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2/2/18 |
Dreampt I was in Malaysia living with a poor family on their boat. At night we went out in the boat and somehow landed in suburbia. We marched down the street in some sort of protest. A white family who lived on the street got pissed at our protesting. I was left behind in the parade, so I was invited in with the suburban family and we ate dinner. Gunnar R. was there too, but I felt like he was siding with the Malaysians and me. The dad of the family showed everyone a message he'd sent that he thought was funny and innocent. It had the n-word in it. I took his phone to see who he was talking to and it was Wes and all the racist kids from school. Gunnar and I started making fun of the guy and our racist peers, but the guy didn't seem to think he was racist. Then it was night and the Malaysians were going to march in the street again. I told the suburban family I would go out into the street and “deal with it” for them, but I was really going to double cross them and join the Malaysians once more. The whole family was agitated about the Malaysians marching again and they wanted to go out themselves to deal with it. Gigi Hadid, who was at the table, said “I'll go get Zayn.“ I was like, “Zayn is in the house?” Then I remarked about him hiding away from dinner like I did when I was a child. I was determined to get outside before anyone else so I could re-join and help my Malaysian family. As I ran downstairs it was dark and music was playing. I thought Zayn was playing Mario in the dark, but then I saw Zayn wasn't there. I turned to go to the front door, then Zayn darted out of hiding, up the stairs wearing nothing but a diaper, and he peed as he ran up the stairs. I couldn't help laughing even though I was trying to be sneaky. I started to text Catherine and Julia about what I saw, but I decided I'd do it later because I needed to help the Malaysians protest. There were three pairs of the same Sorel boots I have, two were in good condition (those were Gigi's) and one pair was mine, so they were all dirty. I put mine on then ran outside. People followed me from the house. I hit a girl in the face with headphone cords, but then apologized because I didn't mean to physically hurt anyone. I saw a guy from my Malaysian family marching and I asked him where everyone else was. He said they were down the street a bit. There were a lot more people protesting on this night. Then a fully clothed Zayn and Gigi came outside and an ambulance came up the street. One of the suburban family's younger children got in. Then Gigi and Zayn got in. I guess shit went down in the house after the diaper incident. Finally I made it back to my Malaysian family and marched with them. |
Dreampt I was in a huge circular Cub Foods with Mom. There were no windows. The refrigerated products were along the curved edge of the store and all the cash registers were in the center. Jax was a cashier. |
Dreampt Jack was driving me around and we were watching the sun set. The sun was a deep-pink light that was blobbing out like a lava lamp. Then it was pitch black. I was worried that Jack couldn't see to drive, because I couldn't see at all. how the sun looked |
2/23/18 |
Dreampt about a lady who was supposedly a fifth-grade teacher of mine. She had excessive red lipstick on and looked like a clown, but in a good way. I was styled in her honor and standing on a balcony with other people. We would each have our turn to answer questions from a guy on stage and a girl off stage. The guy and girl were both pissed at me when it was my turn. We were also required to wear some “prop” as an accessory. I chose handcuffs and wore them on one wrist, with the other loop hanging like a nunchuck. I asked the other girl who had chosen to wear them how to conceal them and she was very nice. At the end of the show I went down a waterslide and woke up. |
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6/10/18 |
I was in a room with a tiger and another animal (dog or bear). They started interacting and I was scared the tiger was going to hurt the other animal or hurt me. Then the room was Julia's room (kinda). Mom and Julia had left the house. It was me and the tiger alone in the room. I was scared, staying away from it. I was dodging it. Then, somehow, it was on one side of the door and I was on the other, holding the door shut but it broke back in. |
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10/16/18 |
Dreampt I was driving with Mom back from Colorado or someplace west and I had to use the GPS. The sky was pink and there were wildfires. I was trying to use the GPS, but I couldn't tell Mom in time for our exit, or the exit after our exit, so we had to take a pretty bad detour. I was apologizing, but then the way we went led to a strip mall that we apparently used to go to when I was a child, with dinosaur statues or some sort of childish statues. We decided to take a break there. Then Julia was with us and we decided to see a movie. Once we were in the theater I changed my mind and didn't want to see the movie anymore because I just sat in a car for hours and I still had to sit in a car for more hours after, so we desperately looked to see if tickets could be refunded. They could, which was nice, but there was some sort of catch. It wasn't that big of a deal, though, I don't think. |
