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A small group of friends and I were sitting at a table. I saw a tarantula on the wall and pointed it out. I wasn't especially frightened, and neither were my friends. Then the spider started crawling towards the ceiling and on the ceiling. I didn't want it to come near me, so I got up and tried to get away. But it moved fast, so I just curled up in a ball on the floor. At this point it was right by me and interested in me, and now it was a tiger instead of a tarantula. It was nudging me with its head and lying down next to me. I was so afraid I couldn't speak. I thought it was going to try to “play” with me and it would be so rough I'd die. Only then I realized how dangerous tigers were and how, when I first saw it on the wall, I shouldn't have been so nonchalant.

I was in my history class at the end of the lecture. I overheard people (Ella J., I think) talking about how far they were in the readings. They were almost finished with the 2nd assigned book, while I was still a way from done with the first. This realization made me anxious and feel inadequate because of how difficult the readings were for me and how easy they seemed to be for everyone else. Then I talked to the professor and he gave me the next book.

There was a bus that I needed to catch headed towards the park. The park was a bus stop in this dream. Grandpa and Julia were at the bus stop. Julia was texting me and reminding me how close the bus was, and how I needed to hurry. But I had to go into Kate's house and get a brush to comb my hair, so I ran fast to do this.

When I went inside Kate's house, I saw a little kid who I guess was Kate's younger sister. I told her to not fear me, “I'm just here to brush my hair then leave.” She was completely not scared of me or concerned with me being in her house to begin with, though. She barely acknowledged me at all.

I went and brushed my hair then quickly tried to leave, but Melissa and some other ladies were by the door. I knew I had to talk to them. We said hi and I tried to quickly explain why I was in her house, but that I couldn't talk because “I really have to leave to make the bus.” I told her that then left.

I was walking towards the bus stop as fast as I could when I heard Julia's voice in my head say something like “it's one minute away, hurry up!” The resulting panic from that sentence woke me up.

I was at a skincare shop located in what looked like the high school but really was a train station in Los Angeles. The shop was up on a platform, and the sunken area (where the tracks are in a subway) was full of people walking in either direction. It was full of people, like a traffic jam of people.

I was with my family in the skincare store. We decided that Lola was old and that we would get a new dog through a service that the store ran, where they gave you a new dog after taking away your old one. At this point in the dream I didn't seem to fully grasp what this meant. They took Lola away in a truck and gave us a new white dog.

I then realized that, although she is old, Lola still has life left and I want to maximize that time with her. I imagined putting her down someday but being there with her, instead of doing this program where I'm not with her.

I said, “I change my mind and want Lola back.” I didn't think it'd be a problem since the car only just left with her a minute ago. The cashiers said they'd bring her back. They started looking at my class schedule and commenting on how hard the classes were when they took them. This was taking a frustrating amount of time.

They finally said it was done and “she's coming back.” I ran down into the travelling masses of people (I don't know why I did this). While down in the masses I noticed this rolled up plant I thought was a joint. It seemed to fall from my hair behind my ear. It was a stem of a flower or plant. I asked someone next to me to check the back of my head to see where it came from. They told me that it grew from the back of my head.

I went back into the shop to ask where Lola was, and the cashier became very mean. She said that it was Lola growing out of the back of my head. She said that she couldn't bring Lola back. This was the only way, by having her grow from me. This was wholly terrifying, and I regretted getting rid of her so badly that I woke up.


Many anxiety dreams of missing the bus last night. The setting of all my morning dreams was the Willey Hall bus stop. Lots of random bus missing/unable to find bus stop dreams. Running up and down staircases.


Dreampt that I was walking along and I saw Kylie Jenner's house. It was completely unattended, and I thought, “I can't let this opportunity pass me by,” so I broke in.

I heard footsteps indoors—frantic! And thought “one of her assistants has ESP and knows I broke in.” They were heading upstairs. I hid behind two doors, pulling them shut and holding them, but the assistant knew exactly where I was. I didn't hold the doors well and he saw me, so I ran around him to try my escape. I went into an elevator. I thought I might've made it, but he caught me in the parking garage (presumably under Kylie's house). I talked to him sympathetically and he responded the same way. I felt an empathetic connection.

Then we were in love or a little bit in love and we were trying to think of a way out of the whole mess. If I left no stone unturned, deleted text messages and didn't leave anything behind, I thought we'd be safe.

But then Kylie is at this big table with a bunch of people. Ben, a girl assistant of Kylie's, et al. Kylie is pissed and she's going to find who broke in and press charges. I am so nervous! We're at this table and Kylie says, “I know who did it. I found her text messages in corroboration with ‘male assistant'... it was ‘female assistant'!” The least likely suspect... I felt a bit of relief because the main person of blame had been found, but I felt terrible and so heart-achingly bad for the assistants.

Then someone sitting next to Ben fessed something about Ben being culpable in the break in. But Kylie couldn't prove it, and she already had people to be mad at, so he didn't get in trouble.

