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1/1/19 |
Dream took place at the Cub strip mall and surrounding area. It was night but the sky was fairly bright and there were lots of people. Lots of youths were around. Lots of people were stealing and no one was getting in trouble. There was an older man who worked there, who was outside in the parking lot. I don't remember if I had stolen something or not at this point. As I walked past him I could see that he didn't like when people stole, but knew he couldn't do anything about it. There was an aspect of him that knew this was allowed these days and was just what the youth did. He had to let the world change around him. |
1/5/19 |
I was by the side of the road with Lola. The road slightly curved. It was sunny with a blue sky. I picked up Lola. A car passed once and the driver was a young woman in her early 30s. The car passed again, only this time it crashed and rolled over. A couple people flocked around the car after the crash, but the only memorable person was a burnt-up skinny guy. He was completely charred and not distinctly human. Like the fire station men from Twin Peaks. I wondered who'd died in the accident. I saw it was the girl from earlier. I kept saying something about calling for help, but I didn't call for help. |
1/8/19 |
Dreampt that Ben was in some beautiful desert on vacation. He sent me a snapchat and I felt so jealous I went insane. |
1/9/19 |
Dreampt I was making my own cosmetics line. Dante was helping me. We were mixing stuff together for it in the backyard. I held up my hand and my ring and middle fingers wouldn't extend all the way. From my point of view it looked like the top digit on each was amputated. Someone called Mom and told her that the formula for my makeup was toxic to babies. I was in the downstairs bathroom washing barbecue sauce off my face when she told me this. Then it was night and I was at a fair with Dante. While he worked at the fair I rode on a ride. The ride was like this: I was on the first car of a train. Before the train was to go over a track perpendicular to it, I had to remove the train-car behind me by slashing it. If I didn't remove the car, I would eventually crash into that car, because as the train snaked down the tracks, the slot that I removed (where the car I slashed was) is where I would go through as I passed over the perpendicular track. At the beginning this wasn't as important, because the train wasn't long enough to extend over all those tracks. The train I guess (paradoxically) got longer as I knocked off cars. At the beginning of the ride, before I was occupied with not crashing, I fought off these little creatures on the car behind me. |
1/14/19 |
I was dreaming but semiconscious that I was dreaming. I saw a UFO fly in my room over my head. It looked like a giant smoke detector. I knew it was a dream but it really freaked me out. Earlier in the waking day I read about Elvis being visited by aliens who showed him his future. They showed him an image of a man in a white suit. So I thought to myself, “I'd like aliens to visit and tell me what my future holds.” But when I saw the UFO I was so frightened that I sent out the thought: “I change my mind, please don't visit me!” Then my ears started ringing with a piercing high-pitched sound. When I “pushed” the sound, I imagined it like two metal cones coming out of my ears then retracting back in. After this I fell into non-lucid sleep. |
I clicked on a video on tumblr and the video became my whole field of vision. The video was animated, not live-action. In the video a man approached a table. It was all dark in the background but a light illuminated the table. The man put down some objects on the table, then he began confessing some sin he'd committed. The objects he set on the table started moving and reenacted the scene he was describing. The man spoke with such emotion it brought me to tears. I didn't know humans could speak with such emotion. Once he was done confessing, the objects started moving again. Only this time they slowly started to clean up their sins. They acted out themselves doing the right thing. Then, in a different but similar scene, another man walked up to the table and set his objects down. He was wearing a ski mask. He did the same thing as the first man. He described his sins passionately and remorsefully and the objects moved. Once he finished, the objects picked themselves up and acted out doing the right thing. The objects were strange little abstract dolls. In the wake of all the carnage, suits seemed to materialize on them. A couple of them picked up a dead body and carried it for burial. Around that, the other dolls fixed themselves and each other. It was extremely powerful emotionally for me and I cried again. Then the video changed and became a live action movie. In the movie there were two girls in what I guess was their apartment. One of them had a pixie cut of blonde hair. They were getting ready to go out for the night. They both had on vibrant blue bras and underwear and were putting on bodysuits of the same color. They also had blue eye makeup on and glitter. They were from the future. An older, skeevy man entered the apartment and propositioned one of the girls sexually. She refused. When she exited the scene, the blonde girl went over to the man like she was interested. Then it was another scene. The girls still hadn't left, but I think they were getting close to leaving. They were in the stairwell of their building. There were two glass windows that met in one of the corners. The stairs were spiral. Through the window you could see that it was nighttime, and they lived in a city. The girls were talking passionately but not quite to the point of arguing. It didn't feel like a movie anymore, I felt like I was invisible, floating around and watching them. Out the window I saw a UFO fly across the night sky. |