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11/9/18 |
Dreampt Pink Floyd was playing live in the hallway of the high school. Except it wasn't the high school, it didn't look like the high school. The band was kinda roped off. No one even really noticed them. Roger Waters was sitting on a chair with one leg propped on the other playing either a slide guitar or some weird theremin thing. He was picking at his foot and looked just like Dad. Finally, I got close and watched them play and got to say something, so I told Roger “you look just like my dad.” Then he told me to put my gopher gold card on some scanner. I did and he put $199 in my account. It was some high number, almost 2000, but not quite. I remember thinking that meant he cared more, because a specific number is more thoughtful than a rounded one. Then I said “thanks, you are already better than my father.” I also remember thinking Roger looked pretty old. |
Dreampt I was at this mall alone and a sales guy came up to me, trying to sell me something and he grabbed my hand and I knew he was going to sex traffic me so I struggled to get away and I did, but it was hard to scream to alert people in the dream, so I thought about getting a blow horn. Then a different sales woman approached me and grabbed my hand and again it was a sex trafficking thing so I struggled away. Just made me feel like I could get abducted anywhere with any number of people around. |
11/26/18 |
I was in an underground vast cement area. There were stairs that lead up to the above ground and it wasn't claustrophobic, just very vast and cement-y. You couldn't see the light of day from where I was, but I knew I wasn't entirely trapped. I saw a group of people head towards the exit, then I heard a lot of falling water, like a waterfall. It took me a while, but I came to the conclusion that the underground area was flooding and I could no longer leave through the exit. So I went down a hallway with all of these other people looking for a way out. I was pretty panicked. I ran into someone who I, for whatever reason, considered a “main character.” My logic was that he would lead me to a way out because he can't die (being a main character and all) but he was actually the “depressed and pessimistic” character. He led me to a dead-end room with metal bunk beds and other metal tubes, like the closed-off under-the-stairs area at the [neighbor]'s house. He was expecting to die and gave up I guess. I panicked again and left the dead-end to look for another exit. I ran into someone, maybe another main character, I don't remember. We went into a room which actually had lights. It also had a bunk bed. It was promising, but I couldn't find an exit. I imagined myself dying: standing on the top bunk, taking my last breath. Then I saw there were two bathrooms inside the room. I checked the women's bathroom and there was no exit. I was disappointed. I checked the men's and there was an exit! A door directly across the room from me. I told the other character to pack up our stuff fast so we could escape (I suppose we had stuff to pack?) As we were running to the bathroom to go out the exit a creature came into the room. It was like a little red human, wearing all red clothes, very manic. We hit the little man with our luggage so he could not follow us, then we ran to the door and escaped! I remember thinking that the little man was Cupid or something. |
Dreampt I was walking in a town, sort of like Dinkytown mixed with a ski village. It was night, but the sky was luminous and blue. I ran into neighbor Al as he was walking Bentley. We talked and walked together. We talked about how awful pornography is. How you can't be a feminist and also support pornography and how the women are usually trafficked. It is strange in retrospect, but the conversation did not seem strange to be having with my neighbor during the dream. |
Dreampt I was watching Julia type something on a computer. I looked at the words she was typing, but they didn't make sense. They almost made sense, but they were spelled wrong or incorrectly spaced (words with spaces in the middle of them or words stuck together or partially together—“liketh is”) I thought: this is because it's a dream and words in dreams are weird. |
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12/4/18 |
I approached this table where these two people were sitting and one was my friend (I don't remember which friend). I was like, “hi!” Then I looked at the other person, who was this blonde chick, and I said “so is your name Kellyanne Conway?” |
12/13/18 |
