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I was with a group of three people that I didn't know well and I felt uncomfortable. We were at a gas station buying snacks before a movie. I wanted hot cheetos, but there weren't any, so I got nothing. The people I was with wandered away from me and in general acted like they didn't want me to be there with them. I think I only knew one of them, so the other two were only with me because of that mutual friend.

I had already gone to this movie before with these same exact people, and that time I'd left halfway through. This time I think I left them before we even went to the theater. The movie was Hereditary, or some movie with the son actor from Hereditary.

Then I was sitting on the stairs at a girl peer of mine's house. The stairs were positioned like they are in Luke's house. The whole entryway was similar to the layout of Luke's house. The house was under renovation and had patched carpet. There were other girls sitting by me and I think we were waiting for something. I felt uncomfortable and unwanted here too. Someone called for Kalli B. to come to the stairs, but Kelsey K. came instead. At this point I moved away from the stairs to a couch near the door.


I was at a liquor store with Catherine and Julia. I think we were in Bermuda. We were buying a case or two of beer. Julia was the one purchasing it, for whatever reason, but she didn't have her ID. The cashier didn't care and was very friendly. We were paying with cash by shoving it into the chip reader of a credit card machine. The machine was broken, so the cashier came over and tried to fix it. I think there was throw up on it. At the end of the dream, “Start Me Up” by the Rolling Stones started playing over the bar speakers and the cashier and I sang along.


Dante worked as a waiter in a restaurant in Montana. Owen and I were visiting him. Owen was dressed up androgynous and thought he was going to get hate crime-d for dressing like that in Montana.

An old lady asked me to show her where the bathroom was. When I showed the old lady to the bathroom, I saw that there were actually five bathrooms in a big circular room. Four of the doors said “straight” and one said “gay”.


I was watching a video of myself and in that video, I was sitting at Luke's dinner table while they ate dinner. In the recording I saw that I was on my phone a lot and watching it back I cringed because I felt that was very rude of me.


I was in (a distorted dream-setting version of) my chemistry class and it was the last day. Prof. Behling had an activity planned for us that was supposed to be fun and interactive and have nothing to do with chemistry. Ella J. and Kristen D. (I think) were in the class and I sat by them. To my surprise, Kristen put her head on my shoulder affectionately and they (everyone I sat by) engaged with me in a very friendly way.

The activity necessitated getting some specific bottles first. Everyone in the class needed a series of different size/shape bottles to participate. The bottles were being passed around the classroom so we could get the ones we needed. But when the bottle selection got to me, I couldn't procure the proper bottles, because the guy I was sitting by didn't give them to me. So, I was scrounging around to get these bottles and I didn't listen to the professors next instructions very well. We had to make a mixture and I messed it up by adding too much chocolate.

Then the professor came back into the room from elsewhere, and he brought with his extended family. They sent us off on a scavenger hunt. Again, I didn't pay attention to the directions so I was confused. Everyone ran out of the classroom and was searching neighborhood for documents/folders. The teacher made it seem like it was going to be an easy, fun game, but it was extremely difficult to find the hidden things.

I was wandering around alone acting like I knew what was going on when I saw Lola in the street. There was a man carrying a huge wrench walking towards her from behind. I didn't know his intentions, and he looked scary, so I ran at him and (after a struggle) took the wrench. I brought Lola back to the house and put her inside quickly, but Benny was right at the door attempting to get out. I was telling them, Benny and Lola, “today's not the day! Just stay inside and don't fuss today!”


Dreampt I was in Markiplier's house with Julia. No one was home but we were allowed to be there. Julia was playing a video game or watching TV. Later in the dream Markiplier and his girlfriend and another couple returned from a dinner party. They were all dressed up. The man of the not-Markiplier couple seemed really angry that we were there, and made it clear he wanted us to leave in a passive aggressive way. Markiplier wanted us to leave too, but he knew he couldn't kick us out, so he didn't act out with emotion.

I was uncomfortable and wanted to leave, but Julia didn't want to. I started looking for Markiplier's mentally handicapped younger brother, so I could play with him and make it seem like we had a reason to be there. The house was dark. I saw a really short dark figure and it frightened me. That was Markiplier's brother.
