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Friends' Dreams |
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1/2/22 |
Julia - Had a dream about a really good child actor pretending to be like the stereotypical asshole kid and he was walking up the stairs with a gun wearing a cowboy outfit yelling at his friends and Lois got trapped in the crystal dimension but Peter freed her and then my alarm clock woke me up cuz I have to go to the doctor to get Covid test. |
3/23/22 |
John - I had a dream that I was a chaperone for a group of kids to a luxury aquarium. We were swimming through a lazy river type thing and the exhibits were through glass, but still inside the lazy river. We reached a demonstration area above water where an employee was like, “I'll need a volunteer please” and the other chaperone went up there and the guide showed some shit about fish then the guide pulled out a lobster that was clicking its claws and said “I'll need another volunteer” and everyone was “...” but I said “what do you need a volunteer for?” and the guide looked at me and said “for the lobster handshake” so I was like fuck it we ball and the kids cheered and I got pinched but it was fun. |
3/24/22 |
Friend - I noticed a patch of dead skin on the right side of my left foot that was larger than a half-dollar coin. I acknowledged that it was likely a problem, but went back to what I was doing (which I don't recall at all what it was now) anyways, thinking it wouldn't become a major issue if it hadn't already. Then at some point, someone else stumbled and ended up stepping on that foot, which ripped off the dead skin and holy FUCK did I feel it! Like, I don't recall actually experiencing physical pain in a dream that was super vivid and real ever before... so I go to look at it, and there's this gaping hole in my foot where the dead skin was!! It was like a window into my foot, which was actually rotting from the inside out with like puss and blood oozing everywhere, and that's when I woke up, which was a relief because then the pain disappeared. |
3/31/22 |
John - I had a dream I was waiting in line for a limited run puzzle box hand crafted by one of the best woodworkers and I got to the end of the line and there was only one left and I was like “ohohhoho I gotta take a pic to remember this” and I looked down to grab my phone and the guy behind me grabbed it and stared at me and I just looked at him like “bro that's clearly mine” and he said “yeah but, I'm the one who has it” and I knew there was nothing I could do and he walked off. I raged HARD for a minute until I was like “wait. I don't care” and looked at where the puzzle box was and there was prosciutto so I ate it and walked off. |
4/8/22 |
John - I had a dream there was a woman in court and the leader of the Russian army was saying that because they tried to assassinate her, and she faked her death, now that she is found she should get a death sentence. |
4/18/22 |
John - I had a dream I was going to hang out with MkLeo, and Luke and I pulled up to his place which was in like White Bear or something and it was dark and Leo just rushed out of the woods at me and it freaked me out. Then he started smoking a cigarette and offered me one and I literally declined and told him “I'm trying to flex on a friend, sorry.” |
4/28/22 |
Friend - Just had a dream where Russia invaded the United States through Canada. They rolled up a bunch of tanks at my dad's house and occupied us. They wanted me to work for the government as a programmer, so I flew away! |
4/28/22 |
Julia - I had a dream that I was sitting in the living room with you and Mom and I peed in the chair I was sitting in three times and when you guys found out you yelled at me and I woke up cuz it was scary. |
5/10/22 |
John - I had a dream I was treasure hunting in a crypt or tomb (like Indiana Jones). I don't really remember much outside that, except there was a big wolf guarding the treasure and somehow I distracted it. |
5/19/22 |
