dreampt that I'd dreampt that Julia said that I broke her Ouija board. Then, when I “woke up,” Julia said I broke her Ouija board. I FREAKED out because she was holding a Ouija board. I was trying to tell her that she'd said that same thing in my dream, but I knew it was just a dream because she didn't have a Ouija board in real life. But now that I saw that she did have one, I freaked out. I made her, Mom, Charlie, and I pour gasoline on the board and light it on fire. We held hands and said the Lord's Prayer while standing around it as it burnt on the driveway.


Dad and Charlie were texting. I was very angry. I was with Charlie co-authoring the texts although Dad didn't know I was there. That's the kind of texting situation it was. The texting was regarding some sort of financial something. Something about trying to plan something, and Dad was talking about how busy he and Victoria were going to be this summer travelling. I saw an image of Dad with a dead bear that he'd killed with Victoria while on vacation. They were all smiling and happy as the bear lay dead and gory, its cubs were dead and dying around it.


I dreampt that I beat the shit out of this kid who reminded me of a mix between George U. and someone else, some other frat kid. I ran away and thought I was going to get in trouble, because I was. “They” were looking for me, and I realized I wouldn't go to the juvenile detention. At some point I was inside a yellow hallway. I was frightened, and then I was taking care of Croix on a grassy hill with a civic center building at the bottom and the sky was grey.