Dreampt that I was in some class for next semester. Just a class, I'm not sure which. It was in a light-wood classroom with natural light coming in from the windows. My teacher was a younger guy, but by the type of stuff he said I could tell he was past his peak. His youth was trapped in ~2013 when people said “yeah buddy” and stuff like that. He spoke with youthful inflection and in a kinda comic-y way with all these surfer/skater bro sayings. I had to take a bus to get to my next class. I guess the teacher was the bus driver too, because he drove the bus. The setting was now NYC at night time. I started talking to the girl next to me. I said something about these new modern apartments I'd noticed that used to be yellow. Because that indicated I had a familiarity with the area, the girl seemed to have the impression that I was from the city, like she was. I didn't correct her. When she got off the bus I was relieved that she didn't find me out. Then I felt a little awkward because I was sitting next to this kid who may have been a little asperger-y or something and we weren't talking, whereas I was just talking a lot to the other girl. The whole bus decided to get out and walk the rest of the way. When we walked, the setting changed to a forest path in the afternoon. My destination, it turned out, was the same classroom I'd left from earlier! Only this time it was full of students. I didn't stick around for long. In another class we played a weird card game. I didn't like it much and wished we could play poker. Megan was in this class and we wore essentially the same outfit in the same colors, except the articles of clothing with each color were different. |
Dreampt I left my Color & Music class to drive home. “I'll go back before it's over” was my thinking. I looked at the clock (from home) and saw that it was 4pm and the class was over. I freaked out because I thought I'd left my backpack in the classroom, but it turned out I had my backpack with me at home. |
Dreampt I was with Kate, but she was very different. She was quiet and worn down. She looked different. I thought it was maybe because she wore glasses, but she was just totally different. I kept trying to remember what she was like before and I couldn't. I asked if she was going to the U, because we were on campus, but she just got sadder and said no. Then I felt like a dick because I already knew that was the answer. Wherever we were, I left my backpack for a second. When I came back, I saw a guy in a red sweatshirt and his friends steal everyone's laptops. I yelled but they didn't stop, and no one else did anything. At some point I remember seeing Kate as having super blonde hair and thinking she looks a lot like Jordyn, but for most of the dream she just looked like a completely different person. She had tanner skin and a more roman nose. She was very small frame and short, but she still had big boobs, but not noticable. And she was so downcast and let everything just happen. Like her soul was sucked out. I noticed no behaviors that I would've thought were quintessentially Kate. |
12/20/18 |
Dreampt I was in this underground cavern—it was my basement though. The setting of the dream was towards the bathroom area, only it was much vaster, like one big room, and it took an L-shape turn into an area under the stairs. The whole basement was very bare-bones with wood exposed and concrete. First scene (I think) of the dream: I had a school project that involved making a comic book. I asked Dad to help me by drawing it. We were sitting at a desk along the back wall and he was drawing. I knew that we were still estranged, but I guess for the sake of the assignment I'd not completely ignore him. He gave me the finished project which looked really nice, then I remembered the assignment called for the plot to be something we'd learned about this semester, so I couldn't use what we made. Next scene of the same-setting dream: There was now a fridge and a table in the cavern. I had two guys over and I don't remember if they were my friends or not. I opened the fridge and offered them any of an assortment of beverages. I said they could take anything, then named off a couple drinks. They didn't reach for any. Then I saw I had beer in the fridge. I said they could have that too. They each took a beer and I did too. I remember thinking that Dad gave me the beer, but I don't remember why. Then I wanted to show them around the weird basement area. The cavern was all wired with electrical stuff and it was everywhere. Tubes and wires and metal boxes, etc. It was all Dad's. At some point it morphed into beer brewing/home brew equipment. I showed them this tape that Dad recorded instructions on. The tape recorder was sitting on top of an old VCR tape player. The boys just seemed to want to destroy it all and that got me very angry. For whatever reason I was very protective of Dad's stuff. The equipment started leaking fluid everywhere. Maybe it was beer leaking, I don't know, but eventually it was pretty flooded. |
We were in Bermuda and had been for a couple days. I was standing in our kitchen with Mom. I complained, “we've been here for three days and I haven't even gone outside!” So I decided we would go outside. I went up to my room to pick out an outfit and spent a ridiculous amount of time choosing, wasting the time I could've spent outside. |
