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10/2/20 |
[mutual] from Instagram was learning Japanese and he posted about it on his story. I wanted to message him about it. |
10/4/20 |
Two men were driving down a road and they were both in a good mood. Everything was orange/yellow tinted. I was watching from a disembodied 3rd person perspective. The passenger man had his upper body sticking out of the window. I watched as they drove past a sign, which hit the passenger and violently ripped him out of the car. It was horrific and happened so suddenly. There was so much blood and his body was lying, mangled out in the street. It was so violent and shocking. I can't describe the shock. The car was stopped now and the other man was standing near the body. The sign was nearby, like they were parked near the little island in the middle of the street where the sign was. Everything was still orange tinted. For some reason, I identified the mangled man as Charlie. Either this man was Charlie or at some other point in the dream Charlie had gotten into an equally awful accident. I think there were multiple disturbing and violent moments in the dream but I can't remember. The other part I can remember with some clarity is standing outside under a clear blue sky with Mom and Julia. Mom tells me that Charlie is in the hospital and needs a skin graft on his chest and torso. I become distraught on top of my other distresses. I am worried for some reason that he will come out of the procedure short. Like they are going to remove part of his torso. Mom tells me that's not what's going to happen. There was another part of the dream, where we were supposed to go out to eat with Amy and Greg but we got the news about Charlie being in the hospital so we had to leave, but we were going to come back. It was a Chinese restaurant and apparently the service was taking a really long time. I woke up with a rash on my chest. Only on my chest, which was interesting to me because in the dream Charlie needed a skin graft on his chest. |
10/6/20 |
I saw that I had all this homework due that I'd neglected all week. It was tons of homework and it was all due in a couple hours. I started doing it but I knew I'd never finish in time. Kai was baking bread or something. As part of my school work for some reason I was on this snowy island in the middle of a lake with Lola. I was foraging around and all these small fires began popping up. I would put them out, but eventually it became overwhelming so I left with Lola. |
I was going to take a shower. I was in a bathroom. There was a wall of fish behind me. I decided not to take a shower. I saw that one of the goldfish had escaped the container. I reluctantly grabbed it and hoped that it wouldn't end up hurting itself more by trying to jump away from me. It really gripped my hand. I brought over to the wall-affixed, window-looking container that held all the other fish. I tried to drop it in but it wouldn't leave my hand. Finally it fell into the enclosure, but it seemed to be stuck between some plexiglass and the wall, and it wasn't actually in the water. This worried me so I peered over the edge and into the enclosure to check, but it was in the water and everything was alright. |
10/10/20 |
There was an older English man who was a chef. I was sitting at a bar with another girl my age and we were being served food by the man. He was giving us this gross British food. I ate it because I didn't want to be rude but it was so gross. They were these patties of something. My friend ate more of hers than I did mine and I felt a little ashamed I couldn't eat more. Then we were at this table with more people. There was the chef man, more girls my age, a young boy who was someone's son, and a young girl who was someone's daughter (they were step siblings I think). This table was located in America rather than the Scottish highlands or wherever the bar was. There was a window by the table. The man looked out the window then said to me that he likes the view in Scotland better. I said I agree, "it's cozier." |
I was at a food place, not fast food but not a restaurant. A big food truck type thing maybe. I was ordering food and didn't know what to order, or I was doing something like that. I was slightly making a fool of myself unintentionally and I was kind of embarrassed. One of the workers came up to me and started talking to me and he was really nice. I remember looking up at him and thinking about how much I enjoyed talking to him. There was a really kind presence about him. Then I became aware I was dreaming and woke up. He said something right before I woke up but I forgot what it was. |
10/12/20 |
I was up at Kate's house. It was nighttime. I'd ordered pizza. Julia was at home. I think she'd just arrived home. I was running home to get money for the pizza when I saw that the house was all open. The front door, garage door, porch door, all the doors were open. I was suddenly worried. Julia was standing at the entrance when I got there. She said “there's blood in the living room.” I asked “where's Lola?” She didn't say anything and just looked at me in shock. I started screaming and then I woke up. |
10/16/20 |
