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Dreampt I was at a Six Flags type place with a friend (either Jordyn or Kallie Q. or a mix of them). We were leaving the park and I was walking the friend back to her car. She was parked in a parking garage with six floors. Her car was on the sixth floor. The way I would eventually be headed was in the opposite direction of the garage, so I figured I'd walk her to her car, and then she could drive me back to the place where we started so I could walk in the direction I needed to go. But she couldn't do that, so I resigned to the fact that I'd have to walk all the way to her car and then all the way back.

The stairs in the parking garage were so difficult to ascend. They were a tight spiral and they were metal. My friend was climbing up them by the railing (like how you'd climb a tree). It was nerve-racking. The garage had an unsettling and dangerous aura. I decided to take the elevator instead, so my friend jumped down and joined me.

The elevator took a long time to arrive. When it finally did, it was tiny and had a table with cushions on the floor. It was like a Japanese restaurant. An older Asian couple came over, led by a maître d' who told us that this was not the elevator. He showed us to a different elevator and told us we must fold up completely a burrito type food before we can get in. Also, he told us something about cereal being all the way submerged in milk before being allowed in the elevator. These were the rules of the elevator to prevent a mess.

We got in the elevator, but instead of going up two flights to the 6th floor it brought us down to the first. We pushed buttons to go back up, but the elevator wouldn't move. The buttons didn't appear to affect anything. People started walking towards the elevator, and I didn't want them to get on. It was really a janky elevator and I was scared it would break with more weight.

The inside of the elevator had some aspects of an old car dashboard. I clicked on a button that said 6, because I wanted to go to the sixth floor, but the button was for the 6th cd in the cd player, so music started playing instead.


Dreampt I was on a boat. A famous painter was on board putting on a show. It was a small boat. He and his assistant were setting up the paintings. I looked out a window and saw a tweaker lady kick a small orange dog. I ran out and took the dog from her. Everybody was mad at me, but I didn't think I'd done anything wrong, and I would've done it again. The painter was impatient and seemed as if he wanted to leave the entire time. He was Baryshnikov-esque in some way which I can't explain.


I was in a bus station/train station place. It was underground. I was with an Asian woman and I'd been with her for a while. She'd been a character in my whole dream up until this point, so we were close acquaintances by then.

We had to take out our IDs (student IDs) to get on the train. I took mine out and she looked at it. She was shy about her ID, though, and didn't seem to want me to look at it. But I caught a glimpse anyways. She was born in 1988 but she looked my age or just slightly older. It also said she had a kid. She was getting her doctorate in two semesters.


Dreampt I was in a space shuttle thing with two people. One of them was younger than me and one of them older. They were both women. It was dark inside with only a little sort-of red tinge. Or there were a couple small red lights giving off red light. It was crowded with stuff.

The woman older than me was going to light a fire that would end all existence and all of history along with it. She had a reason, but I couldn't follow her logic. She lit the fire and we waited for our death. We were going to be the last to die. As we waited we watched all of history go away and be “erased” by the fire. The “history” approached us linearly from the distance, far away then closer and closer, and as it approached us all the past behind it disappeared.

I dreampt of a scene with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. They were dressed up all fancy and walking in a garden. They were holding each other. Kanye made a sudden movement which Kim wasn't expecting, and she fell. But Kanye caught her before she would've hit her head. She was lying almost horizontally, fully on the ground except Kanye was holding her, so it was as if she was levitating. She saw a dead frog near her and screamed. I saw two other live frogs behind her. They were moving around close to her back (at this point she was sitting upright). I wondered when she'd notice them and what she'd do.

I dreampt I was on a beach. There were these weird, long, hard-skinned fish/seals/lungfish/alligators. They were probably 1.5 feet long or maybe 2 feet. They would spring out of the water and land on shore, then flop back to the water or just immediately one-bounce it back. The world was ending very soon and everyone at the beach knew that.

I kept watching the fish. I somehow knew that many things around me and around the world were dying/disappearing, but not the fish yet. I knew the time would come for the fish, and I was kind of just waiting for the inevitable. Eventually I watched the fish flop onto the shore and not return to the water.

I returned to Mom, Charlie, and Julia, and we made our way to higher ground (since the water was now rising). We were just prolonging our inevitable death. We went in a building overlooking the sea in a small town like those in Italy on the cliffs. Out of the window I saw the water rising on the city. I saw someone in their car getting engulfed by water, but still trying to drive away.

We discussed what we should do. I was overwhelmed with the idea that we had to “get back to Lola so we can all die together with her.” I felt so sad thinking about her alone and dying. I felt sad that she had to die without understanding that we were all dying.

Charlie said something about how he will miss us, but meaning he'll miss our souls. The feeling I got from his statement was that our souls found each other in this family for this lifetime, and once we die we might not be together anymore. Being in this family bound our souls together and it made me sad to think our time bound together like this was over.


Dreampt that I was in my chemistry lab, but Catherine and Nick were also there. Pops was there too, and he was helping Nick with his lab. Nick was doing a different lab than I was. I started to pay attention to what they were doing, and I neglected my own work. I realized how far behind I was getting, but I still paid attention to them instead of working on my lab. There was a slight feeling of being left out. I don't think I finished my lab and I knew that I was going to get a bad grade, which made me a little bit sad.


At some point in my dream my phone screen cracked. I dropped it and there was a tiny crack towards the top which I stuck my fingernail into and then the whole screen shattered and I regretted doing that.


