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Dreampt I met William H. Macy and his skin had almost no wrinkles. I noticed his hands specifically weren't very wrinkled. I asked him how he kept his skin so nice and he told me he wore sunscreen every day, “even today.” I wished I'd worn sunscreen that day.


I was at a library with a transgender girl. We went into a small room with a fortune teller or magician. He was a man, but he didn't have a physical form (that I can remember). He was in the wall. Not physically, he was an energy stored in the wall, but he WAS a man not a god.

He was telling us magic stuff and showing us stuff on the wall, which he could write on. I think he was slightly trying to get money out of us, but I don't remember.

I stayed in the room for so long. I kept him from having other customers, but I don't think he cared. And when I left it was weird, “we're closer now, but at the end of the day, I was always just a customer, so I will leave like the rest, even though we both feel closer as humans than the normal customer-patron relationship, but that's all we are.” It was a feeling like that.

Anyways, the girl I was with had left before me. I searched the library, a little bit frantically, for her. I thought she was wearing a purple sweater, but when I saw her at the top of an escalator she had on a gray sweater. We both opened our eyes wide when we saw each other and recognized each other's noticing of each other. I followed her down the escalator and she didn't really wait for me. I knew she didn't want to get separated again, but I also knew she wasn't going to slow down.

We walked into a nude model drawing session, in a big auditorium. It was all quiet and I felt weird walking in late. I felt weird walking in at all. The girl sat at a table.

I went to the front of the class to get paper and a pencil from the instructor, but the instructor didn't have a pencil, only a pen. Somewhere else there was a little bucket with tiny half pencils in it. I grabbed a couple of those. The class was going to end in 20 mins. I went back to the desk and sat by the girl.

I was in a hospital in the maternity ward waiting room. There were a bunch of people there waiting for someone they know to give birth, and everyone was sitting at these tables playing board games or cards with each other. Just passing time.

Then the PA went on and told some stupid joke. They said something really strange and out of place for a maternity ward, but apparently that's how they announced that a child had been born. Some of the waiting people went up to the front desk, and they had to ask the ladies if that meant that their kid was born. This old guy gave the desk lady a tip of 100$ to get an answer from her. After he went back to sitting the desk lady turned to me and said, “he's crazy. He had a Vyvanse prescription for 9 months and it fucked him up.” I asked if he was off them now and she said yes.