Julia - So I had a dream Martin gave me a CD that teleported me into an episode of Spongebob he made and so it was like obviously shitty CGI like you could tell it wasn't officially made by Spongebob staff or whatever and it was really creepy like I was in Spongebob's house and all the rooms looked dark and scary so I stayed in the living room and Spongebob and Patrick were there in scary low-qual CGI and so I went out the front door which teleported me to that (idk... wellhouse?) in the park in our neighborhood like when I left Spongebob's house it was like I was leaving the wellhouse, so then I found myself in the park and Maria was there with Ozzy Osbourne. Something seemed off about her and Ozzy. Then later I'm at a video game store with my friend Brandon and there were a few other people there and Maria and Ozzy walked in and Maria was acting weird and I was reading a magazine about anime when Maria turned into a ghoul and tried to eat me (I was the only human in the store and everyone else was a ghoul and she was a ghoul, but she was a human-eating ghoul). After that it's hazy, but I ended up being at my house with Brandon and Charlie was there too now and I think Maria got like tranquilized and brought to the “pound” or whatever at that point and we were waiting for them to call us and tell us what was going on and then the dream ended. |
5/20/22 |
John - I had a dream Luke, Martin, and I went to a rock climbing gym and it was fun. |
5/24/22 |
Martin - Had a dream me and John went to Santa Barbara and toured an apartment and then stole food at a nice restaurant. |
5/24/22 |
John - I had a dream I was at a stand up comedy show and the comedian said, “when I was a kid, I didn't know if my girlfriend really loved me, so I came up with a plan. On the first day of school I would tell her something that she couldn't forget, so on that day I told her: I love rap music. She got us tickets to Coachella and I knew she didn't love me when this was the rap music in the set” and then I was watching Lizzo or something cover a Bruno Mars song and my friend turned to me and said, “we know about talking to a God with a large following, but do you think in smaller religions they get more attention from their God?” and some fat neckbeard on the other side of me said “uhm, do either of you actually practice a micro-religion? because I don't think you should—” and I cut him off by lying and saying “yes” with a straight face and then he left us alone. |
5/27/22 |
Friend - I had a dream that I moved back in with some of my old roommates out of desperation, then immediately regretted it, so I wandered the basement, which morphed into some white-walled institution, where I met a strange guy and then we drove away together. |
6/10/22 |
Martin - Had a dream Russia had a huge floating platform up in the atmosphere and they were shooting exploding beams down at us (one almost hit me and blew my underwear off). USA vs Russia were boxing up there too. Everyone down on the ground started shouting, like booing the Russians, then they dropped wires and started coming down and our dad was the leader of all of us and I told him they were coming and he was like “what do I do?” |
6/25/22 |
Friend - I was in an arena where a shooter came in, and I almost escaped, but the shooter left the same way I did, I guess, and they shot me in the head but I didn't die, and they took me with them for some reason... then a bunch of other shit I don't recall... then I was back in the arena with John Cena and we were antagonizing these even bigger meatheads. We beat most of them or something, but one of them got up, grabbed him by the ankles, swung him up into the air and brought him down on his butt really hard, but I didn't see him hit the floor because the dream literally smash cut to us out in line at a food stand on the beach afterwards, and Cena was like “maybe I'll get the [something] with onions...” that would've been a spicy, greasy nightmare and we shook our heads like “no dude” and he laughed, saying “what, you guys want me to take it easy on my butthole?” as if it were the funny outro scene of a movie where the heroes won, but at a cost, and the filmmakers wanted to undercut the severity of the loss to make the viewers leave feeling good. I recall some of the other shit in the middle: In the arena, before John Cena, we were trying to play some songs on guitar, and I had a song in my head that I couldn't remember how to play, but ended up jamming with them on a silly little two chord loop anyways. Then after all the other madness, I immediately remembered what song it was and how to play when I woke up! |
7/1/22 |
Dante - Dreamt I pulled like 25 leeches off the bottom of my feet. |
7/5/22 |
Friend - I just had one where Jaime Pressly had her own merch table at a random dinky bar, I told her how much I liked “My Name Is Earl,” she said thanks but seemed unphased, like maybe she isn't proud of that show, I told her I didn't want to buy her merch but asked if we could take a selfie together, but she started bartering for lots of money, which went on for way too long for a dream and ended with me leaving the bar without the selfie, realizing Jaime Pressly either hates “My Name Is Earl” fans or she's really fallen on some hard times. |
