
january february march april may june july august september october november december



I was in the downtown of some city and I wanted to go home. I needed to walk back to [street name]. There was a Hasidic man in the city that I was talking to. I was worried about the danger of the walk back. There was like gang territory between where I was and my house. It was a long walk and I also didn't really know where I was going. It became night and the people I was with were frustrated. I saw Zoey sitting in a parked car on the side of the residential street. She had given up and decided to just sleep in the car rather than walk at night.

Then I was back at the house in a kind of bleak Trainspotting-esque room. The roommates and I were planning rooms for next year. I think there was something about how I didn't want a downstairs room. Or I wanted to have my same room again.

Then we were outside in the neighbors driveway, shoveling and picking up trash. (Asking which way the windows were facing?) The trash was items like those Mexican figurines. They were really expensive and they were also salt shakers. The house was owned by [name]'s grandma.

I was in this building, which functioned like a Goodwill (to some extent), with Kai and Ben. It wasn't a Goodwill though it was a building for something else with TV screens all around. Like a TMZ headquarters. But it had some thrift clothing I guess. When we were leaving, Kai took some old shirts. I was nervous he'd get caught for stealing but I'd be the one who'd get in trouble. I felt weirdly antagonized by Ben and Kai. After this I was still in the building for some reason, even though I'd planned on leaving when they left and they were watching me from outside the building.

Dreampt that I took part of a xanax but I'd actually wanted to take vyvanse that day so I was upset. I'd accidentally taken the xanax, I didn't know what it was. Jake gave it to me and I was confused as to why he had it. He gave an explanation but I don't remember it.


There was water surrounding the back porch. There were women there doing flips and stuff into the water. They were training for something. Catherine was signing up for some wwoof type thing. I was under a tree with Jake, Owen, and Julia. I was building something with small sticks. I think I was stacking them on a branch of the tree, or something kind of precarious like that. The tree was surrounded by white cement and there was a Grecian type feeling to the whole scene.


Grandma, Pops, Mom, and I were at the airport. Where we were wasn't really “airport-y” though, it was like a long train station or something. Like a place where people wait for taxis and busses. Like one of those outside waiting places where you see lots of people with luggage. Grandma and Pops were going “home” and we were seeing them off. They were headed to Hokkaido. I was really thirsty so I went away from them to get a drink. Across the street it was like a city. I saw these sinks randomly out in the open so I went towards them. I saw that they were actually soda fountains that you had to pay for.

I followed these two girls into a coffee shop that was offering free beverages. I reached up onto a top shelf to get a cup. The cups were small and purple and somewhat glittery. They were up high and I had to really stretch to reach them. They were stacked ontop of each other and I couldn't pull just one off the stack so I had to pull down the whole thing, take one, then put it back up. I filled up the cup with this green slushie consistency liquid. It was delicious.

I was paying attention to the two girls' conversation. They were looking for straws or spoons and a lid. I saw that spoons cost money which I thought was weird. I left the shop then was worried about finding Grandma and Pops and Mom again. I wasn't sure if they were in the same spot as before or if they'd gone to the Hokkaido gate. I set off to find them.

Then for some reason I was walking through a field outdoors somewhere in actual Japan. I was trying to get to Hokkaido from somewhere south of it. Lola was with me and it was overcast out. I thought about facetimeing someone but my phone was on 11%. I walked toward this farm but turned a bit away because I didn't want to get in trouble for trespassing. I saw someone on a horse and called out to them. They came over and I asked them for directions to the next town north of where we were. A person who was with the first person came over on a horse and the three of us talked. They said the next town north was like a 15 minute walk away. They said they could give me a ride in their car but I said I didn't want to put them out and refused the offer. I said I'd just walk. They decided to walk with me. Some more members of their family and some of their dogs showed up too and we started walking.

We walked and then I noticed Lola didn't seem to want to move forward anymore. She just stopped and sat. I urged her to keep going but she was hesitant. I realized that the horse was kind of kicking her when she walked by it and also that the other dog didn't like Lola and would attack her when I wasn't looking. This worried me a lot.

