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  • Telling Emily Ratajkowski that she's an industry plant.

  • Looking around an old house with Mom.

  • Trump and Lil Wayne video supporting each other. In downtown [city] looking for parking.

  • Last dream devolving into making Cayley tables. It's very obscure, not in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person, just floating Cayley tables around in my mind.


We were in New Jersey (Mom, Charlie, Julia) ready to come home. We went to the airport to get our tickets, but the guy at the counter told us we each had to pay a $2,000 fine in order to get them. I kept asking why until the guy finally answered and said something about the man in charge thinking our purchase of the tickets was fraudulent; so he imposed this tax on us. I couldn't believe it and said something about how that's $10,000 for us as five people. Then I said, “wait, we're four people.” Then I counted and said “no, we're five people” (we weren't).

So now we had time before our flight. I was still really upset about the tickets. We walked around. We talked about going to a restaurant. Mom and Charlie were discussing that, but then they threw out something about two girls also coming out to eat with us (I presumed ex or current girlfriends of Charlie or something) and I wasn't feeling that. I said I'll just not go out to eat.


I'm with Kai, Julia, Ben, and some other people at a burger restaurant. Julia and Kai order cheeseburgers. They don't give us menus, so when it's my turn to order I don't know what to get. The waitress mentions some names of burgers and I am torn between getting the same thing Kai and Julia got or getting this “basil burger.” The basil burger, according to the waitress, is 50/50, sometimes good, sometimes bad, depending on the chef. I decide to get a “regular” burger (nothing at the restaurant was actually regular) and Kai gets the basil burger so we can share and decide which is better.

Then we're in the basement. Liam is there. Kai keeps hitting his vape. We pull up the couch cushions and all these colorful caterpillars or slugs drop down and move between the cracks to where we can't get them. I freak out, “pick them up before they crawl away!” but they're already crawled away. Although I'm freaking out, I'm also not doing anything to help. Instead, I'm trying to take pictures to send to Peyton.

Then Julia is pet-sitting or something for the [neighbors], so I go over to their house and walk in. Sophia is home for some reason and she starts saying something like “who's there? You're not supposed to be in here.” Her voice comes from the other room and she sounds all defensive and melodramatic, so I say in a very calm voice, “I'm looking for Julia. She is house sitting, I just need to find Julia”—something to that extent. Sophia doesn't say anything else.

Outside the house there's this guy and he's mad at me for some reason. Maybe I took something from him? He's really angry and he damages my car and just rampages around. I don't remember what happened with him.

Then there are these sheep and they're in the backyard and they're swimming at times, which—they can swim, but I'm told that they sometimes need help getting back to shore, so I should be prepared to go in and rescue them.


I'm on this boardwalk and I see [ig mutual] Alex sitting down. This person accidentally runs her dog over. I'm not sure if it died or not. She gets the perpetrator to buy her free lunch or breakfast. While this goes on, I'm skateboarding around and wearing purple. I see a video of me and I think I look really cool, better than I thought, but then I realize that it isn't me, but another girl in the video who's skateboarding around and wearing purple.

Then Alex and I go together to visit Grandma and Grandpa and the rest of the family. Grandma and Grandpa are sitting in a room and they don't look well. Their skin doesn't look good. They look yellow/greenish. I look at my own skin, though, and realize it's the lighting that's making us all look that way. Grandpa pulls out a violin and, while I don't really understand what he's saying, I figure he's going to play us a song.

Then we leave and are walking in the woods. We hear screaming and come across these two boys fighting over a gun. Then, only for a second, Alex is Zoey and Julia is Abby K. and the boys are pointing the gun at them in a tussle on the ground. I manage to hit the boys in the head enough so that they can't shoot—like I don't kill them, but I repeatedly hit them in the head until they were delirious. I feel very guilty about doing this.

Then Zoey and Abby K. are back to being Alex and Julia and we go to the store to buy some things. We wander the aisles and see these cookie toys that are squishy. It feels like if you squish them they become forever disfigured, so I'm confused at how fleeting and “one-time” the toy is, but Alex tells me that she tried it and that the toy always returns back to its shape. We get the items we want (cosmic brownies and other things) then go to the checkout. The checkout lady is really weird. She's super Christian. We need to pay for the items with our phones, with memberships or something. The cashier woman makes us say prayers with her. Finally we're all checked out, but it took a long time.

As we're leaving, the other customers start to get a bit rambunctious and the cashier yells at them. It's closing time there. We walk home in the dark on a highway, on the lane of the highway where cars would come toward us. There are a bunch of cars passing us on our right, but no cars are coming toward us. A big advertisement for “Foshay Field” lights up the sky. When I point it out to her, Alex tells me that she's already seen the advertisement. There's a big game going on there tonight. I stop for a second and tell Alex and Julia to look at the view of the big city. It's like how you can see the assisted living home over [lake]—in this dream you could see a big cityscape from where we were standing on the curvy road. I say “doesn't it feel nice to know you're so close to everything” and we keep walking. I tell Alex she can stay in Minnesota with us for “more than four days.” When we get home, Julia is upset and I ask why. She's crying and says something that makes me so sad I wake up.