Dreampt I was planning on meeting up with Owen, but I got sidetracked on the way there. I was on a beach sitting in a plastic chair. There were a lot of people sitting and standing around, mostly young middle-aged women and junior high aged girls. There weren't enough seats for everyone. I got up for a second, but almost immediately sat back down. I couldn't though, because a girl had already sat on half of the chair. She wouldn't move even after she noticed I wasn't actually leaving the spot. This bothered me a little bit.

Then the water started rising until we were all surrounded by water. The ground was no longer visible because of the water, but we were still seated because the platform of the chairs was above the water level.

There was a fish in the water and people would scream whenever it approached them. The fish was kind of like an ouroboros and kept popping halfway out of the water chasing its tail. It was grey or maybe silver. It had scales and was the size of my leg but curled into a circle. It came over to me.

A little bit before this I'd turned to the girl sitting next to me and realized she was a young teenager. I no longer was mad at her and I felt ridiculous in feeling that way towards a child in the first place.

Anyways, the fish approached me twice. On the second time it stole one of my flip flops. After this it was satisfied and returned to the depths. I thought, “oh no, I have to drive to Owen's house, and now my right shoe has been stolen. I prefer not to drive barefoot, but I have no choice.”

Then I moved away from the water and fish setting. I was on a road through suburbia in a Point Pleasant-esque beach town. I was walking towards the boardwalk. The ocean was in front of me in the distance. I tried to contact Owen to find out where he was, but instead I received angry texts from Natasha. They were both mad. I tried to make a group chat with Dante and Andy to find out what was going on. Dante said, “yeah, she's freaking out at us too.” Andy said nonchalantly, “it's all your fault.”

I was in a tunnel in Kate's basement which led to another house. I think I was trying to find Owen still, which is why I was just wandering around. The door to the tunnel was over where Kate's TV used to be. There was a dark brown wooden door that led into a small chamber. From the small chamber there was another dark brown door that led into a hallway that then tunnelled to the other house. The small chamber and the hallways were painted yellow and had soft lighting and beige carpeted floors.

The connected house was kind of creepy and cluttered. I went up stairs and into a very small (elevator sized) room. The room had lighting like that which would be given off by a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling on a string (I don't remember specifically if there was actually a lightbulb like that in the room, though). There was something interesting and puzzling in the room, but I don't remember what it was.

Then I wanted to leave. I attempted to retrace my steps, but the way in which the hallway tunnels were arranged had changed. It felt like I was being toyed with, like it was a challenge or a test.


Dreampt XXXTentacion was lying on the floor of a semi-crowded mix between a bus and a passenger carriage. He was either dead or dying because he'd got beaten up. A baby fell onto the floor next to him and I thought it might be Gekyume. The baby looked all rubbery. Another slightly larger baby flew down like cupid (but fast) and picked up the floor baby and brought it back to a woman sitting nearby. I thought it was odd how callous everyone was being towards the floor baby.

Dreampt I was in a car driving to a destination. It was a five-passenger vehicle and Dad was the driver. I think there were other people sitting in the backseat with me. The whole dream felt navy blue in color. We approached the roof section of a parking garage (same parking garage as in the dream on September 6, 2019). I was worried, because I remembered how much of a pain navigating that was last time. I complained but was told that this time it would be different.


Dreampt I was at Dante's house and it was a huge mansion. I was following around Dante with Owen, Max, and Ben. There were lots of people in the house and I felt proud to know Dante whose house it was, because it made me feel like I had more of a right to be there than some of the other random people.

We ran into one of Dante's relatives and introduced ourselves. I felt a bit awkward because I was the only girl. Then I saw Ana R. standing around with two guys. I had to acknowledge them or else it would've been rude, but when I went over to them, they were rude to me, so I was especially rude back to them and got a giddy excitement out of that.

Then Dante and the boys were going to go smoke outside. I decided to stay inside, but that meant I was alone for a little while. Dante's mom and aunt (or two female relatives) came up to me and invited me to sit at a table with them. The table was a high-top within a small restaurant, still inside their mansion. While we talked I felt self-conscious about making eye contact. We talked about chemistry and I asked if they went to the junior high and high school here in [city]. They said yes. I asked who their chemistry teacher had been and they said “he doesn't work there anymore.” The whole conversation overall was not terribly awkward, but I felt like I wanted their approval, so I was nervous the whole time.

Then in the dream I found myself walking by the park. The location of Dante's mansion was the Sletten's old house. I wondered where the boys were. I saw a police car drive by and I keep walking. I saw it drive by again and I turned to watch it climb up the hill. I saw silhouettes in the backseat. It was definitely Ben, Max, and Kai, maybe others too (I don't remember).

Then I was in a building with conveyor belt floors and curved hallway passages. There were lots of Arabian people around. I made my way through these strange passages and down a flight of stairwell stairs to a room full of college kids. It was a college radio station. I didn't talk to anyone. There was a candy dish out. I dug my hand into it and grabbed a full sized rice crispy bar. Then I went over to a table with all these papers on it. I was trying to act like I belonged there and didn't just come to take the rice crispy bar, so I grabbed a stack of flyers to hang up. I felt like the people could see through my act.

Someone talked to me and eventually it came out that I was not a student there at all, I was only there because I was waiting for my friends to get out of jail. Talking to the students was pleasant and engaging. I received word that the boys got their sentences. I said bye to the students and left.

The prison sentences were decided by the amount of weed they had on them, but it was like a stoichiometry problem. Determining their sentences involved balancing a sort-of chemical equation.
