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I was at a skatepark with Rodney Mullen and some people. There were these bolted vertical beams and I asked Rodney to show me how to go up them on a board. Then I was out at a restaurant with Zoey, Luke, Rodney, and some other friends. I was sitting by Rodney. He was acting kind of childish and it was off putting to me. He ordered mac n cheese “without chicken.” I was supposed to order something to share with this other girl at the table, but when the waitress came I forgot what it was that we'd decided on. I got up and sat on the other side of the table, across from Rodney rather than next to him. There was no real reason why I did this, but I felt like I offended him by doing so and that made me sad.

Then later, Zoey and Rodney and I were in my room. There was a poster lying on my floor talking about schizophrenia that Rodney was reading. I was really embarrassed by that, so I tried to distract him by asking him to do a one-handed pushup, which he couldn't do. Then Zoey tried to do one and so, in clearing space for her, I was able to move the schizophrenia poster away from eyesight.

Rodney talked for a bit about how he and Vanessa Hudgens dated and how she got a tattoo about him on her. His birthday was coming up, so we talked about that too. It was April 4th or sometime around that. He was turning 53. I said mine was coming up soon too. In the dream, Zoey and Rodney were a thing, like they'd recently started dating. We all talked about how Zoey and I should have kids around the same time, so that they can be friends growing up. I said something about how I still need to find someone.

Then, at the very end, I was walking outside with Rodney. I looked down at my legs and the bruises on them had turned super dark grey/black. Rodney explained to me in French what to do to prevent that from happening again. He used the word “torque” at some point and also what I assumed meant “frontside” in French.

Another part of the dream was that I'd forgotten something at the restaurant and had to go back to get it. I went with Julia. The waitress brought us the items while we stood at the host stand. They were these cut-out alphabet letters that I'd left inside the menu.

There was a school play or something. Everyone was dressed up as sailors. The three or four people who had solos were dressed in unique sailor outfits while the rest of us wore the same one. Abby K. was there, kinda directing it all. I was acting really goofy, rolling around and doing stuff on the floor of the room.


I'm running a marathon with Luke and Ava, but I don't really know where I'm going. The setting is a seaside town and we're running on a boardwalk. I take a detour and there's this big mountain of dirt that I have to climb. I have difficulty, but then a guy climbs it and I call up to him for him to give me a hand—so he does. Then Luke, Ava, and Ava's sister are at the pile of sand. I tell them how hard it is to get up and how they might need help. Ava doesn't need help because she's tall. She helps Luke and her sister up.

Then we all don't know where to go. We're doing this partnering system and Ava partners me with Luke. Luke seems upset about that. I ask him if it's because he thinks I'm a slow runner and he says no, it's because he wants our teams to get positions 9, 1, and 1, because the race takes place on 9/11 (I know having two teams get first place makes no sense, but it was a dream so I thought nothing of it). I tell them if we want those positions we had better start running again, so we start running again, though I still don't know where I'm going. I ask Ava for a map. She's holding a baby now. She says “gimme a second” then goes through her bag. She hands me all this stuff—loose Pringles, a mint case, etc. Just misc items from the bag. She can't find a map.

We get back to the beginning area of the race. I run into Sammi W., who has a map. I call for her and she shows it to me, but it's just a bunch of words, nothing actually helpful. Like words telling me the names of the different “sections” of the race. A couple of them had to do with chicken, which I assumed meant running past chicken restaurants, and then one said something about BLM, so I assumed it was running through an area of town that was affected by protests or something. In the end, I decide to start over and follow the other runners rather than take the exit that led to the pile of dirt.

Julia and I are somewhere. There's a TV playing and we watch it. It's a top ten countdown show—“Top Ten Falls of the Real Housewives” or something. On the screen it's showing some footage of Ramona throwing a tantrum at an airport, then falling and acting like she's having a seizure. We leave before seeing the rest of the countdown.