I had driven all the way to the cabin, but I couldn't remember why. The cabin looked different, almost like Amy's house transplanted to the middle of the woods. When I arrived I was surprised to see other cars parked out front. Then G&G, Amy, Greg, and Joey came out of the cabin and started talking to me while I was still in the car. I couldn't remember what I drove all the way up there for. |
1/16/19 |
I was in the basement of the house in a dirty room. The room was as dirty as the Trainspotting bathroom. It was very dirty. But I thought it was somehow aesthetically pleasing. Jordyn sent me a photo of herself sitting on a toilet in the bathroom at her work. The bathroom was similarly dirty. I wanted to take a picture of the room I was in and share it, but I felt like I'd be a phony if I did. I felt jealous of Jordyn and thought her dirty room was more legitimate than mine. I felt like she had the right to share pictures of her dirty room and I didn't have that right. I took a video of my room anyways, but I decided not to share it. The video was wonky with the lights changing color and the shapes of objects fluctuating towards distortion, but I thought this was cool and modern art-like. Then I decided I was tired and wanted to go upstairs to sleep in my room, which meant I'd have to leave the basement and turn off the light. This was scary to me. I flipped the light switch and ran all the way upstairs. But when I flipped the light switch, I also switched a fan switch, so the fan turned on and started making noise. In the hallway upstairs, I tripped on my Maria train that was on the floor. I wondered why it was on the floor in the hallway instead of in my room. I realized it was in the hall because Mom had fixed it and it was drying. I decided I couldn't leave the fan on downstairs, so I went to turn it off, but now the journey downstairs was brighter and not as scary. I don't remember this part of the dream well. I'm not sure if I turned off the fan. Back upstairs in my room there was a tree with pink leaves planted by my window. The curtains were parted around it and it was basking in the sunlight. I heard noise downstairs. Mom was at home in the middle of the day, which was weird. She came up to my room and I thanked her for fixing my Maria train. |
1/19/19 |
I was at an event, sitting at a table with Luke and two other people. A table for four. There were lots of other people at tables for four. All the tables were served a cake. We cut ours into four slices and I ate my slice. I got up for a quick second. When I came back to the table, my spot was taken by Anna C. Luke was dating her. They apologized to me but made me feel like a super rejected loser. They pointed out another table I could sit at. Owen was sitting at that table. Anna Craig asked me something and I said something about human relationships not being split into only two categories. Then we got up and walked around the venue. I was surprised to see that a lot of tables didn't eat their cakes at all. Me and some other girls asked if we could eat some of one of the uneaten cakes, then we ate it. |
I was walking in a city with Mom and Julia. We came upon this above ground tunnel thing. I went around the tunnel because there were some sketchy looking people inside. But Mom and Julia went through. I got scared they were attacked. |
I was at a big concert hall show. All these odd acts were being performed. It was a show put on by a high school I'd never heard of. Gabrielle S. was there and was very rude to me. I accidentally took her coat because I confused it for my own. When I returned it to her and explained, she made this face at me like I was the scum of the earth and how dare I talk to her. I got very upset and told her she looked like “this” and made an ugly facial expression. Sort of froglike. |
1/23/19 |
I was sitting by and talking to Shep Rose at an airport. |
I was talking to Mom, Catherine, and Nick on Katarina's lawn, but they went inside to get ravioli as I was talking, which I thought was rude so I stopped talking. They brought the ravioli back out to share with me. |
I was at a mall with Mom and Julia. Mom had just got a pedicure and it was already messed up, so I told her to go back to the salon, because we were still at the mall, and get it repainted. We went to the front desk of the salon and the front desk lady was super rude to us. When we walked away, I was so angry. Mom said, “that's how customer service is in Canada.” Then I was walking home with Mom and Julia. We were at the stretch in [neighborhood] by the [neigbor]'s house. I was downloading music on my phone. I accidentally downloaded an America album that I didn't want. In order to delete it I had to press this button which forced me to throw up. I had to press that button for every song I deleted. A pack of golden retrievers and golden puppies ran past me, but I was focused on deleting my songs and didn't pay them attention. Also on the walk, Mom told me that she knew mutual people who knew Jordyn's family when I was a kid. She said that I'd just happened to meet Jordyn before, when we were young, by coincidence. She also said that she thought, back then, that Jordyn wouldn't be my friend into adulthood. |
1/27/19 |
