
january february march april may june july october december


I was shopping around in a store at the mall with Grandma, Mama, and Julia. There was no one working in the store and it was kind of dark, but the store was open. For some reason Mom, Grandma, and Julia left me. They didn't tell me they were going to leave, they just left, so I stayed to wait for their return. A couple came into the store. The man went to the back of the store and into the employees only area. The woman yelled at him, “you're going to get in trouble!” I kept browsing around. They were odd and I thought they might be robbers. I just kept to myself. Then the woman said something to me in a harsh tone and, as I was about to turn around, she shot me point blank in the back of my head. The dream moved very slow from the time she yelled, to me slightly turning, to feeling the impact, hearing the sound, and realizing what happened. I remember thinking “this is what you've wanted” and I also remember thinking about my family and how upset they will be. I thought about how I was finally going to know what happens after death. I didn't realize it was a dream for a while.


Me and Luke were going to summon a dragon and we were gathering the supplies. The supplies to summon the dragon: three feathers, an amethyst, and a gogurt. We were going to throw the supplies in the fire pit up on the hill but when we tried to go back there, there was coyotes. I went inside the house to invite Adam Driver to join us in summoning the Dragon, but I kept saying we were going to “chase the dragon.”

The dream started in a parking garage that was flooding. A guy in a red Ferrari was panicking because there was a gang walking around in the garage. The gang pulled a different man out of a car and shot him, but the bullet went through the guy and hit the Ferrari guy too. Then the gang members all got suspicious of each other and started shooting at each other, but it was not crazy-everyone-shooting-at-once gun fight. Rather, the main guy would shoot and kill someone, then a different guy would shoot and kill the main guy, then a different guy would shoot and kill the guy who killed the main guy, etc. By approximately the 10th kill, all the gang members were nervous and pointing their guns at each other.

Then I was one of the gang members and I was fearing for my life too. I was one of about five members left. One of the other members spoke and said we should stop killing each other. We agreed. Then we were a team and we looked for a way out of the garage. We hid behind a washing machine and Susie and Jill S. walked by. We followed them upstairs to their car and threatened to kill them if they didn't give us their car. A gang member found a wire cutter and cut the chain-link fence that closed us in and we all ran out into the rainy street.

Mom's side of the family and I were in South Carolina with Thomas Ravenel walking around on some grassy hills and valleys. We arrived at a tavern. Then I wasn't with Mom's family anymore, I was with Dad's side of the family. I noticed a sign in the bar that encouraged patrons to fight each other. The family fought me. They couldn't die.


I was with Ben, Owen, Cassie, Jack, etc. We went to an outdoor sitting area where a gang of guys were dressed like Darth Vader. They were guarding the area. I forget much of the dream, but I was absolutely strapped with handguns under my coat and we had to run away before the Darth Vaders thought we were initiating gang activity.


I am in prison with a bunch of assassins. Everyone is killing everyone. Very violent. I think to myself “I want out of this dream—too violent.” Then I am at a building with a bunch of people and kids from the ALC. It seems to me like a haven for “creative students.” We have to perform something creative to the boss or we get kicked out. One person gets kicked out every once in a while. I am scared to get kicked out because I don't want to go back to the prison. I decided to make cookies for the boss. I overhear guards talking and they say that the boss just randomly chooses someone to kick out anyways. The dream becomes darker. The boss learns I am escaped from the violent prison and threatens to send me back. The haven is now scary and I wish I could escape but I am scared of the boss and his consequences.

I am at an ice rink for some strange hockey-esque sport. I am a spectator, however I am on the ice. The game is like hockey, only each team only has two people and the goals are opposite each other on the shorter distance from each other sides of the rink. Occasionally the puck comes to where I am and I have to shoot it back. This makes me very nervous. Also on the ice with me as spectators are Henry S., Luke H., Annika, Megan M., and a couple more. The other spectators who are off the rink are getting angry with me for sending the puck back to the wrong team. Mr. Lindsey ushers us off the ice. He laughs at me because I was using a lefty stick with a righty grip. The “hockey” girls and I go back to a seating area to watch the rest of the game.

Then three women come up to us. They say they are from the “South Park something” and want our input on an upcoming episode titled “High Times” or something. As we are walking back into the other room/lobby of the ice rink we are split into two groups. I go down a hallway and see a chicken on a couch. A South Park lady tells me about it and I grow suspicious. I think she's trying to trick me into going into the room with the other group, who I believe are planning to kill me. Then the dream gets weird. I plan a South Park episode with the woman, Matt Stone, and Trey Parker, but it turns out that Matt and Trey are actually one person. And then it turns out they're not even one person, they're actually a sentient vine-like plant creature that reaches out for and attacks me. This all becomes the plot of the episode we we're writing, while also happening in real life.

