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5/1/22 |
I was in my room, sitting up in my bed, and this brunette guy was also sitting on my bed, at the foot end. I leaned toward him to kiss him, but then Kate walked down the hallway, and my door was open so she saw into the room. And she was upset, because she had a crush on the guy. So I said to her, “it isn't what it looks like! I was just telling him to get off my bed.” And I continued to make up some lie about what me and the guy had been talking about. Earlier in the dream, or some other time in the dream, the guy had come over and had been snuggling with me. And I very much wanted to do that again, but I felt bad because of Kate. Then, later in the dream, I was talking with Mom at a food court or some restaurant and I became aware I was dreaming. But I didn't wake up and the dream didn't fade at all. I remember questioning myself a couple times like, “how can I be sure this is a dream?” and my answer to myself was “I just know it is.” Though, I didn't really “just know.” I didn't want to be disruptive or do anything drastic in case it wasn't actually a dream, so I didn't “do” anything about my lucidity. It felt different than other times I've been lucid, but I can't really explain how. Sometime later, I went back to the brunette guy. He was sleeping in a room somewhere—his room, I guess. I climbed in bed with him and tried to fall asleep. I had a phone on me that was playing “Blow Up the Outside World” by Soundgarden on it. The guy woke up and got out of bed and started doing something in his room. I pretended to be asleep. I was a bit uncomfortable though and wished the music would stop playing. I wanted him to come back and cuddle with me again. In another part of the dream, I was out with Catherine and Nick and we were going shopping. I split a cup of ice cream with someone, but it was really expensive, like 15 dollars. I also had crackers and cheese at one point in the dream, but the crackers were moldy and apparently very expired. |
5/5/22 |
5/6/22 |
R. was into me and paying me attention. We were sitting by each other and he put his arm around me and was touching my leg and trying to move my legs, but I was resisting him because his girlfriend was in the room with us. I remember pinching his arm to get him to stop. At one point, he said he was going to move to New Jersey and I suggested Tenafly as a place he might live. He said that'd be pretty far from his university, which was downtown Manhattan. I said something about how I walk 1.5 miles to school every day, and it's not bad. Then I was curious, how many miles long was Manhattan island? I ordered food on some food delivery service and told them to give me “exactly as many tater tots as there are miles down Manhattan.” They delivered me a dirty pizza box with like 7 tater tots in it. The sight made me laugh. I ate a couple, then realized just how dirty the box was. It had graffiti on it and looked like it had been taken out of the garbage. I figured it was literally garbage and threw up what I'd eaten from it. I peeled back a layer of it and saw an old employee's schedule inside it. |
5/7/22 |
I was riding with Bob Odenkirk around New York. We were talking. At the beginning of the dream, he had a set of jokes he had to “reinvent” for some reason and I was helping him. Grandma Sandy lived in a nursing home in Southern California. A white brick building with fancy, modern (70s-esque) decor. White chests and a big flat bed. Mod decor. Catherine lived near her and would help her. Bob Odenkirk showed up to this and that's how we started hanging out. I had a crush on him. He drove me back to a nail salon that he owned, then at the nail salon a murder took place of a Hasid man. Where the man's body had been, there was only black ink on the ground. |
5/8/22 |
Waiting at the airport for someone to show up. Someone was going to arrive via plane and then drive me and another girl somewhere. Then I was watching a documentary on this girl who got on a plane to visit her friends and the plane crashed. Some of the Real Housewives of New York were on the plane. I saw their Instagram posts about the crash. I remember thinking it was odd they posted on Instagram after a plane crash. |
5/10/22 |
