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11/1/20 |
In class in an unfamiliar classroom. It was English class and we were doing conjugations or something. It was also like a math class or science class though. We had these tables we were dealing with. Then we were organizing these baskets. The two activities blended. Everyone was finishing and leaving except for me. Before class started we asked the teacher which famous story was the one where the guy pulls the sword from stone. The professor said that he wrote his dissertation on it and told us it was called “The White Dress Lady” or something like that. The professor was really cheery. |
11/4/20 |
I was with Austin in a room and we were planning on watching TV. I was trying to set up the cable box, or something like that. I was doing some task, something that required concentration, like I was trying to write down something or something like that. I was feeling kind of embarrassed. Then I became aware that I was dreaming. The dream had felt so incredibly vivid up until then that I couldn't believe it wasn't real, but I knew that it wasn't. I was fully lucid at this point but decided not to change anything because I didn't want to confuse dream-version Austin. So then we were watching TV with our backs against the side of a bed. I could feel the box spring and mattress on my back. The mattress was a height that I could tilt my head back and rest on top of, but if I did that it was a little uncomfortable. The TV was really big like the one at [address] and it was hung up kinda high on the wall in front of us. Austin's mom opened the door and we both turned over our right shoulders to look. The door opened toward the foot of the bed and she only peeked her head in. She said something to Austin. She didn't really acknowledge me and I felt a little uncomfortable and unwanted. She left and then his dad poked in and started talking about conspiracy theories or something. Then I was in New York in a street-level apartment sitting by a window. And there was a party going on outside. It was nighttime. A homeless man came up to me and asked for money. As I was grabbing my wallet, two affluent partygoers gave him $10 each, all in $5 bills. I was about to pull out some money but I hesitated. I asked the partygoers if I should maybe wait and give the money to a different homeless person since there were many around. They both looked like they were disgusted by the fact that I'd asked that question and I felt like an idiot. A young white woman who didn't look very homeless came up to us and asked us for money. She was all crazed. The judgemental partygoers dismissed her so she left. |
11/8/20 |
I was at a hotel. I passed Ms. [last name] on the way back up to my room. We were packing up to leave. I was looking for a box of cheez-its that I was eating earlier in the dream. I really wanted to find the box of cheez-its. I was really hungry and was frustrated that I couldn't find them. |
11/9/20 |
I was Maka Albarn and I was at the Pantheon. I was fighting an anthropomorphic column. It said to me, “you can't defeat me, I'm the penis of the Pantheon.” |
I was rafting down the Hudson River with Dad. Other people were around like it was a riverside resort or something. There were groups of people who could somehow turn the water into ice, some chemical reaction that they were taking advantage of. And they would float above the water on these ice rafts. It was strange. Dad and I were singing Michael Jackson songs. I was looking at the cityscape. I told dad that it looked futuristic, “like Hong Kong.” I wanted him to see it from this one particular angle that we'd passed, so we had to row back downstream. We were late for something though and didn't have time to waste. We were supposed to meet up with mom. She had asked us to meet her in “Little Armenia,” but we didn't know how to get there. We ran into Charlie and Julia. They didn't know how to get there either so we asked a lady for directions. She was with her friend, but she left her to guide us. She took us into an elevator and introduced herself. She said she'll “be our guide” in a tongue-in-cheek way. I asked her if she was born in NYC or if she moved there and she said she'd moved there. I asked her how long it took before she knew where everything was and she said two years. She brought us out of NYC to some suburbs. We were not in Little Armenia and Mom was nowhere to be found. |
11/12/20 |
I was at a convention or something for Yes fans. I don't remember specifically what it was. I was doing things. I had to go up this escalator thing but I didn't get on it correctly so I was hanging off the side, holding onto the moving conveyor belt handrail. Once at the top, a woman told me to go back down. I couldn't figure out how she expected me to get down without falling. I was scared to hold onto the handrail again. I really didn't like it the first time. There were seats but I couldn't figure out how to get into them since they had these little gates that appeared to open towards me rather than away from me and into the seat. The whole machine was moving fast so I didn't have time to pull the doors towards me and get in. Somehow I got into one of the escalator compartment-boxes and was lowered to the ground. Some woman who I guess was the coordinator of the event was handing out soda cans with the Yes logo on them (later in the dream they became cupcakes). But I (was the only one who) didn't get one