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I was walking to an apartment complex. I was with Katarina. We accidentally went into a small high school on the way because we couldn't find the apartment complex. We did eventually find it. Kat was going there for someone and I was going there for Cole L. We had a friendship and mutual crush on each other it seemed to me, so I was excited to go see him. I bought him a pillow and it arrived to his mailbox while I was there. Also, there was some sort of party going on.

Someone was recording with a camera—maybe Mom. I saw footage of myself and it looked like there was something wrong with me mentally. I looked like I didn't have full control over my muscles and I couldn't talk. It was like I had brain damage. I asked, “am I actually like that? I don't feel like I am.” Mom said “yes, you've been like this since a beer can exploded and hit your head.” It was a weird confusion for me, like I was a person with brain damage who didn't know they had brain damage. I started to pull away from Cole because I thought I was brain damaged. He said to me, “why are you making this strange?” At some point the city was flooding with water and I was swimming fast to get down 36.

Dreampt I was driving home and there was a police blockade set up. They pulled over my car and some others and asked us to get out. I got frisked then was told to go and do the line-walking test. In the dream I was drunk driving, so I was scared.

The officer administering the test seemed new and unsure. He couldn't set up the thing I had to walk across. I was asked to goose-step across these separated pegs on a slightly raised platform.


Dreampt I was in the basement with Catherine, Nick, Cindy, Mom, etc.—I believe they were all there. I asked for their opinion on whether I should get a pixie cut, but then I said I don't want one, because Victoria has short hair and I don't want to look like her. Then the cousins chimed in and roasted Victoria. We were all in the basement after completing some other action part of the dream, but I can't remember that part.


I was gifted a small statue and some little brat shrunk it in a washing machine-type thing.

I stole bread dough from a new yuppi restaurant in downtown [city]. I “stole” the piece of bread dough, but it was an ambiguous stealing, because I wasn't sure if it was actually illegal or not. I was there with Patrick, Raquel, and Croix. Croix was dressed as a girl. Raquel and I were both pregnant, but I didn't want to be and was distressed about it. It was nighttime outside, and the lighting inside was soft yellow. Raquel and Patrick went out to a balcony area, but I got nervous, so instead of going with I just left and didn't tell them.

I saw Eddy J. and his girlfriend leaving the restaurant too. They were running from it like they wanted to get very far away quickly. I stopped Eddy and asked why he was running away. He was apprehensive to talk to me and seemed scared of something.

I decided to go back into the restaurant. On my way back, I saw a sign that I hadn't noticed before. The sign said that the restaurant was completely “self monitored”—the first of its kind! It was monitored via cameras and artificial intelligence. The signs mentioned the company that developed the technology and the names of its sponsors. One of the big names I saw was “C (or C.C.) [my last name]”. I was confused about that.

When I went back inside, I saw a baker preparing pizzas. He had some enormous vats of dough out. He saw the dough in my hand and accused me of stealing it. I told him I didn't know if it was good and for sale or old and not. He said, “look at that dough! It's good and fresh. You're lying.” I said, “it wasn't always like this, you should've seen it when I got it.”


Dreampt I was at a Mercedes dealership. I was outside at a picnic table in a field with Mercedes trucks parked all around. Pops, Mom, Julia and Dad were all there. I went off on a spiel about Lamborghinis being better than Mercedes. Dad tried to talk to Pops and I got upset and told him to shut up because he's not worthy. Mom brought over a box of Mercedes donuts. We were informed that lots of suffering went into the making of them. Dad reached to grab one and I got mad again. This is when I went on my rant about Lamborghini being a better brand, because “they didn't need to resort to selling donuts” and because their car design is more iconic.


Some store was closing so they were selling cartons of cigarettes for $2. Katarina bought some. After that we went to her basement. Ben and Dante showed up. Dante had on huge circular glasses that made his eyes look really big. The glasses were so silly. Seeing them put me in a really good mood. Ben said he had to leave because he had plans to go take LSD with his housemates. Dante was leaving too. I wanted to spend more time with them, but I didn't want to make it obvious that I was ditching Kat. Eventually I did go with them.


I was with Kate and her mom was there. I don't remember the circumstances or the plot. At the end of the dream everyone started singing “Life on Mars” and I became very distressed which woke me up.