I am at a huge mall with people. Me, Patrick W., and someone else sit down at a table with an Arab man. Patrick makes a “terrorist” comment. The guy seems visibly distraught and leaves the table. Later, I am with a group of girls and we are playing poker in one of the stores at the mall. But it's not a store, it's just a seating area for us to play poker. We are all playing when a voice on the loudspeaker says the mall is closing. All the girls leave except for me and Kate. They leave hastily and leave a huge mess and don't pay (pay for what, I don't know). Kate and I have to explain to the owner of the mall that we are cleaning up after our rude friends who left illegally (because they didn't pay). We all had our prized possessions with us in the poker room. I had my flower pillows, Zoey had puffy, Katarina had all this stuff, and Kate had her stuff. Me and Kate were shocked at how the others just left behind their stuff like they did.

MARCH 2016

My friends and I were at the dream version of Dylan's house smoking and sitting on a counter in his kitchen. We were also drinking whiskey and apple juice. His house was in Chicago, where we all were for a swim meet. I was by Dylan's front door. The scary, tall guy from “It Follows” walked by the door and flashed me a gang sign. I FREAKED OUT and went back to the kitchen and told everyone. Owen said “I know that guy!” and went out to talk to him.

I was at school and Charlie O. was there. The school was underground, like a train station, but it was also above ground and similar to [elementary school] (can't explain weird dream landscapes!) I went to McGee's classroom, but was late, so I got a bad seat and had to sit in the front row. Some kids came in and were doing a play where the front row was supposed to participate, but I was “too cool” so I didn't. This chick threw a firecracker at me and I flipped shit and called her a fat bitch. Everyone was silent and shocked. I thought I was going to get in trouble but I didn't.


I was walking home from the dream version of the cub and target strip mall. I was in a weird mood. I was walking next to the kid who I sat by in chemistry class (not Zetus). I asked if his name was something (don't remember) and he said no, then I recognized him and we laughed. There were advertisements on the sidewalk that were interactive holograms which moved like regular people. One was a kid carrying two trash cans. It was advertising a game to kick the trash cans. Me, chemistry kid, and another girl kept kicking the ad's trash cans. Then we all parted. I had accidentally missed my turn, so I had to backtrack. I kept getting lost. I kept passing this workout place so I went in. Kevin Hart worked there. Also there was a DJ from full house, Jack, Sawyer, and Shaq. Kevin Hart was the main instructor and he got me to do this exercise where I grab a rope and handle coming from the ceiling, lift my lower body up and extend my legs upwards. Surprisingly, I could do it. Then all the people working out went savage and started fighting each other like primitive beings. At this point I left and continued walking home. At the park by the house there were a ton of borzois, which seemed like a familiar sight so I was unfazed, but this time they were puppy borzois so I went to pet them. I checked some of their tags and they were in German. The owners then came out and they were from Austria.

Dreampt I was flirting with Paul B. at a party. At some point during the party I cussed out Stuss in front of everyone.


Me, Owen, and Ben were running across floating squares on water in a harbor. When we reached the other side of the harbor we got onto a large dock and there was a cruise ship. The front of the ship was underwater. A guy who worked on the ship said we could get on, but when we did the ship went more underwater. The guy went and talked to his supervisor and she said we had to start the cruise out in the water a bit or something like that. They evacuated the boat and got everyone onto small boats and sent them off to sea. I was on a boat with Mama and Greg. It was dark by then. The water was freezing and the boats were all slightly full of water. We were floating in our boat above the cruise ship which was slightly underwater (fig A). The water was freezing and around us people were getting sick and dying. I turned around at one point and Momma didn't have an arm because a swordfish ate it off. I was very distressed and suspicious of the crew now.

Then, somehow, we were getting off the boats and onto the cruise ship, even though it was still kind of underwater. The next part I remember I was in the gift shop with Dad and Julia. Dad noticed that a pair of basketball shorts weren't wet at all and got suspicious of the worker who was in there. Is the crew lying about the ship being underwater just to hurt us? Then the worker went crazy and started wielding a knife around trying to kill us. Everything went to chaos at that point and the crew all over the boat started trying to kill the passengers. I kept throwing racks of clothes down in front of me to block the worker's attacks. Then he went after Dad and Julia and other customers in the store. I watched from behind a pile of clothes and boxes as Julia got her throat cut.

Then I jumped into a hamper/hole in the wall and started free falling. I somehow knew that I was falling into a death chamber. Instead of accepting that fate, I ripped the wall of the freefall chamber and climbed into another free-fall chamber that led elsewhere. I kept doing this until I almost fell into a room where all the crew were. I stopped myself from falling and watched. The crew was now a bunch of animals and humanoid aliens. They were all chanting and dancing. The other passengers found this room and started attacking the alien-and-animal crew. The humanoid aliens were easy to kill, the animals were harder. Finally it was down to just me, the supervisor, and a humanoid alien who was actually on my (the passengers') team. I was hiding and the supervisor told the alien that he wasn't a member of the superior “o” race like the rest of the crew, but he was actually a “1” and she didn't know why he was helping us humans. Then she left and the alien came over to me and the dream was over.