I'm at the store with Mom. We're at some machine trying to purchase bagels. (I guess the bagels get sent directly to the cash register from the machine or something.) We buy one type of bagel, then move to another machine and try to buy “yogurt bagels,” but the machine isn't working. It isn't letting me click stuff. An employee comes over to help us. He's kinda rude. He doesn't seem to understand the problem is with the machine. He thinks we're just typing stuff in wrong, but really it's the machine. I get kinda angry with him and try to show him. He rests his head and body weight on my head. I think he's too close for customer-employee relations, but I don't complain. I figure he might just get in trouble later. The machine never does work, so I walk away. I walk around the store a little. There's all these classrooms with scattered people in them and also various bakery items. I see a lot of garbage too, like I see a gigantic fortune cookie stuffed with garbage. And a huge single bagel for purchase. Then I leave the building. I decide I'm going to take the light rail. I go with a group of peers of mine. We go down to the station. Everyone seems to think it's my first time going on public transportation. The train comes and we get on. I sit in the front. I get nervous for a second that we're on the train going in the wrong direction, but someone near me says no, this one's right—“bound for Duluth.” Outside the window I see a naked guy on an elevated cement pillar. He's covered in paint and looks to be doing some sort of performance art. One of his hands is all huge and swollen. I wonder if he's injured. A girl sitting near me asks if I read manga. I say yes, “how can you tell?” She laughs, then starts telling me about a manga she's currently into. She gets all serious, looks into my eyes and I can clearly see her face, and she says, “it's about, y'know, apartheid.” Then I woke up. |
5/17/22 |
I was with Mom, Charlie, and Julia walking around. We were in this area with fast food restaurants around. We needed to go down a flight of stairs. I found the stairs underground and went down. There were, on every level, vending machines with soda in them. I hit the buttons for the vending machines on each level as we went down. Nothing ever happened, until the vending machine on the level I “lived” on (I guess my apartment, or something) and on that level the bottles moved backward on a little conveyor belt in the machine and they lost balance and some fell (because they were just upright in the machine without anything holding them) and I reached my hand into the machine to grab one, but then a glass case came down and I almost got my hand stuck. I was scared I was going to get in trouble for trying to steal a drink. The machine had a weird voice it used to talk to the customer. Initially, when we got to the level with this vending machine, there was a bag of Yogos out which me and Julia quipped about whether we should eat or not. Eventually I just threw them out, because they had been sitting out and they were obviously someone else's. |
I was rafting with Mom, Charlie, and Julia. The raft was our mode of transportation, like a car. The raft was full of custard, or some sort of jello. Julia didn't want to get in because of this. At some point in this dream, Mom told me that Jordan Peterson had killed himself, to which I was surprised. |
5/19/22 |
Dreampt I was on this journey. Traveling to find something with this girl who I just met and John K. The girl was driving us in a car for a bit, but she was a bad driver and it was scary. We went up and down a lot of hills in a semi-city area. Then we got out and walked. There was a huge line for ice cream that we passed. We kept walking and came upon a little courtyard of a private elementary school that we could not get through. What we wanted was on the other side. I looked for ways we could climb the fence to get into the yard to get across, but then a group of two girls came up and offered to let us through the building. We followed them. On the other side, outside the building, I saw the most insane huge lawn of a big church. The church itself was monumental too. It was a big cement building, like brutalist architecture. There was a man-made lake also, on the side of the street where the school was. John got into a car and rode away. I was confused as to why he did that. The other girl left me too, so now I was alone. I went up to a house near the church. It was teal. I had a feeling it was going to be Kate's house, despite having no evidence for that claim. It turned out I was right, it was Kate's house. She answered the door and I gave her a hug. Then I went inside and her mom was there and I gave her a hug and made a comment about how tall she was and how I never see tall people (bizarre thing to comment). Then a bunch of people started coming upstairs from Kate's basement, like Martin and Akira and all these random people. I went down into the basement. There was a bunch of stuff bought in bulk at Costco. I figured Kate must be into that. Ben was down there and I joked around with him a bit. We laughed at a glass display case that had a Rick and Morty bong in it. Then Ben sat down by Kai at a computer and tried to type something in. Some meme-like statement like “deletes the side of your head” or something. |