7/6/22 |
Friend - I got into a fight with my dad about something and he messed up my room (not my actual room but a glorified closet more so) to retaliate, like all my stuff was pulled out and strewn about as messily as possible. I tried to find my stuff to go to work, even looking in the basement, which I had to squeeze between two very close walls to get to and almost got stuck, wondering if my dad could fit, and got some satisfaction from thinking his belly would be too big to slide past. It was a basement that I've seen in other dreams, but not real life and I specifically remember seeing it both in some recent dream and in one from over a year ago where I forgot my grandpa was dead. This time, I found a bunch of old books as usual, but finally opened one. Sadly I don't remember what I saw in it. I also found a pair of shoes that were leather but had a stroop waffle texture, but I was running out of time to get to work! I had, for some reason, gotten my friend Noah to come pick me up to go to work, but I was so delayed and not responding that he came inside when I went back upstairs and was shouting with my dad. I was so pissed that I decided to just skip work without calling in and went snowboarding with dugang and Jordyn. For some reason, I didn't put my socks on and I didn't strap in my right boot and binding for the first run. We made it close to the bottom though, where there was a steep drop. We didn't see which way to get to one of two lift lines at the bottom everyone else went to, so my friend Sam said that we should wait and see soon enough when their lift chair would come into view as they rode up. I got impatient and realized I wouldn't be able to ride down the steep drop anyways, thinking I still couldn't strap in my right boot or just walk down. I instead grabbed a lift chair passing overhead, which carried me to a pylon that I could climb down, but it was still not at the bottom of the hill, and I actually fell down into a mysterious ice cavern, where my right foot landed in a pool of water and soaked my right boot. Jordyn came to check on me, and I tried to crawl out to her in a gap that ran between the ceiling and the floor, but I didn't fit. I was about to freak out, but when I looked behind me there was a huge ice window that gave a view to a majestic ice palace in some mountains that I wish I could draw more than anything I've ever seen in a dream! After admiring it for a bit, I tried to crawl through the gap again and made it. I checked my boot and it was actually dry, and Jordyn chatted with me about how she used to be fat, like 800 pounds fat. We left, and I realized I was going to miss my team meeting at work if I really played hooky all day, so I started to actually feel kind of guilty and very anxious. Somehow I “fell asleep” and then thought I woke up from this dream in my actual room, and when I checked my phone it said 7:40, so I thought I still had time to make the meeting at 9:00, but there were messages from my project manager mocking me for probably being “highhigh high soooo high... etc.” as if that's why I was missing work and not calling in, so I got really pissed and was going to literally report him to my human resources representative like “I don't understand why the fuck he's making these baseless accusations when he's probably the druggie alcoholic, fucking drug test me to prove I'm not a stoner” but I clicked on a bad link that brought me through a bunch of redirects that seemed sketchy and I landed on a fake page for the Redis database tool when I had hit the button to cancel loading on the browser. The page indicated that it was actually 7:40 PM, which freaked me the fuck out because I keep my phone in military time so it really should've been 7:40 AM if something wasn't totally fucked up with my whole phone all of a sudden, and that got me so anxious that I actually woke up and had to come to the realization that this had all been a dream. |
7/20/22 |
Name - Dream |
7/23/22 |
John - Dream |
7/25/22 |
Friend - Dream |
7/28/22 |
Friend - Dream |
8/4/22 |
Friend - Dream |
8/25/22 |
Friend - Dream |
8/26/22 |
Julia - Dream |
8/31/22 |
Julia - Dream |
9/13/22 |
Name - Dream |
9/14/22 |
John - Dream |
9/20/22 |
John - Dream |
9/25/22 |
Martin - Dream |
9/28/22 |
John - Dream |
10/13/22 |
John - Dream |
10/16/22 |
John - Dream |
11/7/22 |
Dante - Dream |
12/6/22 |
Dante - Dream |
12/10/22 |
Dante - Dream |
12/29/22 |
Friend - Dream |
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