I was in Grandma Sandy's house but it didn't look like her house at all. It was like a large Spanish estate. I was in the basement. The stairway to the basement was kinda like the stairway to the basement at the cabin. I had all this stuff down there. I was on 4chan on a computer. I was communicating with Ben. He was at some concert or something and Trump was there. Ben had told me prior to him going that he needed to bring certain items because he might see Trump there and he had to give them to him. Ben texted me that everything had gone as he predicted and he'd met Trump and gave him the items. I thought that was so funny. I needed to bring stuff up from the basement but I got scared so I had Julia help me. She had a cigarette and was smoking it in front of Mom who yelled at her. I took it and puffed on it a little. When Mom yelled at me I said “nooo it's European.” I put it out on my boot before I threw it away. I really made sure it was out because there was a security guard watching me. Then I got escorted back somewhere via this robot thing that was just like a coat on wheels and it brought me through peoples' apartments. We morphed through the walls. It brought me to this table with all these tech support consultants and we were talking about “the L equation,” which they were all saying was cool. I expressed remorse that I'd switched majors from math and said that I was going to switch back. |
10/18/20 |
There was a party going on or multiple little parties on this roadway that wound around a cliff. They took place in the sand by the road and it felt like the people were meeting in honor of loved ones who'd fallen off of bicycles and died. I went to a group of people and started stirring their fruit punch which had pineapples in it. I thought the pineapples were pieces of taro or something so I looked at them closely but they were just cubed pineapples. I was sitting with two gay men that I assumed were in a couple. They were ignoring and dismissing me which made me feel bad so I stopped stirring the punch and left. As I was going towards my car to leave, a different group invited me to come join them and drink their fruit punch. I decided to stay a bit longer since I finally felt slightly wanted. Their fruit punch was just a bunch of cut fruit in a bowl. I grabbed a slice of watermelon but it wasn't really watermelon. It was a light purple fruit that was devoid of color in some places like the end part of a watermelon near the rind. I had parked my car in a really bad place when I got out to stay with this 2nd group of people. I had only intended to stay there for a second so I didn't think it'd matter. But people started getting mad at me. I got in my car and moved it quickly. I drove forward from the cliffside road onto a 5 lane highway. I turned into a motel parking lot by crossing almost all the lanes a bit recklessly. Once I parked my car there I learned that I had a suspension on my license or something which required me to pass a type of driving test again to unsuspend it. |
10/20/20 |
I was having a conversation with Dad. I was yelling at him but he wasn't reacting. I was frustrated. We were sitting at a wood table and it was kinda dark in the establishment. I was sitting adjacent to him on his left side. I had the knowledge that Charlie was going to die within the next 24 hours. Everytime he was going to do something I felt ill. I kept thinking, this is when he's going to die. He's going to choke when he eats. He's going to get into a car accident when he leaves. There was nothing I could do to stop it. I was walking with Catherine and Mom down the hill on the sidewalk near the little green building at the park. Mom said something like, “your license test is coming up, no?” and Catherine replied “yes, I'm excited!” |
10/21/20 |
Overheard Charlie on the phone with Dad. They were talking about plans to go golfing. Things seemed very normal between them which struck me as odd. Then I heard Charlie say something about someone else coming, someone who'd just gotten out of jail. I remembered that he'd told Mom that he wasn't going to go with that person, so I saw this as him being sneaky and it annoyed me. I started complaining about it loudly. I was in the kitchen and wasn't aware that Mom and Charlie were at the dinner table. Once I realized they were, I didn't want to just stop complaining because I thought that would be weird. But I was a little embarrassed. |