“One Piece” mangaka Oda is doing a play. I'm talking to a lady who's sitting at a piano backstage. She works at a radio station and is telling me about how they cleared a backroom so that Oda could sleep there. I have to climb up netting to get something from the backroom that Oda is sleeping in.


I'm in the basement of this warehouse walking around with Mom and Julia. There are titration supplies on a shelf along with other things. I see a lady who works there.

I'm driving home and I take the wrong exit (I'm on a horse). I get stuck in traffic. Ross (fourier and algebra class) is stuck in traffic too. There's a cop next to me and I ask him if—since I'm on a horse—I can pass everyone on the side of the road. He says yes. After I've walked down the road a bit the cop comes up to me and asks if I'm free later and if I want to go out to dinner with him. I say, “maybe, gimme a sec.” I'm thinking about it when, in a car nearby, an attempted kidnapping is being made of this human pet (?). He's stuck in the door of the kidnapper's car, so I have to beg to have him back. I decide that I do want to go out to eat with the cop, but the human pet is coming along too, so it's not much of a date (whether I wanted it to be or not). Also, this other group of random 2-3 girls who are just chatting and gossipping amongst themselves [I don't remember the relevance of this]. I go to my room first before dinner to put away stuff. My room is a hotel room. I put a napkin over ice cream—purple napkin, purple ice cream.


I sign up for an after school activity, field hockey or something with frisbees. I'm really excited for it, but I can't find where it's being held. There's a play going on at the school and as I walk around I keep seeing people in weird costumes. I wonder if the play is mandatory and if I should be there. I feel like I'm missing information.

Anyway, I keep walking until I run into Luke. He's sitting at a table upstairs studying. I talk to him and he reveals he's working on something, some assignment, that he must complete or else he'll fail a course. It's nighttime, around 10pm, and we talk about how long we've been at school that day. I tell him I've been here since 7am. There's a Chinese kid sitting nearby and I think about that video I saw about Chinese high school and how they go from like 6am to 10pm. I figure the guy might be thinking about that too, about how a very long school day is abnormal for me in America, but not for him in China.

Next thing I remember, I'm in this area of the school with a hallway that has hazardous materials or something and a sign on the entrance saying “no water down this hallway” meaning no drinking fountains or anything. I tell someone nearby that I find it strange since Pops' chemistry hallway at Columbia had water fountains in it (I don't remember if this is actually true).

Then I'm over at this table with a computer and Forbes or Owen. Raquel, Luke, and some others are sitting at a table next to me in a little side room. They ask me to come play a card game with them. I bring a chair over and invite Owen to play also, but he's reluctant. Eventually he joins, but he stands rather than sits in the chair that he brought over. Everyone is drinking beer and I ask them how they brought it into the school. They say “the same way you did” and I laugh, but I also don't remember ever bringing alcohol to school.

Then Luke shows me this shelf that has all these red cans and blue boxes on it. The cans are all turned so their labels aren't showing except for one. Luke explains that the cans with obscured labels are beer cans, and the one with its label showing is tomato sauce. Apparently that's how they hide the beer. The blue boxes have labels obscured too, but they're all just mac n cheese boxes.

  • I was sitting outside Mom's house with Kai. We were talking and I was going through some laundry of his that was laid out on the ground. I riffled through a stack of T-shirts with cool designs on them. The last one was made of a strange material that looked like it could be a rock cover (like a mattress pad, but for a medium sized rock). He was talking about how he was going to see his dad for the first time in two years. I cut him off and said something about how weird the last shirt was and how he must not wear it.

  • I was watching some film of myself or something and I looked really fat.

  • Mom was on some type of benzo or painkiller and it was upsetting.


Julia and I are walking around a parking lot of a movie theater and there's a mecha battle going on. A security guard tells us to go a different way. There's a giant goldfish floating on a street corner in front of us. We run into these two guys by the goldfish and walk with them back home. A guy is supposed to be coming to the house to fill in the cracks in the driveway. Julia and I go inside. When we go back outside, the two guys we were walking with are still there, but the driveway repair man has come and gone. I look at the driveway and there's still super big cracks in it. I say something about it to the walking guys and they agree with me that it doesn't look done.

  • Bunch of skater construction workers or roof tiling guys.


I was trying to show people my tattoos. I was trying to show Melissa or Cindy my tattoos and they kept disappearing, like they wouldn't be where I thought they were. I had a bunch of stupid ones too that I regretted getting, I don't remember what they were, though. I had one that was cool, it was like Starry Night on my foot or something (it wasn't that) but it was some blue design. I remember that I wanted Dante to see it because I thought he'd think it was cool. There was one on my arm that I'd gotten removed, I remember looking at it while talking to Cindy.

I'm at the kitchen table with Dad. He's sitting in Julia's seat and I'm sitting in Charlie's. We're talking and having a really good time. We're discussing this book, or this quote from a book, and I can't remember the name of it. It was a book I had started reading then stopped, but the beginning of it had something about a girl and guy eating a meal, and something about blood—like the meat was bloody and there was a philosophical question posed through that.