Next thing I remember I'd found Mom and them. I told them what happened, how I went up to Hokkaido to find them since I'd lost track of them at the airport. Turns out I had the terminals mixed up and the direction I was headed was actually pointed towards flights that would've left to Okinawa. I was at the airport again now, not outside, so the outside part was just a weird interlude.

Joey and the cousins and Mom, Charlie, and Julia, also Grandma and Pops, were all there. We were getting on a plane and saying goodbye to Pops (different from the beginning of the dream where it was Grandma and Pops who were leaving). Pops gave me coins in each of my hands. I closed my palm around them. Then he told me to give one hand of coins back to him, or something like that. I didn't understand what was going on. I ended up keeping the coins that were in my right hand and giving back the left. The coins turned into pairs of shoes, and there were enough shoes for everyone in the family. Apparently none of us were wearing shoes before. There was one pair of pink shoes and I put those on. Joey was wearing yellow shoes and the rest were all a uniform color but I don't remember what color that was. Pops said goodbye then and left with one of his colleagues.

We stood in line at the gate. I had a paper or something that conflated colors and happiness. It talked about the “happiness of the colors" and how by changing the lightness/darkness of a color's hue you're changing the “time” aspect of a piece of art. You're given the ability to represent changes in time with those resulting colors. The diagram showed dark blue fading into light blue. This was supposed to show the passage of time. I joked around and told Joey he was sad because his shoes were yellow. Yellow and orange were the colors that the paper said were sad.


I was in an old house somewhere out in a remote area. The house was all dark and I was with a guy. We were wearing space suits or weird hazmat-like suits (I think, I don't remember it super well). There was something weird about the house. We were in this room with all these little objects. We picked them up then set them back down again, “cataloging” them like in Animal Crossing. While we were doing this, other people came into the room and yelled at us. I tried to defend myself and the guy but I wasn't sure what we were even doing/getting yelled at for doing.

I was in a building waiting in a line to get a covid test. The building was packed with people like a full subway car. Like tightly packed and chaotic. I heard someone say that “Death Note season 6 and [something else] are coming out soon.” The “something else” was something like a new Roblox game or something like that.

I got into the doctor's office finally to get my covid test. The doctor checked out my nose and said something to me about there being something wrong with my septum, like the part that seems cut is actually a bigger problem than I thought it was. Then Vessa was there and she was really jovial and fun. She was working at the clinic. I think she asked me to make her a margarita. I went over to a fridge and there were two types of margarita mix--a green one and a pink one. I asked which she wanted and she said she didn't care.

At some point in one of these dreams (probably the medical one) I lifted my feet up into the air and saw that many of my toes were all white like they get with Raynaud's.


A guy was putting his dog to sleep. It was really sad but I was watching for some reason, like I wanted to see what it would be like if we ever put Lola down someday. He injected the dog with a tranquilizer and the dog appeared to die for a second, but then I saw that one of its eyes was still open. The guy seemed to think the dog was dead, but it still seemed alive to me. I thought I saw it moving a bit too.

Then I was in an art room like those at Rutherford but it wasn't one of those rooms exactly. We were doing arts and crafts or something. Grandma Dona was there and she asked Julia to draw a picture for her that predicted her death. Grandma was showing me all these other drawings of Julia's that were incorrect predictions of her death. I started cleaning up my art supplies that I had out. I was sitting on the floor and putting away these big markers and stuff into a tray that they didn't even fit in. It was stuff like a big green marker and a small pencil and other stuff.

Owen was texting me about how someone came to his house and was being disrespectful. Like Jake or Dante or someone. I was sitting at a tall table and I saw to my left [mutual] from Instagram. She was washing something in a big basin down a hallway that was like an aisle at a store. I went over to her and started singing a song (somehow it was a song that I knew she knew). She said “hey is that my song?” and I said “yes” and we giggled. Then she got a bloody nose and I said “careful of your shirt, you have a bloody nose.” Then immediately after that I got a bloody nose. I got blood all over my jacket, specifically the sleeve. It was a baby blue color jacket. An adult man walked past and wanted to know what we were up to, as if we were being suspicious or something. I don't remember what Sam replied to him.