5/22/22 |
I was at an art museum with Kanye West. He invited me to go to Ohio with him to see some band he only just heard of, a local band. I reminded him that gas was 4$. |
I bought a huge desktop computer to print something on, or to do something with, but I regretted the purchase almost immediately. I set the desktop computer up next to that load-bearing wall near the kitchen and dining room table. |
5/23/22 |
We went to Pennsylvania for some reason. (Where we went looked like north-central Oregon on a map, though.) We were at some sort of hotel and waterpark. The waterpark was like an outdoor beach, actually. I ran into Trieste there and we talked. She asked me if I was going to [college]. She was very kind to me and seemed eager to be my friend. I reciprocated her kindness and enthusiasm in our conversation. I tried to show her a map of where we were, I wanted to show her this weird beach that I saw above us on the map, that I was just looking at with Charlie. I was using an old flip phone. I was having difficulty getting to the map app on it. I kept accidentally closing stuff and showing Trieste my background, which was a pic of me in a swim shirt holding a weasel. It was a weird old pic, I don't know why it was my background. Then I went and sat down with Trieste in the food court. A couple other people came over, one of whom was Drew K. He gave this rambling speech which ended in him asking me to buy him alcohol—he didn't have his ID or something. Then he made a rude remark about how he'd never date me. Like, someone jokingly insinuated something about us dating and he was like “ew” under his breath. I bit my tongue on saying anything rude and left. I saw Mom and Cindy talking. I went over to them. They were looking for Nick. They didn't know where he was. The last place he had been was at a table that had a pizza flipped over on it. We went over to the table and Charlie picked up a slice of pizza off the table and tried to eat it, but Cindy stopped him and told him that was gross. |
I was somewhere hanging out with some people including Luke and Bryce T. Bryce T. overinflated a basketball and was going to throw it at the ground to blow it up. Mom was upstairs trying to sleep, so I said please do not do that. He still seemed to want to do it. He was still going to do it. This got me really upset, so I tried to make it very clear to him that he, doing that, would really, really not be alright with me. He still seemed to want to do it and eventually he did do it, though the noise wasn't that loud. I screamed at him. |
5/24/22 |
I was waiting at an airport with Dad and Julia. We were waiting for a black guy named Russell to show us where we had to go for our flight. I did not pack well, so I was rearranging my bags and we missed the train that would've brought us to where we needed to be. |
I was working for a school choir as a teacher. Henry S. and Trieste were in the choir, among others. I was working for two choirs actually. When I got to the first job, they were going to practice a “pyramid” or some sort of human stacking and I was excited to see that. The jobs were at two separate schools. I was nervous that I wouldn't have enough time to study for classes in between working the jobs, though. |
5/25/22 |
I went downstairs in this house and saw a guy's room. I think the guy was Bryce. He was like a janitor or something and he just slept on the floor in his janitor's closet. It was small, so he'd open the door at night and just let his feet be outside. I was like, “don't snakes and bugs get you?” Someone responded, “here in the tropics, we don't care.” Then I looked back at Bryce and he pulled a scorpion off his left shoulder that was about to sting him and chucked it outside. I started freaking out, worried that there were bugs and scorpions on me as well. |
5/28/22 |
I offered my friends ice cream sandwiches. Owen was there, but he was going to leave and go hang out with a different girl named Maria, so I didn't offer him one. |
Charlie had a pair of LA parents who we visited. Old people who were like his “parents in LA.” I was talking about how nice they were. |
5/30/22 |