Then we're walking around this old castle-type building. There are other people there, so I assume it's like a museum or something. We're walking outside along a corridor in the middle part of the building, like an upstairs courtyard walkway. We come upon this room which a guy in front of us opens the door to, so we go inside. It's a small room and on one side of the wall there are baseball hats. The guy starts freaking out (and I had some sort of strange foreknowledge going into the room that he would freak out). He starts throwing stuff and knocking stuff off the wall. Then he zeros in on me, I think because I said something to him. He grabs my shoulders and is yelling at me, but not extremely violent and scary-like, more just unhinged. I'm telling him to not throw stuff, that it isn't necessary, and he's laughing at me. He tells me that when he first saw me I was wearing a costume with fake tattoos and he thought I looked hot, and now he is disappointed that it was just a costume.


I was at Kate's house. There was a cafeteria upstairs that was super huge and weirdly fancy, but fancy for like the late 60s. Oddly shaped with big tables, white walls and big glass windows that remained to my back for the entirety of the dream, so I don't know what was out of them. They served Chinese food there, but I didn't order any. I ordered some American dish instead, then regretted it. The food they served had tons of fried bread on it. Lots of breading, like the actual meat or whatever was so far inside of tons of breading.

Mom ordered a fish. When the fish came, the lady set it down and then took a bite out of it, removing its head. Then the lady explained what type of fish it was and other stuff about it. Mom seemed to not think the fish was cooked well enough. She was sort of requesting it be put back into the oven for longer, or like hinting in that direction, but the lady was adamant that it'd been cooked long enough.

I was with Zoey and Abby K. at a bus stop trying to get back to the Minneapolis house. I didnt know which bus to take. Abby was confident that we get on this one bus, but when we got on it, it turned out it was going to Lake Elmo—Zoey got a map and checked.

Anyway, we decided, since we were there, to go to a grocery store. I wanted grapefruit juice really badly, but all I could find was grapefruit punch. In the produce section, we ran into this man who gave us a long winded speech about how you can falsify history. How he can just say that he did something and people will take it as fact. I think he was implying that historical figures had done that in the past. It was getting really boring, so me and Kate started to do a little stilly, somewhat mocking dance. I tried to sync my movements to hers. Eventually I flat out told the man that he was talking too much and being annoying and that we needed to go. We went to another section of the store and I briefly looked at some antique cups, wanting to purchase the cheapest one for the house, but I decided not to.

IG mutual Alex was the cashier, but she had a mousey-girl demeanor to her. As she checked out our food we told her about the long winded man. We asked if he'd checked out yet—if she'd seen him, but she said no. We said, “he's probably still in the store” and that she'll check him out soon enough. Then I directed everyone's attention to this huge root vegetable that seemed to be growing out of the table. It was this big, white, fibrous cone popping out. Alex showed me some of its other bulbs. She ripped out the root balls and held them up. Initially, when she ripped the root out of the ground it held its position as one big white root vegetable looking blob, but pretty soon after being exposed to the light it began separating into all these little separate clumps, like dividing itself. It freaked me out. The reason they did this was something about how when being in a dark space they all go together, then in the light they separate.

Then Alex wanted to demonstrate another thing to me. She took my feet and somehow very easily got the root vegetable to be under my toes, like inside my skin under my toes. I tried to put my socks on afterward but it felt so weird! I told her to take them out. It was harder to take them out, though. In order to take them out she had to individually make a small incision on both sides of each toe and pull the root ball out, which was like a bunch of squiggling worms in little clumps now. She removed them via an html code, like she was adding these quotation marks and the letter “e” to the outside part of each line of code and somehow that performed the incisions to remove them. I suggested she just delete the entire thing of code, since it wasn't that much, and then type it all back again and re-link up whoever else's feet wanted to be linked up.


I was skateboarding around this town following a van that played music. I wasn't chasing the van or necessarily listening to its music, though. I just happened to be close to it a lot. I was actually listening to my own music on headphones. It was the early morning, so I decided to head home. I was at a crosswalk waiting and these girls complimented me on how long I'd been out “chasing” the truck. They had been just peripherally around me for a bit, doing their own thing. I thought they looked really cool and stylish.