12/21/18 |
Dreampt I was in Mrs. T's class with Julia and Mom was there too for some reason. When the class started, I jokingly asked “where do I sit?” before finding my seat. I was really standoffish to Mrs. T, but she was being impolite to me as well. We were arguing in front of the whole class. I called her “a retarded cunt” then left the classroom. Julia and Mom were mortified. I walked around the highschool. It was a big circle, an exaggerated circle form that the highschool already has a little bit. My memory kind of fades, but then I'm walking outside the school, and it's like a big campus. I see Stephanie C. walk by and I experience deja vu. As I'm walking, I run into this girl. I get the impression that I know her, but not very well. We small-talk a little, but I can tell she has to go off to catch up with her friend. The final thing I say is a remark to look at the tree we were standing near, because it has blue crystals all over some of the branches and trunk. She then lights up and walks with me, even though I thought she had a friend to catch up to. She has a high blonde ponytail and is wearing a kinda mod blue dress. We talk and walk over this small-hilled grass park on campus then down a path by a lake. She reminds me of Erika Jayne and I think about telling her that. Then I think maybe she is purposely acting like Erika because she is her idol or something and to say something about Erika would blow her cover. So I don't say anything. She's very kind to me and we're laughing and hugging like old friends. Then we run into three people dressed in full costume. One is dressed as Mickey Mouse and I don't remember which characters the other two were dressed up as. We go up to them, or they come up to us, and we talk or sing. They take off the head part of their costumes to reveal that they're Charlie O., Jack, and Ty P. (I think). They are sharing a blunt. I joke that it's funny they made Charlie wear the mouse costume, but Charlie says he wasn't made to wear it, they chose their own costumes. We continue to walk, we walk back to the school, which is now a mall but it still contains the classroom I needed to get back to. In the mall I'm left with the Erika Jayne character, Charlie O., Wes, and Luke. I knew that I lost my phone during the memory fade earlier in the dream, but only now did I care to look for it. I ask to borrow someone's phone to call my phone. Only Charlie offers. His phone is all soft and crinkle-plastic-y, like those puffy children's books. I try typing, but it has no screen where the numbers I typed should appear on, and the keypad is worn considerably, and the numbers on the keypad are out of order. I can't type my phone number (which I remembered even though it was a dream) into his phone. I ask to borrow someone else's. We're all in an elevator at this point. Luke lets me borrow his phone, which is less primitive than Charlie's but still sucks. I type my number in, but mess up one number—the “2” in the initial 612. So I toggle back to change that and end up adding all these 0's everywhere. I give up on Luke's phone and ask Wes if I can borrow his. He seems like he doesn't want to give me it and like he was hoping Charlie or Luke's would work, but he gives me it anyway. Something doesn't work with his as well, so I give up on calling my phone. I leave them behind and go to a bathroom that I believe I went into during the memory fog when I lost my phone. The bathroom is filled with people. I awkwardly walk through it, looking in all the stalls while there's people in them. No one is going to the bathroom, though. It's a bunch of parents and grandparents with their kids, trying to put them on changing tables or something in the stalls. I look in all the stalls except for the big end stall, which is ridiculously big and also looks dark. I see a bathroom attendant sitting in a chair and I ask her if there's a lost and found. She says “no, not for loud things, this is a quiet mall.” I clarify my question somehow and she tells me to check in the big stall. So I go into the big stall and it's all dark. It has concrete walls. There's a mattress against the wall and there's a big concrete block nightstand. The bed has a shit stain on it and I'm disgusted. I go to the nightstand and think I see my phone, but when I get to it, it's only one of those socks that leave the top of your foot and ankle exposed. I'm disappointed and I leave the stall. I move to leave the bathroom, but then I see, lying on the floor, my phone! I go back to see Mom and Julia. I know everyone will be mad at me. I don't remember the ending clearly, but I know I watched a video of a guy jumping off a floor in a mall and crashing into escalators that had a bunch of people in marathon costumes on them. And this man is naked and cuts himself with razors. And he does this all on purpose for a particular reason, but people can't grasp the reason. |
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