Right after it happened I didn't do anything, but after a little while I tried to wash the blood off my jacket. I thought the sleeve got sort of saggy after that and I hoped I didn't stretch the fabric out. Then I went to a big cafeteria foyer type place with a big curving staircase in the middle. I was sitting with a group of people on the floor near the base of the staircase. We were talking shit about [name]. Then [name] came down the stairs and we all got quiet.

I was crawling through this album cover that had an arc on it and was orange color. It was staged in a desert and seemed kind of Mexican to me. It was a Queen album or something. Mom was making us listen to it. I was crawling through the arc and it was very claustrophobic. I had the knowledge that I'd already gone through the passage before, but I couldn't see how that was possible. It was so small. Like impossibly small for me to fit through. I felt so trapped in it that I woke up.

I was on a bus. The seats on both sides faced each other. There were a lot of people on the bus. Something was going on next to me that involved an exchanging of papers. Like there was a teacher there and her students were sitting around and exchanging papers, getting grades back or something. The guy sitting to my left got his paper returned to him. I saw it in his hand and said I liked it. It was a page of a comic book he'd written or something. It was like one of those artsy comics though and it was drawn with paint. Both sides had this on it. We talked for a little bit. He was really shy but thanked me for saying nice things to him. He had the nicest energy about him and I wanted to give him a hug but didn't.

Then it was the first day of school at a dream version of the Jr. High. I was in this classroom where Mom was the teacher. There was this weird girl there who was really skinny but wearing tons of layers of baggy clothing. She was not the cute quirky type of weird, she was legitimately weird. Kind of reminded me of [mutual] from Twitter personality wise. She was downloading stuff onto mom's computer from her phone. Mom was on her computer deleting the stuff she was downloading.

I was watching the girl and I wondered how she'd react to the deletion. I could pinpoint the moment she realized it, even though she didn't change her facial expression at all. She went over to Mom to talk to her or to get the downloaded stuff off of the computer or something. She was so weird and calm like genuinely an “off” human being. She took off one of her sweatshirts but I couldn't even notice because she was wearing so many layers of enormous clothing.

I left the classroom after this and tried to get to my next class, but I didn't know where I was going. I didn't have my schedule. I was just walking around until I saw a room with my class's content written on the whiteboard. It was covid but almost no one was wearing a mask and mine kept sliding down and falling off and stuff. The hallways had those dividers up like the type they have at the DMV or airports. The ones that help form lines.

I searched what I thought was every corner of the school but I couldn't find my class. I went over to this lady who was sitting at a booth. Beyond the booth was a different part of the school that I hadn't checked yet, but the lady said there was a private wedding was being held back there, meaning my class wouldn't be there. I knocked over some wedding pamphlets from her desk. I picked them up and set them back on the desk.


I was hanging out with Margaret. We were taping up the screen windows on this huge rich-person house she was living in. We were in Germany or somewhere and she was not living with her family but with an exchange family or something. We were just hanging out and it was fun. Her exchange mom (or whatever) called Margaret inside to talk about something. I went inside too, but to a different room.

It was sunny outside but in the house it was dark with “moody” lighting like little warm color lamps. Some other people came into the room along with Margaret and her exchange mom. They were other members of the host family. They were all gathering around this big mural that the brother had drawn. It was laying down flat in the middle of something like a table. It was unfinished and the other family members were adding to it. It had stuff like a horse's face and human hands drawn on it, among other things. I was shocked at how good the mural looked when I first saw it, but after a while it started to not look as good.

I was talking to the oldest son, who was blonde, and telling him how much I liked the mural. I said I like to draw too but I'm not as good. I was going to show him some of my drawings but my phone wouldn't work. I figured it was for the best and gave up. Then the family left so it was just me and Margaret again.

Then it was snowing and nighttime and we were driving in a car, I don't remember why we were doing this or how we got into the situation. She was seated on the right, controlling the steering wheel, and I was on the left, controlling the gas and breaks. She was completely out of her seat doing something in the back of the car as we were driving down the road. I was like “omg! Margaret!” but she thought it was funny.

We went through a construction zone and I saw this worker guy just lie down in the street right in front of our car. We didn't hit him, but it was weird. We missed our exit or something and drove down this super steep hill covered in snow. We didn't know what was at the bottom or where we were. From the bottom of that hill, the only way up was another very steep hill. These hills were both almost 90° and the valley between them was very small.