I had this string of pennies in my hand that were glued together. At the crosswalk, they accidentally flew out of my hand onto a yard across the street and I couldn't immediately get to them because there were cars going by. A group of young girls who were sitting on the lawn got to them first. When I arrived at the lawn, one of the girls said to me, “you want this? You can buy it for two dollars.” I was like yeah lol right, cute extortion scheme from the little girl, unexpected. I thought I'd just get it back because they saw me throw it; they couldn't possibly believe it actually wasn't mine. But they were serious. Another girl threatened to (and then did) call the cops on me for attempting to “steal” back the bracelet.

I was in this house with Luke's cousin who was freaking out, talking about how much money he was going to make selling his South Dakota land. He was this really old man (initially I thought he was his grandpa). He said something about how he's going to sell and make three million dollars, then someday he'll be a billionaire. We were doing this weird celebratory dance together.

I was in a room with a bunch of people sitting around and talking. The door kept banging open and closing on its own and it was scary. I thought it was a ghost, but then I saw that it was a bat that kept flying into it, knocking it open. I picked up the bat, put it in my hand and walked it outside. I set it on this porch outside with a tree growing out of it, like this brown wrap-around deck surrounding the house.


I was in Duluth. I was sitting on the ground tying my shoe when I saw a group of protesters go by. I started yelling something at the cops who were there, something rude. Then I was sitting at a table with Zoey a ways away. I was nervous that I was going to get in trouble for yelling at the cops before. I pretended to be deaf and used “sign language” with Zoey to avoid confrontation.

Then I was watching the end of Twin Peaks, or like I saw it in my mind's eye—I was still outside but IDK. I was watching it with some people at the table, then some other person came over and I was raving about it to them, recommending they watch it.


I was in a restaurant in NJ. I was pushing around a shopping cart. I circled around and felt uncomfortable, so I decided to buy something, but I didn't know what to get, so I asked the cashier girl and she told me to get either a burger or a “hell's burger,” which was the same as a regular burger only without the bun.


In a parking garage. All I can remember now is being with [mutual] and we're walking and talking in this parking garage, and we enter this area that's all dark and I get scared so I grab onto him as we walk through.


I was somewhere with a bunch of people sitting around, like a waiting room. I was sitting by Suzy. Autumn B. was there and so were Fat Zach and Steven W. from high school. Suzy recounted to me this time that Autumn peed her pants on a field trip in kindergarten and we laughed. After this, Steven and Fat Zach started sharing more unsavory stories about her.

Then everyone left and it was only me, Suzy, Steven, and Zach. We continued to hang around, only now we were in my house, not a waiting room. We compared phone sizes. Zach took out his laptop and compared it to my phone, and I was like “oh! Finally a phone bigger than mine” but it was a troll since it's a laptop—of course it will be bigger. I was under the impression that it was a phone when this happened.

After some time they all left and I started watching a movie that was on. It was a Mark Wahlberg movie about a family (Mark was the dad) where the son wanted to be a pitcher for a baseball team, but the family was against this, so they wrapped him up like a pinata and gave him a stick so he could fight back when everyone started beating him. They did this because they wanted to scare him straight or somehow change his mind from wanting that career path, because apparently that position in baseball sucks and you get beaten like that a lot. The movie was about the son persevering. A scene I more vividly remember is the coach showing Mark W. these squiggly lines that were drawn all over the field and saying that they were there so that the players won't run into each other in the outfield.

Then I was inside the movie, just walking around. I was swinging around a hockey stick, just kinda moseying along. Clearing brush and stuff, just for fun. I saw a golfer ahead. He was Asian and around my age. He was also brushing the ground, preparing his golfing space. He came over and asked me if I could get him some wood chips (we were on different sides of a fence and my side had wood chips on it). I said yes and got him couple buckets full. He was very appreciative and said “thank you” to me in Japanese.

