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3/4/22 |
Dreampt that R. and his colleagues were coming over to the house to view some machine related to something they were working on. I was with Julia and another girl and I was like “omg! you guys will be able to see what he looks like!” We were in the bathroom and whatever the machine was was in Julia's room. I pointed R. out to Julia and the girl (subtly) and he looked like Eminem. Like he had short, bleached hair. I was kinda confused, wondering if he always looked like that. Then he came over and talked to me. He wasn't paying attention to what his group was doing—he seemed to think it was pointless, like “of course the machine is doing what we programmed it to do!”—something like that. He wanted to see my room, but I wouldn't let him. I said it was messy and I had to clean it first. I went into my room then realized I'd left the door open earlier and a cat—Ino or Auggie—got in and ate my vine plant. They ate my favorite strand off of it, the one with the leaf that's partially dead. I was really sad about this. |
3/8/22 |
I was at a school, like in an ALC class. Luke was there. My current therapist was there, and so was my old therapist. They were holding sessions for my classmates, like out in the open, like weird interview style. I had somewhere to go, so I left but I didn't know where I was going. I got lost. I kept going into the wrong rooms. In one room there were all these people, like frat boys and girls. They all looked at me when I entered and I looked at them. Then I ran through their room into another, which was again not the room I wanted. I was late to whatever it was I needed to get to. |
3/10/22 |
In the basement of a building with Julia. There's some science experiment set up. I keep knocking it by accident, starting a wagon on its track. I'm scared of it, for whatever reason. |
I went down to a gas station (Delta gas station) with Jordyn. We were looking for sweet things. She got Skittles. Everything was kinda sold out. I was being indecisive. I could tell it was annoying Jordyn after a long time. She wanted me to just choose. As we were leaving the store finally, one of the male employees was kinda mad at us. We had an exchange as we left. I don't remember what we said, but it was kinda flirty. He was short. Later, I met up with that employee at his house or somewhere. We talked and he teased me. He was very confident in a calm, attractive way. We went upstairs to his room and I sat on the floor. He said “why are you sitting on the floor?” so I got up and moved to his bed. Then he kissed my head and neck. His room was modern and gray, and clean for a guy's room. Then, rather than have sex, I left and went back out and met up with Jordyn again. She had had an encounter with someone too, a romantic beginning with some guy. We were sitting at a bench and Jordyn was sipping a drink. This person, a friend of a friend, came up and started being annoying to us. She took Jordyn's drink and drank it. Took Jordyn's coat. The guy who Jordyn had hit it off with was off behind a billboard with another girl and we were unsure what was going on with that. I felt bad for Jordyn. Eventually we decided to leave. Jordyn took back her coat and drink and we walked away. |
3/12/22 |
Hailey Baldwin showed me a picture of her grandpa and grandma. In their old age, their skin was blue and overgrown and they looked like Star Wars characters. I guessed that they'd had some sort of condition, but I didn't ask questions. She was showing me her new house that she just moved into. I asked if she would have kids with Justin and stay at this house, or if they'd move to a bigger house before they had kids and she was like, “I think eventually we'll break up and I'll take this house.” Then later, we were on the lawn, I think Roger Waters was there. There were these satellites flying around or something. It was nighttime. They got too close and one shattered. Then we got on this train. It was a packed train, full of people. |
3/13/22 |
R. was going to be producing someone's record. Logic or someone. We were in the building where it was getting recorded, so we decided to just show up, Luke and me and some others. On the way in, we ran into Machine Gun Kelly. I complimented his hair. I was wearing pajama pants. The “studio” was this little outdoor stadium, even though it was indoors. It was raining in there. A football team was playing, but they weren't playing by the rules. They were playing calvinball. There was a basketball out on the field, a player tackled a teammate on his own team. I think it was meant to be a joke and a performance. Then these trains went through. It started raining more, so Luke and I decided to leave. They had these guys dressed in all black at the exits to roast us as we left. We didn't want to get chastised, so we went to a different exit—the dude near our exit was particularly witty and mean. After I left R. texted me, though he didn't say anything about the studio. He sent me a picture of acorns and said something about squirrels. |
3/16/22 |
