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Dreampt I was at a bar. I ran into a group of high schoolers that I didn't know. It seemed like maybe they shouldn't be there, but no one appeared to care.

Eventually it was just me and one girl from the group. We were sitting down together side-by-side in tall chairs, like bar stools but with a back. She was into esoteric/metaphysical stuff. We held our palms out and looked at them. She said she was a palm reader. She looked at one of my hands, I think it was my left hand. I wondered if she wanted to see my other hand too, but she seemed ok with just the one.

She told me some things, but I don't remember them clearly. She told me that either in 12 years or after 12 somethings/attempts I will achieve my dreams. She wasn't specific about what those dreams were. I coyly asked if she wanted me to buy her a drink, because I knew that she and her friends weren't 21. She said no, she wasn't drinking.

Then she seemed more mature to me. She had a wise-old aura to her, and I wondered why she was at the bar in the first place. I felt kind of silly and immature for assuming she was there to drink.


I was in a used items store. It was packed with old items like an antique store, but not so old. I went up to a bookshelf and saw some Hello Kitty books. I saw some that I have at home and I thought, “if I didn't know these, and didn't have a personal connection to them, would I buy them for my someday child?”

The store was in Omaha. I got excited and tried to look for a book of mine that was given away. Specifically, the one that was scribbled over with a magenta crayon.

Dreampt I was in this place where mass murderer/shooter people were allowed free roam and also given guns. I was dodging their bullets. There were these walls of chalkboard, but some had whiteboards put over them. Someone and I drew something on a chalkboard.

Then a man came over. My accomplice and I didn't want the drawing to be erased, so I tried to distract the man (he seemed to be in charge). I tried to distract him by asking him a question. He began to explain and started drawing on the chalkboards. There were a lot of chalkboards. I thought there'd be no way he could use all of them.

He wrote with the chalk so smoothly and with such ease and precision. It was beautiful and mesmerizing. Soon he wrote all over the chalkboards, down to where the whiteboards started. He didn't write as gracefully on the whiteboards.


Dreampt I was at John Waters's house in New York. It was a small little house in suburbia, but it was located right in the center of the city, close to the action. John, I, and two other people were there. He was eccentric and we had lots of shenanigans.

His wife and daughter came home—or came out from being somewhere inside the home—and talked to me. They were so nice. So kind and genuine.

I noticed that the wife's nose was really small, sunken in, and it almost looked like she didn't have a nose. It was kind of horrifying, but she was so kind and nice I felt bad for even thinking about it. I looked at the daughter and she had a strange non-existent nose too, so I figured it must be genetic rather than botched plastic surgery.


Dreampt I got my ear pierced again. A Serbian man pierced the middle section of my right ear in a kitchen. When I looked in the mirror, I was unhappy and confused because he pierced the two holes side-by-side, rather than one-above-the-other. I thought about how hard it was going to be to take care of them and then decided it wasn't even worth it for piercings which aren't even how I'd have liked them to be in the first place. I asked him to remove them and he did. I found out I had paid $300 to get pierced and now I didn't even have a piercing. This thought sent me for a bit.