Then I was back in the room that I'd started in at the beginning of the dream. It was me and a bunch of sorority girls. One of the girls was standing in the doorway and some others were leaving. I attempted to leave the room, but the doorway girl reminded me that I needed a mask. I didn't have one, but she had two and I thought she was handing them out. But when I looked at her with that assumption in mind, she gave me this look like she hated me. So I went back inside and just decided I'd just not go/wait until everyone comes back. I started talking shit about the doorway girl to the other girls inside the room. I went off on a rant about how she was the most plain-looking unrecognizable white girl. That she had no defining features, it would be impossible to pick her out from a lineup, etc. Some of the girls agreed with me, but some were like “don't be so negative.” After ranting I looked up at the other girls' faces and I noticed they all pretty much looked the same too. Blonde, pretty, non offensive.

I got drunk with Luke and Lauren on the night of a big storm. Luke and I went outside for a small portion of the night, and when we did that, Luke moved my nightstand or something outside, I don't remember why. It was temporary though. We had gone outside to sit on the back patio. While out there we saw a black bird with iridescent multicolored tips of its wings.

Inside, I was sharing a room with Luke and Lauren. I remember we had to share a blanket too even though I was on a different bed. At some point my bed deflated, so I tried to sleep on the floor, but Luke was insistent I don't, so he blew my bed back up. After this, I went to sleep.

When I woke up the next day I saw that it'd stormed. I went to get my dresser from outside. It was damaged and there were nails sticking out of the bottom. I knocked them back into place with a hammer. Then I realized I'd had my flower pillows on top of the dresser too, meaning they'd also been outside all night in the storm. I started freaking out. I begged Luke to help me look for them, but I knew it was hopeless because the storm had been really bad.

I was at this event. An extremely dream-like event, I really can't explain what it was for. It was in this big, blue indoor bouncy-house, like there were two sides of this wall and there were people sitting everywhere. And there were these staircases (also made of bouncy-house material) that went up and down on either side of the wall (look at the pic). It was dark and everyone there was watching a game being projected onto a wall or something. I really actually don't know what was going on.

Anyway, instead of being engaged with whatever event was going on, I'd climb up to the top of the walls, near the ceiling, and jump down onto spectators in the lowest area of the building. I'd almost land on them, then get up and do it again. I did this a bunch of times. This action was illegal and I saw another guy get in trouble for doing it, but quite a few other people were doing it too, so I felt “safety in numbers” that I wouldn't get in trouble.

Then I wanted to leave. I was looking for my stuff and couldn't find it. I realized that it'd been confiscated and was in an administrative office with the stuff of the other kids who'd been jumping. I went in there and recovered my stuff—keys, skateboard, phone (which was a copper color), and my old white shoes, then I left. The building exited onto this campus lawn type looking area.

I don't think I had rollerblades on, but it certainly felt like I did. I had this gliding sensation as I went down the front steps of the building. I headed back to the car and this girl kept up with me. One of the girls who had been jumping. I told her I was going to jump again next year and she said she was going to also, despite the risks.

Then I was with her and Catherine in the back seat of the car and we were driving. We were driving the other girl home. We came upon this neighborhood that looked like it'd been built on a swamp, but it was beautiful and idyllic. Like Jackson Meadow-esque, kinda, with the houses being far apart and unique. It was obvious that you had to be very rich to live there. I commented that there were poplar trees everywhere. We rolled up to her house which was this weird red barn looking architecture split into two. She thanked us and got out. Catherine got out too and went to the trunk of the car, but Grandma was driving away already. Catherine was like wtf stop. Grandma noticed, so she did stop the car and Catherine went into the trunk and got out a butter croissant.


I was at a bar sitting by these old men. It was Dante's “last night in town” or something. The old men were hitting on me. I thought I saw one of them put something in my drink, so I asked the bartender for another. The old men asked me to leave with them, but I didn't. I told Dante and the others about what happened because I didn't feel safe.