I was at a homeless shelter. There was a big room with multiple floor elevations like a movie theater without seats. There were tons of mattresses on the floor. Each was a spot where someone would sleep. The homeless shelter coordinator asked me which spot I wanted. I had to think about it. I wandered around. On the middle level, I sat next to this kid who reminded me of Luigi and I asked him a question about the mattresses. He pulled his mattress away from him and lay directly on the floor. He said he didn't use the mattress. Eventually I chose a mattress that was in a small room by itself, but I don't remember choosing it. Then I was walking outside and got a message on whatsapp. I didn't recognize the number. The message warned me that someone was trying to break into my room. The tone was incredulous but childlike. Like they couldn't believe I was already in danger and also they were kind of excited delivering this news because they were far removed from it and could watch it unfold without affecting them. It was weird to have the news delivered to me that way. I answered, “what!?????” Then I started getting lots of messages from numbers I didn't know. I was terrified and regretted choosing a single room. I wanted to stay in the big room with all the mattresses because it would be safe. Then Janet called me and was worried. She was with Mom and some other people I know and love. They said they knew about the stalking thing and wanted to make sure I was ok. I wanted to go to them and be comforted, but at this point I was far away from both them and from the homeless shelter. I was at a large Asian mall. The mall was playing loud music about being happy and all the advertisements were about being happy. At first I didn't even notice it, but as time went on I became more and more aware of how bizarre and propaganda-y it was. I was with a boy and a girl now. They were also from the homeless shelter. The boy apologized for startling me by appearing to stalk my room. I was shocked. So it was him! He said he'd just wanted to give me something, this little business card that had his info on it. He seemed to be implying that he wanted to have sex with me and if I ever felt the same I should contact him. He apologized again for scaring me. Then the girl started being mean to him in a cliche boy/girl dynamic way. But he seemed to enjoy it. He was saying to me that his apologies weren't enough and that I shouldn't forgive him so easily. I decided to play along and act unforgiving but I was truly thankful that it was just this guy and not someone scarier who was trying to break in. Then I was with Jake and Jordyn. The lobby of the homeless shelter looked like Owen's living room but rearranged. It was nighttime. Jake had two joints that were filled halfway with weed. He also had a bottle of smirnoff. Jordyn left briefly to go do something. I got nervous and told Jake to put the joints outside. I was scared of the regulation at this place. I didn't know how strict they were with things like that. Jake put one outside, then showed me that he was putting the other inside the inner breast pocket of his coat. I felt a bit less anxious. The smirnoff was still pretty out in the open on the floor though so I tried to hide it as best I could under the coffee table. Jordyn came back and I turned towards her as she approached from the other side of the couch. Behind her, I saw this unnerving blue painted face standing still in the dark. It was just one of the staff members, though. She came over and asked Jake to take out what was in his shirt pocket. He did, and she told him that wasn't allowed. Later I was alone. I was no longer with Jake or Jordyn or the people I'd met at the mall. I decided I'd sleep, even though I was still scared for my safety. I got to my room and saw that there were multiple beds there and people in them. I felt so relieved. I told them about what happened earlier with Jake and getting in trouble. They commiserated that the staff were too strict. Then one of the guys pulled out two blunts and started smoking them. The facade that the authorities at this shelter were strict and in charge disappeared and I realized they didn't have as much control over their population as they seemed to. Eventually some staff came in and yelled at us. Everyone kind of complied so as to not get in trouble but it was obvious they were just going to break the rules again once the authority left. A staff member asked us what we want for lunch tomorrow. She asked, but all that seemed to be getting offered were sub sandwiches. |
An airplane in a small lake or pool sank. These commentators and spectators were all watching. The plane was in the water for some television event but it wasn't supposed to sink. Three guys were in the water swimming with briefcases full of money. This was also part of the event. The plane literally tipped its nose down 90° and went straight down into the water. The briefcase men were confused. For a couple seconds I seemed to take over the body of one of them. I thought about vortexes and thought I'd better get away from the plane before the suction gets me. I dropped my briefcase and started moving away but I wasn't fast enough and I got pulled under violently. I managed to escape its hold but I saw that my fellow briefcase holders hadn't. I grabbed one of them by an article of clothing and pulled him up. He lived because he dropped his briefcase. The other man didn't drop his briefcase, or didn't drop it quick enough, so he died along with all the airplane people. |
10/25/20 |