I was still so nervous about getting caught and punished, but I was also unsure of my role in the whole thing now. I thought I had acted alone, but now it seemed like I was just the body who went into the house, and other stuff like ‘the motivation' was working behind the scenes via the female assistant and male assistant. Even Ben was in on the plan somewhere.

A big group of friends and I were heading somewhere for a celebratory event and we needed to take the subway. We went to the subway station and a police officer lady asked to see our IDs to make sure we were all 21. She only checked a couple of them before letting us all through.

The subway was super busy. It was dim with people everywhere running around. Super crowded. All the people seemed like paupers from the 50s. For some reason I was under the impression that a lot of the people there were Italian.

Ben, I, and some girl made our way down to the platform quickly because the train was there. The train was packed full and I knew we wouldn't all fit. For some reason I squished on right before the doors closed. I watched Ben and the girl's astonished faces as I rode off.

I felt unstable in my position within the train. Like I was going to fall off. I came to my senses and realized what I'd done. I was separated from the whole group and headed someplace I didn't know. We were all supposed to be taking the train together, to go to someone's party.

I got off at a stop and decided to still go the party. They'll meet me there, I thought. But it was getting dark and I was alone in a city. I started walking down the street and realized the danger I was in.

Two Asian girls talked to me and were friendly. I enjoyed their presence in this dream a lot. We all walked together to their house. It was like a trailer but with big glass windows. It looked cozy and Scandinavian. It was lit up on the inside and you could see through the window a cute grey pitbull. There was weird furniture, a whiteboard and seats like a classroom, but modern and all white.

Monet Xchange talked to me at some point in this dream, but I'm writing this the day after and have forgotten that part (besides seeing it on the post-it).


Dreampt I was driving around with Kate. I told her that my Dad was getting married. She said she already knew and that he'd invited her to the wedding.

We drove to my house. Mom was home and in a room. Dad and Victoria walked in the front door and I ran up the stairs to get away from them. Kate followed me but couldn't anticipate my every move, so she was seen by them. Kate and I went into this nice bathroom upstairs. I told her I'd never even seen the room before; it was a renovation my dad and Victoria did.

Dad and Victoria caught up to us. There was someone else with me and Kate now. The other person started beating the shit out of Dad. Victoria tried to talk to me. She appeared to me in this dream exaggeratedly insufferable. She had a “male” vibe—so male it feels weird to describe her in this dream using girl pronouns.

I somehow found out that she and dad were selling the house for 2 million dollars. I started choking her and screaming the “camel through the eye of a needle” saying. I noticed I'd almost strangled her to death when I stopped choking her. I let her breathe for a while then choked her again (it was one of the most violent dreams I've had in a long time).

Finally I said, “I'll stop hurting you if you repeat the words I said to you.” She tried but she couldn't remember the saying. She seemed retarded like a vapid cartoon character. Like “aww shucks gee I don't know!” I screamed the phrase at her and beat her and told her to try again. She still couldn't get it.

Dreampt I was cleaning garages. I was cleaning many garages besides my own. While vacuuming up a few spiders and bugs in one garage I noticed that the “bugs” were little cats. Tiny cats the size of silverfish. A voice in my head—completely not my own, like a television set making noise—was giving a little spiel about how it's ok for anyone, in general, to kill the little cats because they are vermin regardless of them being cats and they do bad things therefore can be killed without guilt, like a bug. The info was not directed at me, it was just appearing in my mind like noise. It was not my own thoughts.

While being told this I tried to come to my own conclusion. I wanted to clean the garage so I wanted to vacuum them up, but every time I noticed it was a little cat, I couldn't do it. Finally, I decided I'd just let it be and continue cleaning.

Then, because I was carefully examining the floor for the cats, I noticed a little cage with a cream-colored bunny hanging upside-down in it. It was hanging like bait in a trap. It was a really small bunny, about the size of a mouse. I saw it was still alive and wanted to save it but didn't want to scare it. I reached my hand to the gate of the cage, hoping not to frighten it. It was happy, not frightened. I took the bunny out and carefully held it in my hand. I was very scared I'd kill it somehow because it was so weak.

Then I noticed another cage, this time with a golden retriever puppy, again the size of a mouse, hanging from the top like bait in a trap. I rescued it too. I put them both side-by-side in a little box and was very nervous that they would die. I didn't know how to prevent that, so I just hoped they'd pull through on their own.

I went outside the garage and saw Katarina. I told her about what I'd found. We went back to the garage together so I could show her whose garage it was. When we were in the garage, we heard an alert telling us the neighbor was coming. We ran out of there and down the street.


Dreampt that there was a boxelder bug crawling on my comforter. I freaked out and killed it then looked at my window and saw more of them. I killed all of those, too. I spoke aloud to some people in my room, “it's boxelder bug season again.” I felt worried and upset that I'd be so vulnerable to them when asleep. I was so upset I thought I wouldn't even be able to sleep in my room anymore. This thought bothered me so much that I woke up.