I was in a changing room trying on this ugly, bulky dress. Then I was at a high-end grocery store like Whole Foods. The intercom lady said something about a car with the front on both ends—she said they needed to move. I was by the people whose car that was. They were a couple. I made a joke about them shopping consciously while driving in a huge, gas-guzzling vehicle and parking “un-consciously.” They didn't think it was funny. Then I was driving us home from the airport, which was actually the grocery store. There was a ton of traffic. I asked Charlie if I should take the “111 or the 333” at the fork in the road. He said “111.'' Then I asked which 111 exit, because there were a bunch, like 111a, 111b, 111c, 111d, etc., through the whole alphabet. He said it didn't matter, they all go onto the same road just at different times. Then we were outside the car, still in “traffic” but just walking, rather than being in a car. I had a dog on a leash. Dad was there and Mom and Charlie and Julia. Lots of other people around too, also stuck in “walking traffic.” Following the traffic, we went down into this cave with ice and something beneath the ice. I still had the dog on a leash. The worker lady there commented something rude about me, so I said something mean about the ice display. I said it was, “horribly malefic.” Dad touched the display even though he wasn't supposed to. Grandma Sandy was there. There was a kpop video playing on a screen around the corner and I showed it to Julia. Mom was ahead of us in line for a while and she got to the ice caverns first. She was trying to figure out how to work a fancy camera with a big lens. |
5/31/22 |
Ferret following me. Going with young Martin Cabello to Culver's or somewhere. Andy and Max come too. Walking on a long dirt road. Jack inherits a plot of farmland and his dad is mad at him for telling people about it. I'm lying on the ground topless trying to sleep. Three buildings in town burn down. I'm at Luke's dad's house foraging for food. Jamie Lee Curtis is explaining to me how to be healthy and emphasizing the importance of eating an early dinner. Googling “can ferrets eat bananas”, having a lot of trouble typing it in, and the search results have no real answer for it. |
I'm with Dad and Julia. In a parking lot, we see that the Corolla has its gas cap open and there seems to be water in the fuel tank. I wander off and stumble upon a party where a woman wants this shy man to make a speech, but he won't take the mic. I say, “I'll do the opener” and take the mic and ask if there's a mechanic in the audience. There is one. I ask if he'll help me. As I'm asking, I can't explain what's wrong with the car. I keep forgetting the word for “gas cap.” I leave the party before he can help me. |
There are huge jetliners taking off and landing on Manning Ave. Chinese men with machine guns are everywhere and in order to enter the neighborhood, I have to go past them. I cling onto Grandma Sandy's back as we walk by, because I am afraid. Once in the neighborhood, I see a family that's dressed up exactly like the Simpsons, down to the last detail. Even their dog looks like the Simpson's dog. When I get home I ask Mom when the Chinese took over and she says September 22. Apparently, they took over while I was gone in California. I worry that I dropped my leg pillow as I was entering the neighborhood and that I might not be able to go back and get it because of all the men with machine guns. Because of the strict security. |
I'm in some Hejhal class, sitting next to Joe S. at the high school. He's smoking weed in class. For some assignment, we have to draw a picture. Hejhal and a woman teacher are walking around the room critiquing people's work. Joe and I both draw something using a couple of the same references. He's very good at drawing. I'm sitting across from Isaac H. and he's invading my personal space, so I yell at him and eventually Joe intervenes. I get weirdly antsy and start searching the classroom for a beer. I'm opening all these drawers and such. I find a bottle of someone's medication. It seems like I'm not going to find much else when I stumble across a 6 pack of beer in blue cans. I offer one to Joe and he accepts. Then I follow Joe out of the classroom and we walk into this courtyard. It turns out the school is doing a drill of some sort and we are told to just “keep right” at all costs. This usually leads us into rooms at the end of halls. In one room, we go in and there are all these bathroom stall doors. We're told to clean the bathrooms entirely—it's like a “Squid Games” themed thing the school is doing, I guess, and that's the task. I start cleaning a stall with Ava C. I'm still sipping my beer though, so I'm doing stuff one handed. One thing we had to do was paint these fake hands' fingernails (as part of the cleaning, I guess?). This was difficult for me to do with a beer in hand. Ava tells me that I'm really bizarre as a person and that we should hang out after school so she can teach me how to be normal. I tell her she doesn't know the half of it. |
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