In the basement of the house. Maggie is there along with some other girl and a guy. We're all sitting in the TV room. They're ignoring me when I try to talk to them, but talking to each other. I look at the clock and say, “is it really 11am? That has to be wrong.” But it's right. I keep accidentally calling people. I accidentally call some guy named “Coach something.” I accidentally call Mica. I go upstairs to talk to her. Upstairs I go to the backyard and see Mom doing yard work. I suppose it isn't a school day for her. There are all these big birds on the hill and upon closer inspection, there's a cow and two big pigs and a hippo too. And other large animals. I ask Mom, but she doesn't know where they came from. I want to take a picture of them, but they're gone when I try to. I run outside to see where they went. I'm in only my underwear bottoms and a shirt. There's a car honking outside at the animals. Mom runs over to me and says “here put this on,” but it's a sweatshirt. I say “I need pants” and go back inside. Then Julia comes downstairs. She shows us the tattoo she got the night before. It's like a weird Indian god with a bunch of boobs. I really dislike it, but try to bite my tongue. |
3/17/22 |
I'm waiting for the bus in downtown Minneapolis with Grace B. I'm not actually with her, she's with some friends and I'm there with Owen. But we're all interacting. We're in this little booth, away from the bus stop. I think to myself, how are we going to know when the bus comes? I try to express my worry that we might miss the bus to everyone, but they tell me “it won't happen.” I decided to go look at the bus stop, and as I leave the booth I see that the bus is there. I tell everyone and we all get on the bus. Then we go to this hotel that's like an airbnb. It's being used by this bridal party, and us also, I guess. I'm in the kitchen with Zoey and she starts cooking the food that belongs to the bridal party. It's not much, just like a couple slices of pie. The fridge is otherwise barren. I'm like, “don't do that.” She's like, “whatever, they won't eat it all anyway” but I'm sure that they'll notice that it's gone. Then I am alone for a second in the house and I get scared it might be haunted, so I run and tell Grace, who is talking to one of the bridal shower people. I get nervous that bringing it up in front of her might ruin her wedding. |
3/18/22 |
I had this long dream where I kept looking for stuff, wanting stuff, then whenever I got what it was that I wanted, it was empty. This happened over and over—this emptiness in the things I was getting. |
A girl told me I was destined to be rich, that I'd been meant to be rich for a while, since like 2015 or something. She seemed surprised that the destiny hadn't come to fruition yet. Then I was trying to steal, or just take, a lollipop from this bucket. A girl had brought them to this party. They were Kwanzaa lollipops. The one I wanted was green apple flavor, but it was all wet—the wrapper was. |
3/19/22 |
3/20/22 |
Kate and this other girl worked at a gas station/radio station. I kept going inside to talk to them. Another girl and a guy eventually showed up for their shift. It was an odd hour—either really late at night or really early in the morning. The guy had tarot cards, he laid them out on the table and told me to pick one. I chose the king of cups, but attached to it was also the king of wands and some other court cards. I was like, “oh, they must not have been shuffled enough.” So I shuffled them more then tried again. Again, I got the king of cups. I said something like, “that's gay” to the guy and he replied to me, “no.” Then I got the idea that maybe he was the king of cups the cards were referring to. Then I left this meetup and was walking. I ran into Teddy, Catherine's boyfriend, under a bridge. We started talking. It was a nice conversation—I don't remember what about, though. He asked me if I knew what trichotillomania was, or “the hair pulling obsession,” and I said yes. Then Catherine showed up. We said hi to each other then I realized Teddy didn't know who I was. So I told him I'm Catherine's cousin. At some point while under the bridge, this girl came over to me and was like “I started the [name] podcast! I heard you guys talking about it.” (I had mentioned what I thought was the name of the radio station in conversation to Teddy, but I guess it actually just happened to be the name of this girl's podcast.) Me and the girl talked for a while and came to the conclusion that, if I ever work for the radio station, I should somehow advertise her podcast, or ask Kate to. |
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I went to Malaysia on a whim. I texted Duwang and was like “check my location.” Later, I met Raquel and Julia there. Raquel seemed very real in the dream, I felt like I was actually interacting with her. |
3/23/22 |
David Lynch was going through a box of his belongings. He pulled out a “Jewish Rosary” and gave it to me. It was bigger than a regular Rosary and was missing the little tail part. This was because that part of the Rosary “corresponded to the New Testament.” David and I were filming an ASMR video or something, rummaging through his stuff. But neither of us were talking about that being what we were doing. |
I was in the bathroom in this apartment building and I saw someone dump their garbage down a chute. And so, I saw the garbage falling, and I saw that whoever—on the floor I'm on—whoever put the garbage and recycling out, they put them in the wrong positions. Then this garage door wall (that was behind the cans) started rising and I was like “wtf!” and some dudes started taking out the trash. I was dressed pretty much before they came in, but still embarrassed (the bathroom was visible to everyone once the garage door went up). Then I was walking out of the building (it was now a shopping center or something) and I walked past this mother and daughter and overheard their conversation. The teenage daughter was being really sassy to the mom. |
3/24/22 |
