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Grandpa owned and lived in this huge beautiful old house which he opened to the public for tours. The bottom two floors were being turned into a shopping mall by their owners. I thought, “what a waste of this old historic house.”

I was in an elevator with other people and we were all sort of lying down. I overheard some high schoolers talking about Tales of Topographic Oceans, so I turned over and joined their conversation. I tried to get them to listen to Magnification.

Then I was waiting in a line with some tall blonde models. I don't remember what we were waiting for. There were three people wearing “Mexico” hoodies in front of me. They started accusing me of hating Mexico.

Then I realized I didn't have my U card or wallet. Suddenly the people started to be very friendly to me and I hung out with them and showed them around my grandparent's house.


I'm sitting in the backseat of a cab or maybe just a car. I keep taking cigarettes out of my bag mindlessly. I catch myself, though, and shove them back in. Next thing I know they're out again and laying on the seat between me and mom. I don't know how she hasn't seen them yet. I wonder if she has, and just hasn't said anything. I think I even absentmindedly took one out and put it in my mouth before catching myself.


Dreampt I was out at some swimming area and I saw a man dressed as a bird. He was entertaining children, but he had the head of his costume off, which was weird.

Then another guy came up to him and he was dressed as a fish. The same type of fish I saw yesterday. Long, blue, with a horizontal stripe down the center. Eel-ish and almost swordfish-ish. I guess I looked excited because the two men came up to me. I talked to them and told them about the fish I saw yesterday, but they seemed less and less excited and happy to talk to me with each passing second.

Dreampt I was in the room outside the room where mass is held in a church. The place where coffee and things are served after mass. They were serving coffee, but they had no milk, only ice cubes and water. The church service hadn't gotten out yet. There were a few people around besides me. They had food too. There were pizzas and other foods available.

I wasn't hungry but something compelled me to eat mozzarella sticks one after the other, non-stop. Brooke K. was sitting near me and I said to her, “I don't know why I'm eating these.” She looked at me, then ate the last mozzarella stick.

Dreampt I saw Jack F. seated in a restaurant. As I went by him (from outside the restaurant, maybe on a moving bus or something) I yelled out to him, “you look like Norman Bates,” but I think I meant Patrick Bateman.

After this, Jack and I met up and struck up a bit of a romance. Things were all fun and he was into me a lot, but I got the feeling he was getting gradually less and less interested in me. I thought maybe I had talked too much or said too weird of stuff. I thought I might've annoyed him. It made me sad and feel bad about myself.

Dreampt I was in the desert trying to take a picture. I wandered into a house with no walls. It was the Hadid's house, I guess. Bella Hadid took me into the desert dunes where we ran into her dad. He shook my hand. It was a very quick shake, not strong or businessman-like at all. He leaned in and I told him my name and said I was 40 years old. He laughed. He was wearing sunglasses with the number 40 on them, which is why I slipped up and said 40. I told him after we laughed: “I'm 21, I don't know why I said 40.”


Dreampt I went to a Jonas Brothers concert. I felt really ugly, but I was forced to go. We waited in a line but instead of giving us wristbands or something to show that we'd paid, they gave us those sleeping mask light blockers you wear to go to sleep.

Me and some other people got chosen to go back stage somewhere, and they told us we could meet the band afterwards. I honestly wasn't that into the whole thing because I felt really ugly and didn't want to be in public. I didn't know what I'd say if I was chosen to meet them and it felt to me the exact same as being “chosen” to go talk to normal everyday people you'd pull off the street.

When we got inside the venue I saw a table (merch concession area) with a big pencil and I had a flashback to a prior incident which was at a concert. The flashback was to Julia as a very young child looking up at the table where guests could sign in and our signature was on there, meaning I'd helped her sign it all those years ago. It reminded me of our old relationship dynamic. I became overwhelmed with emotion.