This fat girl came up to me and started bothering me as I was rollerblading around the neighborhood. She wouldn't leave me alone. I went to a public service office of some sort to try to get help in getting her away, but instead of helping the employees just got mad at me for disrupting their break. They were all eating out of these little plastic key-shaped things (like those tear top koolaid bottles) filled with this blue smoothie-consistency stuff. I told a guy that I was standing near that I could make him a smoothie better than that.

So none of these workers were helping me and I didn't know what to do to get the girl away from me. I didn't even know what she wanted with me. It seemed like she just wanted to annoy me. Then somehow I got the employee guy I'd talked to to help me. We had gone away from the office, but needed to return there after hours so he could ask another one of his coworkers for help. I needed them to give me devices to record her stalking me so we'd have evidence to get her away from me legally.

The guy who was helping me drove separately to get back to the office. And I got lost on my way there. Instead I drove over this area that was above the office (like on a cliff) and I saw the whole town from above. There were tons of Christmas lights out, which I thought looked beautiful.


We had Amy, Joey, and Greg over for dinner at our new house—a huge modern mansion. I was excited because it was a house I had always wanted to go into and now I could. I was showing Joey around and told him that it wasn't as modern as I had at one point thought it was. I was still happy with it, but there were some ugly exposed cobblestone rocks and stuff on the wall that indicated its age. Like at one point it had been the most modern thing out there, but now some things were outdated.

There were apple trees in the front yard. The yard was huge, like acres and acres. I could see the property line, though, because the neighbors were out mowing their lawn. There were two types of apple tree growing on the yard: normal looking ones that produced red apples and these tall weird-looking ones that produced yellow apples. The yellow apple trees kinda looked like the stems of giant stalks of broccoli.

Charlie and Mom were sitting at the kitchen table. Mom told me that Charlie had cancer. He got it from accidentally sleeping with his chin resting on his phone.


I was in jail. This group of men were chasing me because it was lawless and I had an item on me that they wanted. It was a Rosary, or some sacred collection of beads and ornaments that had Christian significance. I had taken it from another man after he died, I think. Anyway, I was running, but I got stuck at a dead end. The men caught up to me. I was standing on a ledge next to the top of an elevator shaft and, on the other side of the elevator, there was another ledge—same height as the one I was on.

The two guys who were closest to me—they were both fighting for the necklace, so it mattered who got to me first. I moved back and forth (sort of) trying to make it seem like I was favoring one side of the elevator or the other. My goal was to get one of the guys and climb over the elevator shaft (in an attempt to get to me more quickly than the other guy) and thus fall into it because it was flimsy. This didn't happen and they both approached me from different sides.

I had broken the necklace while I was running earlier, because I really wanted a cross off of it. When the men caught up to me I laid down all the pieces and explained their significance, so the men could divvy up parts if they wanted. There were two crosses on the necklace. I indicated that I wanted one, but I don't remember what their response was to that. I remember explaining to one of the guys that “Mary” is the name of the mother of God, which is a variation of Maria, with Madonna being another as well.

At first the jail was like the set of a movie or something, and I could tell that the people there were background actors. Like, this one girl had a piece of bread out and a jar of jelly and somehow I knew that it was her MO to be an extra on shows and lay out in front of her an absurd amount of jelly on a piece of bread, as a joke. Another girl I passed would say something funny on the phone whenever the camera panned to her.

I was at a costume party or something. I needed help putting on my costume, which was this weird suit with a penguin head fixed to it and a red robe to wear over it—or something like that. I was late to the party so I couldn't ask for help from Mom or anyone else who was already there. So I asked some old intellectual guy and he was like “yes, I'll help you, but no one ever asks me for help with this sort of thing.” “This sort of thing” being like “building something with your hands.”

Then I was at the party. It was on an airplane that was just taxiing around. When it took off, I got scared because I felt like it was going to crash. That was my gut feeling, and so I told everyone that the plane is going to crash.


Prof Hejhal saw that I was cheating on a test—that I was using a unit circle. I remember him coming up to me and I couldn't hide the paper in time, so he took it from me. I felt so guilty and “in trouble” and then I woke up.

Ben told me his manager died. He also said that his GPA was like a 1.3.