We got out of the car and looked around to see where we were. I heard voices coming from a ways over that sounded like boys sitting around a campfire on a ski vacation or something. Like people at a ski resort chatting outside at night with their friends. I thought maybe we should ask them for help.

Then Margaret saw two people through a window in a house and we went over to ask them for help. It was a mother and son. The mom had a very pointy nose. They didn't speak English. I tried to guess what language they spoke. It was French. They seemed hesitant of us. Hesitant to talk to us. Another small kid came over, 7 years old maybe. He was the same age as the mother's son. That kid spoke English and he said something to me and Margaret about something. It was something pretty racist.

In the last part of the dream, I was watching a movie with Margaret and some other people. It felt like I was on a boat or something but there was also a feeling of it being like Kate's porch, or some random house, I don't remember exactly. The movie was in two parts, it was two hour long segments with credits after both. The first half of the movie ended and the credits were rolling. I checked the time and it was 6:59 or some late 50's time of 6am. I thought to myself, “I have time to watch the other half before school” but I kept checking the clock because I was scared that I'd seen the time wrong and would miss my class if I continued watching.


I was watching in the third person this scary story with a woman and man on a date. Their dialog was very sparse. The daughter of the woman was there with them for some reason. The man and woman were either sitting at or had just stood up from a table in a restaurant and the girl was standing by them. She was wearing a dress. The man accidentally stood up on the skirt of the girl's dress. Then (I think) the girl started running away from the table and the man fell and somehow he ended up under the skirt (even though this doesn't make sense if the girl was running away.)

Anyways, the dress started to devour him or something. Like his body disappeared, besides just an arm. And I saw the arm reaching out from under the fabric, trying to move towards the woman like it wanted to attack and devour her too. The arm was like regenerating underneath the dress too. So the man's body was forming again from the leftover arm. But something had gone wrong when the dress first devoured the man. I don't know what exactly, that's just the feeling I had. Like his body wasn't supposed to be regenerating or something. The arm wasn't supposed to be left over. I felt the fear that the woman felt as it came after her. I don't know what happened to the girl, she might've already been devoured by the dress or something before it attacked the man. I woke up terrified.

I was in a changing room with Cindy and Catherine. Cindy was trying on wedding dresses. She put on one that was red and had sequins. It was mid-thigh length. The top had broader shoulders, or there was something complex going on with the shoulders. I told her she looked like a real housewife whenever they're hosting a party.


Something was going on and it was dangerous to be in the neighborhood but I needed to go back to the house because the pets were there. I needed to go and see if they were dead because I forgot about them and didn't feed them. But it wasn't Lola and the cats, these were different animals. I asked Jeff Goldblum if he would come with me for protection, in case anything happened.

We went into the house and surprisingly a lot of my family was there despite us all being told to evacuate. I told Jeff Goldblum that I didn't expect this, but that he could stay with me anyways. We went upstairs together, but he seemed a bit uncomfortable now given the circumstances (young woman, old strange man, around my family).

My room was all dark. There was a big cage on the ground right as you walked through the doorway. I was so scared that the creature in the cage was dead and that it was my fault for forgetting to feed it and give it water. I also couldn't remember what type of animal it was (I was telling Jeff Goldblum earlier, “it might be a cat I think or ...”) I could barely see, but I saw that it was moving and I saw that it was a bird. I was so happy and relieved. I tried to give it some water but couldn't see the water bowl or anything. So I went to get lightbulbs to change the ones in my room. I called downstairs to mom to ask what the voltage was for the bulbs. I wanted Jeff Goldblum to help me but he didn't. I didn't explicitly ask him for help though, so I can't blame him.

It had to do with seeing squirrels eating nuts outside the window in the porch, and Catherine eating cornbread, and Julia saying she gives people different names based on different situations such as when Mom was walking to the store or something the other day Julia perceived her with a different name. Like a synesthetic thing. She, Mom, and Cindy were having a conversation about that and I overheard. I thought it was interesting but Mom told me to forget it since she thought me knowing about it would upset Julia. All this happened around the dinner table area in the house.
