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Friends' Dreams |
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7/23/21 |
Slavi - I had a dream last night that my parents bought an RV and covered it in Trump stickers, then I stole it because I didn't have a car, then I used the stolen RV to round up a horde of wild flamingos. |
7/29/21 |
Julia - I had a dream last night that Dan and Phil got girlfriends and they started controlling Dan and Phil like Britney's dad does to her. |
8/17/21 |
Friend - I just had a nightmare where my dad and I had to run to the basement and a tornado destroyed the house. |
8/17/21 |
Martin - Had a dream last night that me and Clay and Logan (friends) were all middle aged and fat and we were on a bed. Clay and Logan started wrestling for fun and Logan picked Clay up (they were facing each other) and dropped him on the bed. Clay landed on his back and rolled off the bed and landed straight on the top of his head. I had my hands on my face like... fuck... and he was in pain and I just sat there in shock until I gained composure and was like, I'm gonna go help him feel okay and then I woke up. |
8/25/21 |
Dante - Just remembered part of my dream. Was at a gigantic reddish brown cathedral like surreal level of a crazy design and it was like the size of a small city and hundreds of feet high. |
8/27/21 |
Martin - Had a dream where K. boys and our mom were at this gift shop type place and they took us (Mom waited outside) in the bathroom to teach us about how meth and cocaine are bad. They started by giving us some meth while talking about how addictive it is and so we did meth and there were also people in there who were serious addicts and their faces were wrinkly and their eyes were fully clouded and they looked like zombies. Then we did coke, then more meth, then I left and I was so scared. |
8/28/21 |
Martin - I had a dream last night where I was in a restaurant in Minneapolis and behind me through a window (still inside the restaurant) a dog wearing a suit, looked like from 1950s time-ish, came in and sat down at a table and was looking at the menu. I couldn't believe it so I took a picture, but my flash was on. The dog turned its head around and was barking at me. It was really mad and aggressive and I could tell it's feelings were hurt and could sense a history of trauma/insecurity around its condition. Then again tonight I dreamt of the same dog-person in the same restaurant and I wanted to film him giving his order to the waiter because of how bizarre it was. Again, my flash was on and the dog turned its head around to bark and bark at me. Dad and Mom were in the restaurant sitting at near tables to me and were like, “yup, she's really mad.” “You shouldn't have done that,” and I was in a panic. I looked back at the dog and it was standing up and had a pink skirt on (one of the thin ones that a ballerina would wear) and I thought it must also be a transgender. All while maintaining the feel of existing in the early/mid 1900s. I asked, “should I go talk to her?” and when someone said yeah I turned around to see the dog was gone and figured she was coming to talk to me. I started walking out the room a few steps and then there was a woman, pretty attractive and blonde, walking fast towards me with her finger pointed at me and already sternly saying how horrible I was. There was some figure following her, standing behind her and to the left of her, but I didn't see what or who it was. I think it was the dog, though. I also knew that the woman was the same dog who I filmed. I woke up from the stress of dealing with her to think of what I should have said—“you come to tell me how horribly I have treated someone, yet look how you are treating me.” Also, before I was at this restaurant, I was at a local business owners store. It was a big Costco type place, blue theme, and underground. Don't remember what happened there, but I found myself on ground level in a basketball court in the ghetto/hood area. There were children playing jump rope and running around doing what kids do and I was talking to the owner who was a woman. She asked me if I was a big bong ripper and we laughed and I said yeah, though recently I haven't been smoking. Somehow I inferred that she was too, and she told me that the cops were going to force her to close her business—I inferred it was because of weed smoking. She didn't know what she was going to do, how she'd get money. I said, “what you're doing isn't hurting anyone,” and she agreed with me yet, nothing either of us could do about it. |
8/28/21 |
Aidan - I just woke up from a dream where I was in my mom's house and we were hosting a family reunion. It was weird though, because the people there were from my dad's side of the family. Everything looked mostly the same in my mom's house, except there was one of those big iron wood burning stoves in each room (we actually used to have one in the basement, but it was removed years ago). Oddly, in the dream, there were also cast iron pans hanging from hooks on the walls all over the place, and more of the heavy iron pans randomly sitting on shelves and in the sink. Anyways, during this family reunion my mom told me that she needed me to get rid of the stoves, because they were taking up too much space that our guests needed. So I had to pick up these heavy iron things and rip them out of the wall. Then, when they were out, there was a large sooty outline left on the wall where the stove was. It actually looked pretty cool. |
10/4/21 |
Dante - I had a weird dream we were at my cabin and my dad was acting crazy. |
10/17/21 |
Martin - Had a dream dugang and Papa K. and Momma S. went to a roller coaster park where you had to like climb up to the roller coasters and if you fell you'd just die. Then in the car, Maria, you sat in the backseat with my dad who was shirtless 😭 and then you told me to play “rolling beatle kickers” or something like that. And Spencer was there. |