APRIL 2016

Dreampt I made out with tall Adam in the shower last night.


I went over to Beau's house, but he was a girl and I forgot to bring my bass. Julia was there. We went inside and everything was decorated for Christmas even though it wasn't Christmas. They had had significant renovations since the last time I was there. Beau's whole family was there. Then my family, some people from school, and some strangers showed up. We ate dinner together. Kanye and Kim were there. Beau's family was being really snobby to me and I was getting really upset. Finally I stormed out and walked down to the [name] River. I walked down some docks to a little motor boat with three people on it. The boat was already pushed off the dock a little, so I jumped in the water and asked if I could go with them. They knew my name somehow, but it was dark so I didn't know them. They were going out on the boat to smoke marijuana. They accepted me in. Then Kanye called me because I'm guessing the people at the dinner party were worried. I didn't answer but his caller ID said “an African male.” I was confused but thought it was one of his silly antics so I screenshotted it and sent it to him.


Dreampt I was at a public shower place with all these girls. The showers were all taken except for one. Behati Prinsloo asked if I wanted to share a shower and I said ok because I thought it was a cultural thing for her or something. Once in the shower and undressed I realized I was taller than her. Also, I thought I would be insecure about my body, but I felt ok because I was “voluptuous.” We get out of the shower and it turns out we didn't even shower at all, we just got undressed and redressed. The group of girls and I walked down a hallway. I was collecting paper clips with my toes and dragging them down the hall. We passed Shia LaBeouf and he thought it was funny (my paperclip toe thing) so he started doing it too.

I was doing xanax with Jack and he had so many pills. I was really sad and wanted to die so I took a lot, but I was choking on the pills and couldn't swallow.


It was prom and I was late to my hair appointment so I had to run to the salon. I was with Cassie, some chick, Rayvon, and someone else (maybe). We were running through fields of snow. It was so hard to run. I woke up and my legs hurt so bad I couldn't move for a couple minutes.

Julia wanted to open up a flower shop at our house and I was micromanaging everything. I was making a list of things we had to do. On the list I wrote that we had to go to Michael's for paper to make a sign, and we needed to mulch the outside garden.

I was with Dominic and we were walking around the high school. It was huge and like a maze and it had those never-ending stairs.

MAY 2016

I'm in Ireland, but it looks like Holland mixed with downtown [city]. The location has islands belonging to France just off the coast. I'm running around with Julia and some boy and we're trying to get away from something. I suggest we hide in a little fenced-in area. These three kids, two boys and a girl (who we were not originally running from) bike up to us in our hiding place and start being rude to us. They threaten that if we don't leave Ireland in three days they'll kill us. We go our separate ways but the girl follows us. She says that they are serious and tells us to boat out to one of the French islands to destroy their bomb materials. I am hesitant because I think she's tricking us. We don't go out to the island.

Time passes and now I am out on a boat with John Hamm, two young girls, and some other people who are also trying to escape from Ireland. I see the two boys go onto their bomb making island. I'm trying to escape, but they electricify the water and bomb our ship. The other people on the boat die. It's now just John Hamm, one little girl, and me. We manage to hold onto the boat until it floats to a navy yard in the middle of the ocean. There are big ships floating around it (anchored, I assume). We hop onto one of these ships and lie on the deck until a rescue team picks us up.


Had a dream that I was pregnant and was crying, so sad, lost, and hopeless. It was really scary and emotional.

I was walking with Jack and Cassie along a creek near a lake. I knocked over a huge tree. Inside a hole in the tree there was a salmon. Jack says, “I'll spear it” and reaches for a stick. Raquel comes out of nowhere with an ax and chops the fish. She also chops Jack's hand almost entirely off. I go into a panic. Cassie and Raquel try to put pressure and gauze on his nearly-severed hand. I call 911 and am hysterical. The operator won't put me through.

JUNE 2016

Dreampt I was making arrangements to sell LSD to Kylie Jenner at a library.

JULY 2016

Dreampt I was addicted to smoking cigarettes.


I was in ninth-grade spanish class. Forbes sat next to me. Before the teacher walked into class, mean Zack and some other kids made a mess all over the classroom wall with marinara sauce. It looked like Zack laid in the sauce and pressed a body print on the wall, along with shoe marks and hand smears. After class started I was generally disruptive.


I was in Australia. Kara lived there and we were at her house in this marsh/wetland/rainforest, but everything was tinted sepia (the sky and everything too) and there were big hills in the water of the marsh with trees on them. Me and Kara were looking for a rare worm in the shallow water of the swamp. The worm was so rare we didn't know if it even existed or not.