because they ran out. They ran out on the woman who got one right before me. I was sad about this because Yes was my favorite band ever and I only came to the event so I could leave with a shirt. I don't know why I thought that if I had a cupcake it meant I'd get a shirt. Then Dante was there and he was showing me these lsd goldfish he had. He gave me three of them, even though he knew I didn't take lsd, just as a generous motion I guess. I jokingly mimed eating them, but I'd thought he only gave me 2 and didn't see the 3rd one, so I accidentally ate it. I didn't swallow but I'd chewed it so it was stuck in my teeth. I ran to a bathroom to pick it out of my molars. I was hoping that, in case I actually did start tripping even though I really didn't want to, that Dante would take some too in solidarity so I wouldn't be alone. After this, the coordinator lady came up to me and asked if I wanted to go with her to some conference that had something to do with the actual band Yes, not just yesfans like the thing earlier had been. I wasn't sure why she was inviting me, I thought maybe she felt bad about the cupcake situation. Then I saw that some other guys from the convention were coming. I remembered that one of the guys was a drummer and the others had some sort of significance like that too. I think the lady thought I was somehow connected to them so it was only appropriate to invite me too. We went towards the group of guys and I was scared because I thought they'd blow my cover immediately by saying they didn't know me, but as we drew closer I saw that they were the frat boys from next door. I was relieved but also sickened because they were acting really casually around me, like they knew me better than they did. I had this strong, sad feeling that they had the wrong idea of me. I wished I'd put my curtain up sooner. We went to this flat building, modern architecture out in the middle of a vast open field, it almost looked like an airplane bunker. Outside our conference room there was a table with donuts on it, free for us. I wanted one but didn't grab one. Next thing I remember is being invited out somewhere with the whole group. We went to this garage area and there were multiple large vehicles, like tour busses but smaller. Like military vehicles in the way that they were empty on the inside, besides 4 seats. I wanted to sit in a vehicle with someone I knew but they were all taken. I saw one with Andy and Owen (or some 2 people that had a familiar, comfortable energy to me). I went to their vehicle and begged them to let me join. The frat boy they were sitting with would have to move. He did and I was relieved. I think after this I was at a party. I ran into Dante again and saw that he'd shaved his mustache. I asked him why and he said something incomprehensible, or maybe I just don't remember what he said. Later I was at my house with Dante and [mutual] from Instagram but I don't remember what we were doing. I was offering them some food and offering them bowls or something to eat the food in. It was dark out and they were sitting at the dining table while I was standing in the kitchen. In the final part of the dream I was at target. Julia and I were trying to buy donuts at the self checkout. It was very busy. We wanted to buy 3 donuts, but the machines with the shortest lines were max 2 items. We had the genius idea to buy a box of donuts, which would come out to be 1 item rather than 3, and then we'd just have leftover donuts. But the machine still wasn't working. We tried a ton of different machines and tried for a long time but it still didn't work. It felt like a ridiculous amount of time was passing. I finally woke up because I was tired of waiting. |
11/14/20 |
Inside someone's house. There was Hello Kitty memorabilia everywhere and lots of it was very delicate. Zoey and Kate were there along with two other people I considered my friends. We were going to leave the house to play a game outside. Zoey opened the door and all these pikmin-esque creatures started scurrying around and trying to get in. The house was rigged so that the creatures would swarm when the door was opened. It was a quirky, lighthearted feature of the house. She shut the door and we waited for them to leave. It was night. We walked down the street in the residential area. Then we were somehow caught up in a game where 4 or 5 gogurts (or similarly-sized long cylindrical tubes) were thrown around and we had to collect them. It was dark though, so it wasn't easy to see where they'd landed. We found one close to us, then we saw two more. We were lucky to see them because usually the game is really long and difficult. One of them was over a fence in someone's backyard. Kate said she'd climb over and get it. She did. The backyard was of this old, sort of worn down house. My friends were discussing whether it was actually empty or if someone lived there and had it looking rundown on purpose. The discussion was ended by a man coming out of the house and pointing a gun at us, ordering us all onto the ground. Everyone laid on their backs but me, I was on my stomach. It was light out now, blue sky and the grass was lush green. I complied right away but Kate and the others took longer. The man thought we were robbers. He went inside for a second and his son came outside. I cautiously sat up and talked to the son. I explained what we were doing and how we didn't come there with the intent to steal from them. I managed to convince him. He told his dad and we were let free. |