11/11/21 |
Martin - Had a dream my friend shot me and I went the whole day with a bullet in my leg and walked around “Memorial Park,” one of Jordan Peterson's exhibits in his huge complex thing. Mom asked me if I had to go to the doctor in the night and I said no, and then Ava saw my wound and was like, “yeah, you definitely need to go to the doctor.” I dreaded it and thought about taking ibuprofen so that when they took the bullet out it didn't hurt. I thought about the doc digging and cutting away at my inner flesh. I didn't take the ibuprofen cause I thought it might make things worse at the doc. Ava helped me get downstairs and Dad was like, “what happened?” and I said, "I accidentally shot myself." He got frustrated and said some stuff. Both Luke and John had to go to the hospital as well for dif reasons. Ava helped me get in the car and we had a family trip to the Jordan Peterson complex. We sat at a booth at a restaurant and Mom was there and she was passive-aggressively trying to get at why I lied about not having to go to the hospital. |
11/27/21 |
Dante - I had a dream we went to a super weird version of scary [bar] in a weird ghost town version of [town]. And we were there all night and they gave me free drinks for bringing so much business, but N. didn't pay and I didn't notice and we left and went home. And people and cops were showing up to all our houses and making us track N. down and I beat the shit out of him. Like his arm got stuck in the couch and I threatened to hit him and he immediately started screeching and crying like a baby squealing. It was unnerving. Everyone was like "ohhh c'mon at least take a hit first.” |
12/15/21 |
Friend - I just had a dream involving someone I haven't communicated with in over a year and haven't seen in like 5 years, and when I woke up I had a LinkedIn notification saying they looked at my profile. |
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1/2/22 |
Julia - Had a dream about a really good child actor pretending to be like the stereotypical asshole kid and he was walking up the stairs with a gun wearing a cowboy outfit yelling at his friends and Lois got trapped in the crystal dimension but Peter freed her and then my alarm clock woke me up cuz I have to go to the doctor to get Covid test. |
3/23/22 |
John - I had a dream that I was a chaperone for a group of kids to a luxury aquarium. We were swimming through a lazy river type thing and the exhibits were through glass, but still inside the lazy river. We reached a demonstration area above water where an employee was like, “I'll need a volunteer please” and the other chaperone went up there and the guide showed some shit about fish then the guide pulled out a lobster that was clicking its claws and said “I'll need another volunteer” and everyone was “...” but I said “what do you need a volunteer for?” and the guide looked at me and said “for the lobster handshake” so I was like fuck it we ball and the kids cheered and I got pinched but it was fun. |
3/24/22 |
Friend - I noticed a patch of dead skin on the right side of my left foot that was larger than a half-dollar coin. I acknowledged that it was likely a problem, but went back to what I was doing (which I don't recall at all what it was now) anyways, thinking it wouldn't become a major issue if it hadn't already. Then at some point, someone else stumbled and ended up stepping on that foot, which ripped off the dead skin and holy FUCK did I feel it! Like, I don't recall actually experiencing physical pain in a dream that was super vivid and real ever before... so I go to look at it, and there's this gaping hole in my foot where the dead skin was!! It was like a window into my foot, which was actually rotting from the inside out with like puss and blood oozing everywhere, and that's when I woke up, which was a relief because then the pain disappeared. |
3/31/22 |
John - I had a dream I was waiting in line for a limited run puzzle box hand crafted by one of the best woodworkers and I got to the end of the line and there was only one left and I was like “ohohhoho I gotta take a pic to remember this” and I looked down to grab my phone and the guy behind me grabbed it and stared at me and I just looked at him like “bro that's clearly mine” and he said “yeah but, I'm the one who has it” and I knew there was nothing I could do and he walked off. I raged HARD for a minute until I was like “wait. I don't care” and looked at where the puzzle box was and there was prosciutto so I ate it and walked off. |
4/8/22 |
John - I had a dream there was a woman in court and the leader of the Russian army was saying that because they tried to assassinate her, and she faked her death, now that she is found she should get a death sentence. |
4/18/22 |
John - I had a dream I was going to hang out with MkLeo, and Luke and I pulled up to his place which was in like White Bear or something and it was dark and Leo just rushed out of the woods at me and it freaked me out. Then he started smoking a cigarette and offered me one and I literally declined and told him “I'm trying to flex on a friend, sorry.” |
4/28/22 |
Friend - Just had a dream where Russia invaded the United States through Canada. They rolled up a bunch of tanks at my dad's house and occupied us. They wanted me to work for the government as a programmer, so I flew away! |
4/28/22 |
Julia - I had a dream that I was sitting in the living room with you and Mom and I peed in the chair I was sitting in three times and when you guys found out you yelled at me and I woke up cuz it was scary. |
5/10/22 |
John - I had a dream I was treasure hunting in a crypt or tomb (like Indiana Jones). I don't really remember much outside that, except there was a big wolf guarding the treasure and somehow I distracted it. |
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