I was at a gas station and a robbery occurred. Committed by a pregnant poor white trash woman. Grandma Dona was somehow hurt in the robbery. I was so angry I kept saying really mean things about the pregnant lady. Like I wanted her child to die. She went into labor. She had a preteen son with her too. I remember I was calling her stupid for robbing a gas station with no plan, like she just grabbed cash out of the register while she was checking out. There was this brand of popsicle that I bought that was called “chads” where it was a bunch of popsicles with different fillings inside, either chocolate or fruity, and the marketing was like “what will it be? Will you get a chad?!” Chads were the ones with a fruity inside. I was walking around the store with Grandma Dona and Joey. Greg was a cashier. Mom was buying stuff for Grandma Sandy and her total came out to $2000 at the checkout. |
10/26/20 |
I was in a house out in the country with these people and the immigration police were coming. I was with Charlie, Mom, Julia, and a family that had 2 middle aged parents and a young daughter, younger than Julia. We all knew the police were coming and there was nowhere to run, so we just waited. The police came into our field of vision and I prepared to get shot, but they just ignored us and kept looking elsewhere. Like they didn't know that we were the people they were looking for. I thought we were in the clear but we weren't because they came back. One of the men pointed at Mom, Charlie, Julia, and me and said we had to follow him and the other three, the family with the younger daughter, were going to be killed. I felt helpless. We followed the man and he took us through a weird labyrinth of rooms that eventually ended in this decrepit laundry room. He opened this compartment in the ground that we were supposed to crawl through but it was filled with water so we couldn't. |
I went to the mall with Mom and bought a volume of the Hunter x Hunter manga but it wasn't the volume I'd intended to buy. It was one that I'd already read so I asked Julia to come back with me to the mall to return it. |
10/27/20 |
[username] was an editor or a writer of the joke section of a newspaper. We were in a building with the schizo girl from tumblr who's his ex-friend. They were going down these tubes in the ground and I was supposed to follow but I was scared. I went down into a recessed area of the ground that I couldn't climb out of. The only way out was the tiny tunnel in the ground but I was too scared. It couldn't see how I'd make it through without getting stuck or something. (Second dream in a row dealing with movement through small tunnels in the ground.) |
10/28/20 |
I went to a center to get a covid test but I couldn't figure out how to get into the building. Once I finally got in, I had to wait in a line. People kept cutting in front of me. I let the first person in and didn't mind but when the second person did it, it really bothered me. She was bald and a huge bitch and everything about her pissed me off. Me and a Korean guy who was sitting around started berating her. He had nothing to do with the situation but he was going all in. His comments were really mean but funny. I felt a little bad about how mean we were being. The bald lady got the last covid test. Then Eddy Huang came in. He was a doctor. He started giving out nose swab covid tests (the test that ran out was much easier and kind of fun but I don't remember what it was exactly). I wanted to ask him some questions before he gave me the test, but it seemed like I wasn't going to be able to. He was coming towards me with the test like he was just going to do it regardless of if I was ready. Finally I got him to stop. I asked him, “is this the nose swab test? Is it as effective as the other?” or some series of questions to confirm what was going on before it happened. He said yes then swabbed my nose which didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. I said to him, “that was it? Why do people say it hurts so bad...” And he said passively, “because it does.” For some reason I really wanted his attention. I didn't like how he was being nonchalant with me. I wanted him to stay by me but he seemed like he was going to leave. He wasn't leaving, though. While I was occupied with my worried thoughts about him leaving, he came back up to me and injected me with something. It was something to help my sinuses which I guess he saw something wrong with while he was giving me the covid test. I hated the shot but I was weirdly happy that it meant he was still paying attention to me. Then, again when I wasn't looking, he gave me another shot. This time it was full of milk. I remember being super confused, then I woke up. |
10/29/20 |
Dante sent me a real estate listing from a region in southwest Idaho that had a French name and large French population. |
10/30/20 |
Slavi and I were in a basement with Slavi's Spanish professor, or he might've been a professor of something else. We were at Amy's house maybe. Jordyn pulled up to the driveway. I think she had some news for me. |
10/31/20 |
Going home from somewhere. Mom was being racist talking about Ilhan Omar. I had a glass bubbler or something that I was cleaning. There was all this res inside. I was telling Catherine “my moms sooo racist” and cleaning it as we got onto this ferry. |
I was driving home at 2am. I came to a stoplight where 35W exits to 36. Not many cars were out and I'd never hit that stoplight before. It was scary. |
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