Dad knows what I'm talking about, but also can't remember the name. As we talk he's drinking these White Claw Lift Bridge drinks. He has a box of them in the kitchen. He reaches back and grabs one and puts it on the table in front of me, but it's not alcohol, it's Gatorade. I say thanks. We keep talking and stuff. It's pleasant.

Then I'm at the library with John K., the cousins, Julia, just a whole group. John and I are kneeled by a bookshelf and I'm trying to find the book with the meal scene I was talking about with Dad before. I think it's by Slavoj Žižek, so I went to his section. There's an electronic rolodex or something of his book titles organized by who “the conversation” was with. I point out to John one where he was talking to a “Maria,” but it wasn't me, it meant his housekeeper. Then I think maybe it's Camus, so I try to find the Camus section, but I need to spell “Camus” first. I spell it “Cameau” and think to myself, it's “ea” like “scream.” I still can't find it.

Then a lady comes up to us and asks for us to go and talk to her colleague about a complaint or something. I think that it's something about another kid who was in the library—like we're giving a testimony or something as to what we saw that kid doing at a certain time, as though he were in trouble. We go to the woman's desk. She asks us if we are ok with being filed under “numbers” rather than “letters.” Everyone says ok, but I want to know the difference, so I ask her to explain. At this point I realize that we're the ones under investigation, not the other kid. I ask everyone to let me have a significant say in the answers to the woman's questions, because I'm the one who comes to the library every day, so it affects me the most.

Then the woman goes back into her office and a young Black police officer comes out. He asks us an ambiguous question about how we would like to leave. It could be interpreted as him asking how we want to leave to go home or how we want to be shuttled to the prison. I respond to the question as if he meant go back home, to which he incredulously replies,

“You still think you're going to just go back home?” I beg him to tell me what I did. “Maria, up on that bench there used to be a green paper thing.” He motions to a bench or at least I see one in my mind's eye.

“Yeah!?” I'm still confused. The man starts miming the shape of whatever the item was, but then the dream corrupts like one of those fucked up gifs and I wake up.


I'm at the elementary school track and field, some event is going on. There's a Native American guy in front of me. It's really windy out. As I'm walking away from where I parked toward all the action of the event, there appears in the sky what looks like an image of Christ doing an iconographic gesture. I rationalize it as some extremely rare weather event and try to take pictures with my phone, but nothing shows up.

  • At some hot springs with granda p (?)

  • Some lady is being rude to Grandma and getting on the bus and people won't let us get on. Kindergarten in downtown Stillwater wanted people to bring in certain animals with different coats. Giving kids a lil talk saying that none of it matters. Leaving with Catherine to go back to her apartment or hotel or something.


I was at a highschool in New York, but it was also a mall. I was with Mom in the food court. She wanted me to get something. They were serving lobster and all this other fancy food, but they didn't have enough for all the kids, so I felt bad taking food from the students and also I didn't have a school ID or anything, so I didn't think they were going to let me get anything anyway. I decided instead that I wanted something from this cafe that was upstairs. We went up there and sat down in a booth. More happened, but I don't remember it.

  • We bought Lola a bunch of different graves. Different types of graves like with different designs on them around town.

  • Buying a purse at Target in the self checkout.


I'm hanging out with Kate and some others. (Maybe Steven W. from school.) We're going on this mission? I'm all suited up for some reason in futuristic combat attire.

Then we're driving in a car or sitting on a bench and Steven's legs are on my lap and I mentally note that I like it. We are driving around and I see what I think is an orange cat walking along the side of the road, but it's actually a person, like a crackhead, and someone makes a joke—they say, “it's a neko.” We drive past this house with these big wicker chairs in each room that (apparently) I saw on one of those modern architecture tumblrs.

We stop at this place and Julia says she needs to use the bathroom. Some cool kid adjacent to Martin's friend group is there plus Steven, and Spencer from iCarly or some tall-brother type like that. They all go to the bathroom. I do too, but to a bathroom in a different area of the store than them. In the bathroom there's this film that comes down over the seat, which grosses me out. Anyway, I leave the bathroom before anyone else is done and I'm just out in the lobby or wherever with that Martin-adjacent kid. He's riding around on a bicycle. Everyone else takes a really long time.

Then I'm at this place and there's a dance class or something going on and people are in pairs. I'm looking at the pairs and I say something about how Cindy should find a Jewish guy. How she's limiting her dating pool by not being with a Jewish guy, since half the guys there are Jewish.

Then I'm with this guy at a pizza place and he's trying to buy pizza (or something). He's complaining about having a long crotch, “is that why you don't serve this certain type of pizza?” For whatever reason the server kid gets angry at this and refuses to serve him. He tells the guy to “go to Los Angeles instead”. I go up to the counter to yell at this kid, because for whatever reason his being rude to the guy was pissing me off, but as soon as I got up in his face, I woke up.