I was in New Orleans in a run-down apartment building. There were two floors and a courtyard in the middle, but the courtyard was just carpet. Just a big indoor carpeted area. I could see into the apartments and they weren't very nice, but some of them looked kind of cozy, particularly one in the corner right near the front entrance and to the left (facing away from the entrance). The apartments were dimly lit and had old “dusty” style furniture. Then the dream was taking place in a house across the street. It was very dark inside. It felt horror-movie-ish. I don't remember anything clearly before the memorable part. A middle-aged Asian man went upstairs. Not me, but the character in the dream I was empathizing with (as if it were a movie, but this empathy was stronger, and I felt as if she were me) was a young girl. I had a split-second panic where I felt I needed to go upstairs to get away from something. I went upstairs, but right before I opened the door (to the room the middle-aged man also went into), I panicked and thought that maybe what the little girl is trying to get away from is actually in that room. The door to the room opened and I saw that it was just the middle-aged man, but it was too late. I looked down the stairs to see that the little girl had not made it in time. Whatever thing we were running from got her. It was this terrifying Japanese demon-esque thing. It was long and eel-like but Big Bird size. I was shocked and thought “I didn't think this dream was going to be a non-human/unrealistic dream. I didn't know it'd turn so fantastical in its horror” or something like that. It was so scary. I also remember thinking “this is the scariest horror movie I've ever seen” but I knew it wasn't a movie. The aspect that was so terrifying to me was that the dream was highly realistic up until the demon. The staircase in the house was like one that led into an attic, so at the top it was sort of “boxed in” from all sides. There was only a square opening to climb through to get upstairs. We blocked the demon from coming upstairs by “fanning” the opening with a flat board to cover it. It never blocked the entire opening all at once though, so the demon was always close to breaking through and it was scary. Someone with feminine energy escaped out the upstairs room window. The demon (which now had a mother energy but witchy) got upset and chased her. I watched out the window as the feminine person ran to the apartment building to hide and the witch demon pursued. |
1/30/19 |
I was walking to the building for my public speaking class. The hallways were very crowded and there was a line to go upstairs, which is where my class was. I felt nervous. I saw Max and called out to him, but he didn't see me. When I finally got upstairs, I couldn't find my classroom. The room I thought was my classroom was holding another class. I figured my class was cancelled. I went outside to catch a bus back to the main part of the campus. The bus was full and about to leave so I grabbed onto the back and held on (something I thought was ok to do). The bus driver seemed angry and drove in a way that made it hard for me to hold on. When we got to the first stop, I relocated to a seat inside the bus. The guy I sat next to told me that the bus driver was mad at me because I'm not supposed to hang onto the back. Me and the guy talked in an engaged manner as if there was possibly a mutual interest in each other. My body language was very leaning towards him, though I was only faking attraction because I liked the attention he was giving me. I didn't honestly care for him that much. After a while he leaned into me too, so close that his head rested on my shoulder. Then I started to feel repulsed and resentful of him, but I kept that to myself and didn't recoil because it would've been rude. When we got off the bus the dream moved into a plot where the bus driver, myself, the bus boy, the bus boy's friend (guy who he was sitting by when I got on), and the bus boy's girlfriend (previously not in the dream) were walking somewhere outside. The bus driver led the way and he was no longer mad at me. Now he was a gentler man. The bus boy's girlfriend had a “competitive” attitude towards me. She wasn't overtly mad and mean, she was more just sassy and looking for problems to passively annoy me with. I wanted to let her know I was uninterested in her boyfriend, but I sort of enjoyed her behavior, even though it annoyed me. She was a character and we were engaging in a dynamic. At this point I became aware that our destination was very far away. We were going to stop at Kwick Trip or K-Mart for a break. I realized I didn't have shoes to go inside. The group was all annoyed at me for that. In an attempt to manipulate and counteract their annoyance I played to their identities as “hippies” and reminded them that going barefoot fits in with their ideology. The way I went about subtly insulting them like this fit well with the dynamic of our group. We approached and stopped at my house which I didn't realize was on the way to wherever we were going. This was good news for us because I could get a pair of shoes. In the mudroom, the bus boy's girlfriend pointed out a pair of sandals. I thanked her for the suggestion and told her, “they're my sister, Paz de la Huerta's.” In my dream I fully believed this statement as true. The sandals were uncomfortable, so I chose a pair of plain black flip-flops instead. Then we left and I was again hit with the realization that where we were going was very far away, so I told the group that I was going to go back to the campus instead. “It's too far.” |
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