Throwing these alligator ducks stuffed with penguins (or something) up a mountain. I get this bad feeling about animal abuse—I feel bad doing this. Up at the top of the mountain there's a house. I have the knowledge that the guy in the house is going to kill himself and possibly others, so I try to stay away from the house. I try to get little dogs and animals away from the house before he does this. Then he does eventually kill himself and other people run to go see him. The whole dream was weird and bright. It was daylight and the sky was bright blue on this snowy mountain. I knew the guy was going to kill himself but I also knew it was inevitable. And that it could've been worse, like it could've been more people dying too, that was his discretion. IDK. |
I was getting a cigarette out of the trash to smoke. I found one that was very long, but kinda bent, like the guy had smashed it up, but it still worked, though. I went down to the curb to light it and a girl came up to me. She had one too and I lit it for her. She had dried blood on her and looked like Eve. Stylish girl. Then Austin came over and she said to him something like, “why don't you do some of my stand-up material?” Then the sky was literally purple and the clouds were cubic. A giant metallic robot came and started stepping near us. People started freaking out. I started freaking out. |
I followed Kanye West to his resort in Hawaii by accident. His guard dogs chased me out into the water. I hid there for a while then finally revealed myself to the daughter who kinda looked like Tilda Swinton. I thought we might've been related, actually. |
I'm at this expo with Mom, Julia, and Cassie. Cassie leaves us to go pay her respects to her grandma and father—or something, and this is part of the expo. It takes place at the high school. As Mom, Julia, and I are wandering, we see Dad walking around. He's wearing a red shirt. I start yelling at him, telling him we don't want to see him, etc. Finally we decide to just leave and come back later to get Cassie. So we leave. And then we come back to get Cassie later. Then there's something about bombs going off, demolition, and Al Roker. It's later at night at the school and this is going on, but I really don't remember it. |
3/26/22 |
3/30/22 |
I was in some little room, possibly part of some casting agency building or other entertainment industry high-rise. I was sitting on the floor fiddling with a bass or guitar. There were a few other people there: two guys who were there for auditions, a couple girls who were just there, and the guys in charge—the ones we were auditioning for. I was supposed to audition, I think, but I decided I wasn't going to. I thought there'd be no way I'd get accepted to whatever it was they were doing. I watched one of the other guys' auditions and he was like a really good comic or something, I just didn't have any skill to impress. Later, one of the girls in the room started doing her homework, which involved differential equations, and I understood that enough to talk about it with her. I thought that we might have a good friendship, me and her, in the future, based on our interaction. But she only exists in the dream. |
Dreampt I sat in on Hejhal's fourier class. He was teaching some concept by using “Close to the Edge,” like dissecting the waves in the song or something. At some point he noticed I was in class and came over and checked my hand for something, like felt whether it was cold or not. Then he just went back to teaching. After class we talked for a bit. I was just about to suggest to him another Yes song for him to give the demonstration on, when another student started saying “you know, next time you should do the lesson with—” but she couldn't remember the name of the song. And I couldn't either. We both thought for a second, then I beat her in saying “Tales from Topographic Oceans.” A second later I remembered the song name, “In the Presence Of.” The girl was like, “damn you remembered it before me! haha.” Then I left—at a little past the 30 mark of some hour. Before leaving, I told Hejhal about Lynch movies and asked if he'd seen Twin Peaks. I told him that there were often shots of machines in his movies (in the dream we were staring at this weird Seussian Lynchian machine pumping, chugging and steaming and doing something). He seemed to have never seen Twin Peaks. So anyway, I left and wandered around the school, which was this huge complex that turned into a mall and even a temple and stuff. It comprised an entire mountainside it seemed. And everything was connected. I went to a store, like a Macy's store and looked around. I saw a long skirt that looked just like the orange checkered one Mom gave me. I thought, “it must be back in style.” I looked at the price tag and it was $111 dollars. Then I went to a soap stand and smelled some soap. They still had Christmas soap out. I figured they were on sale, but then I saw they were like $9.54 each. I wanted to get Mom or Julia a gift, but I decided I should be saving money, so I left the store through an exit near the boys' shoes section. It was windy and cold out, snowing a tiny bit. I had my backpack and I hoped no one in the store thought I was stealing. I didn't know how to get back to the school from where I'd wandered. |
Right before I woke up I had an extremely short dream where I saw Edd from “Ed Edd n Eddy” throw up in the toilet then shit in the sink of a public bathroom. I woke up from laughing so hard at this. The way he was shitting in the sink was funny and depraved—he was like clinging onto the sink with his feet on the wall and his ass raised into the sink. Just insane. It was really short too, like genuinely 3 seconds before I laughed enough to wake up. |
3/31/22 |
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