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4/6/22 |
I was yelling at Dad. He wasn't owning up to anything and it was frustrating me and then I hurt him physically to the point where he “died” or something. But I was upset that he died, I didn't mean for that to happen. I went to the area where he died and tried to feel for his lingering soul. I tried to absorb it into my body to keep it alive. The whole time there was this feeling like all our souls were cat souls, too. |
4/11/22 |
Dreampt that I met Araki and I asked him who painted a Jojo panel, and he said “who do you think? Me!” Then he started talking—he said some stuff, I don't remember. But at the end he said, “and remember, drawing is always something you improve at. You never stop improving with drawing.” |
I was meandering around campus. The campus was all indoors and skyways though. Hallways and rooms. I came across a phone case exchange, or something where people were getting rid of their old phones and cases. It was very well organized, the people in charge seemed to know what they were doing. I kept walking around. G.B., at some point, was behind me with a group of people. She started touching the back of my shirt and being obnoxious and rude. I don't remember if I told her to fuck off. Then I decided to go try out for a play. Auditions were being held across campus. I walked over to them. A ton of people were in an auditorium. I got nervous. They all started to sing “I Dig Love” by George Harrison. I felt like turning around and leaving. Then I saw in the overflow area who I thought to be Luke and one of his friends. I went over to them. It wasn't Luke, it was some people I only barely knew from high school. Up close they were really ugly and kind of gross. They invited me to sit by them, and I did under the condition that one of the guys “leans away from me.” I said it in a slightly less rude way than that, though. The guy who was sitting too close to me was like bleeding or something and smiling a lot. Smiling too much. |
4/12/22 |
Dreampt that I found a penny from the 1600s on the ground while walking with Julia. She googled how much the penny was worth today, and it was something like 50 million dollars. We thought we were going to be rich! Excited, we went to tell Mom. But when I was showing Mom the coin, I looked closer and saw that it was actually only from the 1800s. It was disappointing. |
4/16/22 |
In my dream last night I looked out the window of a train and there was a man skiing on power lines. He was skiing on a car which was driving on the power line. And I saw the sunset out the window of the train and it was beautiful! I said it was the most beautiful sunset I've seen in my life. I was sitting next to B. and leaning toward him and he said “why are you leaning into me so much” like he was kinda mad at me and I felt bad. In another part of the dream, in a basement somewhere, I was eating an ice cream cone. A sugar cone with 2 scoops on top, but the top scoop kept falling off. I would catch it, though, and put it back on top. I was with Laura S. Then I was at this school thing, or Taylor Swift fan meet up, or something. I was late. I was supposed to be there earlier and take part in a presentation with my group. My group did their presentation and I was there for some of it, but not very active, sort of just sitting to the side. Then these other girls, another group, put on a performance (their presentation) and it ended with a cake where—a girl was mad (the cake was supposed to be an ouija board) and the girl flipped it over and it said some words about how she wasn't romantically inclined toward Dante, but it was supposed to be like a diss to me. She seemed to be obsessed with this idea that I was spreading rumors about her saying she wanted to date Dante, but I wasn't doing that. So after seeing the cake I snapped at her and told her she was being obsessive and weird about this rumor that didn't exist and in her obsession it was telling. Saying this obviously only pissed her off more, but she was the type to only handle things passive aggressively (i.e. through a performance and a cake) so she didn't come back with anything of substance to argue about. |
4/17/22 |
My dream had to do with being on the bus, and Rayvon from high school was on the bus too and one other person. And we got off at my stop, but Rayvon and the other person also got off (even though it wasn't their stop) and then the bus driver started pulling away, but I was like “noo, wait! It isn't their stop!” and the bus driver was nice and came back. The bus was actually just like a minivan car. Then I realized I wasn't at my stop, I was at a stop way down a few blocks. And between me and my house was an elementary school, and they were having recess. I didn't want to be annoying or out-of-place and walk through the elementary school to get to my house, so I looked at a map and tried to see how I'd get home without walking through the elementary school grounds. |
I was at this drag contest and the theme was “colors of the rainbow.” Each contestant had to wear a different color. Mine was red, but I was cheering for the girl wearing orange so I gave her a belt and gloves and a grill that were all orange and she looked so good. I was like “pog.” I also had a cute red outfit. It was just fun. I wasn't even in the competition. |
4/20/22 |
I had created a snowman of Julia the previous winter that hadn't melted, but now had Julia's face on it and could talk and move around, but was very short. I had other creations of the past that became alive and were disadvantaged. I felt bad about that. |
I went to Walmart to buy 3 things: popcorn, a tripod, and chapstick. I went to the checkout to checkout and the cashier guy gave me this ridiculous receipt. I told him to be careful with the popcorn, since I opened it in the store and didn't want it spilling. He gave me my change in the form of a check. Then he handed me another check, from Owen, who had been there earlier and told the cashier to give me the check. But the cashier had to confirm I was me, so he asked me to show him Owen's contact on my phone. We took a pic to send to Owen to ask him to confirm it was him—confirm his address or something. Then a parade came down the street by this Walmart. We were out in the middle of nowhere, kinda. It was an odd parade. On the ride back we drove past all these dead cows. Lines of dead cows. It was me, Julia, and Joey hanging out this dream, mainly. |
4/22/22 |
4/28/22 |
I had a dream I was in [name]'s basement and she was talking about having some random guy over to have sex with, and I somehow got her to not do that. Or somehow, I managed to help her by listening to her talk about her interests and by gassing her up, complimenting her, so that she did not feel the need to sleep with a stranger. |
4/29/22 |
Dreampt last night that, with our entire family including Dad, we were going to go to this attraction that was a cement room that was controlled by these two guys in a booth and the room could show anything on the walls. Like a very immersive movie, or something. It was just an activity our family decided to do. When we were talking about it, we would say stuff that implied we were looking forward to “seeing space” or something. We had to walk to the location of the room. Lola followed us for the whole walk. When we got to the room, she seemed tired. I held her in my arms. I wasn't sure if dogs were allowed, but I didn't want to send her home—it was a long walk back. I asked Mom if Lola could stay while we ran the room, and I guess it was ok. We viewed on the walls a grassy scene. Lola was looking at some animals within the display. We never got to “see space” through the room. I guess we just never asked the booth guys to show us a space scene. |
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