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9/3/22 |
Met Barbara Bush and president Bush Sr., but they were married, as Bryce and I were checking out of the hotel. They entered the hotel lobby through doors like the ones on hinges at the cabin. They were wearing matching shirts—pink when we first saw them, then green as they were walking out, with a floral pattern on them, like Hawaiian shirts. I told Barbara Bush that she was beautiful and that she looked like my grandma. Then Dad walked out from the hinged doors, but he was tall like an NBA player—in fact at first I thought he was an NBA player—and he wanted to talk to me. I said lets talk on the porch and we went outside (the hotel was now in the shape of our house) and we sat on the porch. We were in Arizona. Someone was filming something in front of the house. I said “what the fuck is going on.” It felt like a ridiculous number of weird things were happening in a short amount of time. Dad got a phone call and was on the phone rather than talking to me—like he said he wanted to—which annoyed me. |
Leasing an apartment next to some people. Bryce and I go into their apartment for a party or something and realize it's a huge, multi-story mansion. Bryce says we're letting them use it (rather than splitting it with them (we were all renting from the same duplex)) because they need to store stuff there for when they go to Lebanon. Another scene I remember is that we're in the hotel room and a white trash family gets into a huge brawl outside our room while [redacted]. |
9/4/22 |
At a birthday party for Ava (Luke's ex). I am at the party with this guy who is my date, but I don't know where he's off at, and another guy at my table, perhaps Grace B.'s date, is flirting with me in a “make fun of the guy who I'm at the party with” type of way. I try to take a selfie wearing a stupid hat, a big sun hat, and I turn to Grace B. and say, “do I look like Van Gogh?” and we both laugh, but her laugh is tentative, because she doesn't want to talk to me and seems awkward. Someone next to me is doing a crossword puzzle. It's a crossword puzzle made up by Ava for her birthday using specifically words about her. I lean over and suggest they try “asshole.” No one laughs, which is when I realize the guy next to me (who is my friend and is possibly Craig from Southern Charm) is doing the crossword with Ava's dad. I lean over to Jack, who's on my other side, and try to explain what just happened but I can't because I'm laughing so hard. I try to write it down for him instead, but I have great difficulty writing. I can't seem to spell anything that I want to say. I keep spelling stuff phonetically and my handwriting is horrible. I continue to write and scribble out what I wrote over and over. Then everyone at the party is eating sandwiches and I want one, but I get one with different bread than everyone else. Shep Rose and I have to eat our sandwiches with different bread. Then we're going to have cake or something. I'm asked to wash the dishes. I am told I have to wash all the plates before we have cake. I go over to this machine-sink to wash the dishes. I start washing, but am unable to turn the water off. Sheepishly, I tell Ava's dad, who I am scared is going to be mad at me, about this problem. I tell him I can't turn the water off. He starts to try to fix the machine (it is his machine), but can't. He opens up the top and pulls a crab leg out of it. The machine seems really fucked. He can't figure it out. I go away for a second. When I come back, there's this new, huge machine. It has all this food in it and a conveyor belt and it can make anything you want from scratch. A lady and two other people are setting it up/stocking it. The lady demonstrates that you can make an enormous batch of cookies 'n' cream ice cream from scratch. She then makes cookies 'n' cream grapefruit ice cream too, which I'm like, that seems kinda gross, but I don't say anything. Jack and I walk around the machine and marvel at it. There's a guy setting up a marijuana dispensary-type thing in the back. |
9/6/22 |
Hanging out with Bryce, Dante, and Julia. We were driving somewhere, to get food or something. We were in this area with all these people crossing the road in front of us. I had no idea where we were and asked Bryce, who said we were somewhere “south of 15th street.” Dante wanted me to do him a favor and drive Owen's car up to Duluth for him. Like we'd both drive up in separate cars (with me in Owen's) then I'd drive back down in the car Dante drove up in (likely my car). I was like “sorry, I can't do that, I have therapy tomorrow at 1.” I felt bad not helping. Then we were driving again, only now at night. Dante was driving and Julia was sitting shotgun. Bryce and I were in the back. We were going really fast. We saw a guy get into a sort-of accident with another big truck running over part of his car. We were all like, “damn, that's fucked up.” I was like, “I hope that doesn't happen to us.” Then we got into an accident. I got up as quickly as I could and went to where Dante, Bryce, and Julia were lying. I asked if they were ok. At least one of them said no. I said I'd call 911, but I didn't have my phone so I took Dante's. I had him do his password. The background on his phone was the home screen from Animal Crossing, where a character walks around the screen. I called Mom and told her we got into an accident. Then I saw that the police had shown up. They looked at the wreck, a three car accident, and determined that Dante was at fault. I felt bad and decided to take some of the blame myself (though I didn't say anything about that to the cops yet, I wanted to let them officially declare that we were at-fault first). All these people in blue shirts came out to do some bureaucratic shit. A girl started lecturing me about something like how the crash was irresponsible and how I was going to get in a lot of trouble. She kept yakking on and on and annoying me, so I started yelling back at her. She was wearing normal, civilian clothes, so I figured she was just watching the whole thing and didn't have any authority. I got her to go away by being mean to her. Then we were in some basement with these two UMN student workers. They were booking us into jail, or something. At this point I began feeling indignant and ornery and wanted to cause problems. One of the UMN student workers, a girl, had this big book of paper in front of her on a desk. It contained all these collages and other random stuff. I asked for a piece of paper from it then wrote basically a letter about how I was going to kill myself. I addressed it to Mom in a formal way, like it was a LARP, but I was trying to play it off as sincere too. It was this weird psychological game that I was trying to play with the UMN people, to make them have no way to know for sure if I was serious in my suicide note or just causing problems. I finished writing the letter then asked to put it back in the girl's notebook. She was like, “I need to look at it first.” I assured her that it was nothing bad, no swearing or anything. Then I accidentally cut it really poorly while trying to trim it to get it to fit in the notebook. This caused me to start crying. I cried and cried because of my poorly cut paper, and then I woke up. |
9/7/22 |
I was flirting with Pete Davidson or he was flirting with me. We were at dinner with a few other people, I think, and I told him something about how our relationship was so “Freudian.” Then we walked away from the dinner table to this town square—it was night—and I turned toward Pete and we embraced. I was way shorter than him, almost half his height, and he was very tall. The people we had been dining with called out to us like “get a room.” The table we'd been seated at with them was outside, right near the town square, so they could see us really clearly. I was a little embarrassed. Then Pete and I had to run and hide. He was wanted—someone was after him. We hid under this porch or something. In a basement. The men who were after him came down into the basement and discovered us pretty quickly. I feared for our safety, but then there were gunshots and I realized someone was killing the hostile men. I thought Pete must have had someone looking out for him, someone with a gun, but that wasn't the case. It was one of the hostile men, he was killing his own comrades, and then he killed himself. It was very gory and disturbing. |
9/14/22 |
9/15/22 |
9/16/22 |
9/18/22 |
9/20/22 |
9/21/22 |
9/25/22 |
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