We were sitting in a car near Tom from Wales' house. Just outside of that cul-de-sac. It was night, but the lights on everyone's houses were bright. There were two sets of cops around attending to two separate incidents. Traffic could not move through because of this. |
I was seated at a long table in a nice restaurant and everyone was dressed well. They were all very rich people. They reminded me of the Southern Charm people. Everyone was drinking alcohol. The lighting was dim. I was watching the ladies I was sitting by as they got super drunk and misbehaved. One of them poured an entire glass of wine on her head and I couldn't believe it. I turned to the guy next to me and explained what I'd just seen but he wasn't surprised, unlike how I thought he'd be. |
We were walking down the south hill. We were passing by all these insanely nice houses that must've been so expensive. The plots of land were super green and they were very much on a hill because the slope was very steep. There were graveyards on the plots of land and they were tilted 45°. I was commenting loudly on these houses. I was swearing because I was genuinely shocked at how expensive they must be and how I'd never noticed them before. We were walking behind this large group of fancy people all dressed in black and white. I realized it was a funeral and I was being so boisterous it was embarrassing. |
11/17/20 |
I was out in the street and it was dark but there were street lamps giving off warm orange light. People were meandering around like it was a van Gogh painting. I was crouched down in front of a food stand trying to contact someone on my phone. The owner of the food stand called down to me. He looked like an older Alex Karpovsky, kind of. He asked me if I wanted to buy a glass of the juice that they were selling. I said yes, even though it wasn't something I'd planned on. He asked me which size I wanted and directed my gaze to 3 different sized cups sitting in a triangular way on the counter. I said I wanted the small one. His son came over and gave me the drink. I panicked as I looked for my wallet. Another girl my age ordered a drink. I paid and walked away. I was sitting at a street table and the shopkeeper man called out to me, or he texted me and I wondered how he got my phone number. He wanted to set me up on a date with his son. It was all very strange. The son came over to the table and sat down. I was going to politely turn him down, but before I could [name] came over and punched him. I stood up like a classic woman and shouted for the violence to stop. |
I was down in the subway. Or I was in the basement of a large building like a hotel. There was a labyrinth of rooms. I wanted to go back to the surface, but I wasn't desperate. I wandered around looking for a door. I think I was with someone else. We walked through a men's locker room which was light blue colored. I found a door, but it was up, lodged between two walls, impossible for a human to get to. |
11/18/20 |
I was outside by the side of the house trying to share a cigarette with Kai. The sky was very blue and everything was airy. I didn't have a lighter but Kai had one. When I reached to pass the cigarette to him, I noticed it was already to the filter. We laughed and I apologized and said it's this new brand that I got for very cheap, 2 for $5 actually, which is probably why it burnt so quick. I pulled out the pack to show him and get another out. It had the Holiday gas station logo on it. Then I saw Mom staring out the window at us and I startled. I went over to ask what she wanted. She was mad at me because I cut the hem of a pair of her shorts and they no longer fit her nicely. I tried to fix them. Then I was in the basement of the house, but it was my bedroom. It didn't look like my bedroom, but it was “my bedroom.” There was water leaking everywhere. I was worried the water might flood and get onto me while I slept. I think I was looking for a way to redirect a certain leak away from my bed (which was just a carpet on the floor). I went up the stairs (to find someone to ask?) but was blocked by the [last name] brothers who were coming down. They were being mischievous and they had these masks on. It was a little scary. |
11/30/20 |
I'm driving a car. It's a sunny day and I'm going down a road with multiple lanes and trees on both sides. I miss my turn so I continue to go straight. There are all these busses going the wrong way on the street. I speed through a light and miss another exit. Some kids in the car next to me chide me about this, so I say to them, “I meant to miss that exit, too.” Their mom tells me to “not talk to her kids like that.” We get to this dead end, my car and the car of that woman and her children. I get out of my car and there's this big white staircase out to the sea. I walk up it and am astonished at the beauty. The sky is bright, clear blue and the ocean waves crash onto the staircase. The mom and her children are doing something nearby. There are some other people in the water, I think. I can't get over how pretty it is. |
An Indian kid and Cole Sprouse were arguing with each other over who could solve a crime the fastest. Cartman from South Park might've been there too. I was just hanging around them. Then the Sprouses turned into the [last name] family and I was hanging out with them watching Stranger Things. |
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